19 research outputs found

    A comparison of metacompilation approaches to implementing Modelica

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    A compiler for natural semantics

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    Formal semantics for LIPS (Language for Implementing Parallel/distributed Systems)

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    This thesis presents operational semantics and an abstract machine for a point-to-point asynchronous message passing language called LIPS (Language for Implementing Parallel/ distributed Systems). One of the distinctive features of LIPS is its capability to handle computation and communication independently. Taking advantage of this capability, a two steps strategy has been adopted to define the operational semantics. The two steps are as follows: ‱ A big-step semantics with single-step re-writes is used to relate the expressions and their evaluated results (computational part of LIPS). ‱ The developed big-step semantics has been extended with Structural Operational Semantics (SOS) to describe the asynchronous message passing of LIPS (communication part of LIPS). The communication in LIPS has been implemented using Asynchronous Message Passing System (AMPS). It makes use of very simple data structures and avoids the use of buffers. While operational semantics is used to specify the meaning of programs, abstract machines are used to provide intermediate representation of the language's implementation. LIPS Abstract Machine (LAM) is defined to execute LIPS programs. The correctness of the execution of the LIPS program/expression written using the operational semantics is verified by comparing it with its equivalent code generated using the abstract machine. Specification of Asynchronous Communicating Systems (SACS) is a process algebra developed to specify the communication in LIPS programs. It is an asynchronous variant of Synchronous Calculus of Communicating Systems (SCCS). This research presents the SOS for SACS and looks at the bisimulation equivalence properties for SACS which can be used to verify the behaviour of a specified process. An implementation is said to be complete when it is equivalent to its specifications. SACS has been used for the high level specification of the communication part of LIPS programs and is implemented using AMPS. This research proves that SACS and AMPS are equivalent by defining a weak bisimulation equivalence relation between the SOS of both SACS and AMPS

    EOOLT 2007 – Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools

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    Computer aided modeling and simulation of complex systems, using components from multiple application domains, such as electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, control, etc., have in recent years witness0065d a significant growth of interest. In the last decade, novel equation-based object-oriented (EOO) modeling languages, (e.g. Mode- lica, gPROMS, and VHDL-AMS) based on acausal modeling using equations have appeared. Using such languages, it has become possible to model complex systems covering multiple application domains at a high level of abstraction through reusable model components. The interest in EOO languages and tools is rapidly growing in the industry because of their increasing importance in modeling, simulation, and specification of complex systems. There exist several different EOO language communities today that grew out of different application areas (multi-body system dynamics, electronic circuit simula- tion, chemical process engineering). The members of these disparate communities rarely talk to each other in spite of the similarities of their modeling and simulation needs. The EOOLT workshop series aims at bringing these different communities together to discuss their common needs and goals as well as the algorithms and tools that best support them. Despite the short deadlines and the fact that this is a new not very established workshop series, there was a good response to the call-for-papers. Thirteen papers and one presentation were accepted to the workshop program. All papers were subject to reviews by the program committee, and are present in these electronic proceedings. The workshop program started with a welcome and introduction to the area of equa- tion-based object-oriented languages, followed by paper presentations and discussion sessions after presentations of each set of related papers. On behalf of the program committee, the Program Chairmen would like to thank all those who submitted papers to EOOLT'2007. Special thanks go to David Broman who created the web page and helped with organization of the workshop. Many thanks to the program committee for reviewing the papers. EOOLT'2007 was hosted by the Technical University of Berlin, in conjunction with the ECOOP'2007 conference

    Domain specific languages and their type systems

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    A demand-driven solver for constraint-based control flow analysis

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    This thesis develops a demand driven solver for constraint based control flow analysis. Our approach is modular, flow-sensitive and scaling. It allows to efficiently construct the interprocedural control flow graph (ICFG) for object-oriented languages. The analysis is based on the formal semantics of a Java-like language. It is proven to be correct with respect to this semantics. The base algorithms are given and we evaluate the applicability of our approach to real world programs. Construction of the ICFG is a key problem for the translation and optimization of object-oriented languages. The more accurate these graphs are, the more applicable, precise and faster are these analyses. While most present techniques are flow-insensitive, we present a flow-sensitive approach that is scalable. The analysis result is twofold. On the one hand, it allows to identify and delete uncallable methods, thus minimizing the program\u27;s footprint. This is especially important in the setting of embedded systems, where usually memory resources are quite expensive. On the other hand, the interprocedural control flow graph generated is much more precise than those generated with present techniques. This allows for increased accuracy when performing data flow analyses. Also this aspect is important for embedded systems, as more precise analyses allow the compiler to apply better optimizations, resulting in smaller and/or faster programs. Experimental results are given that demonstrate the applicability and scalability of the analysis.Diese Arbeit entwickelt einen Bedarf-gesteuerten Löser fĂŒr Constraint- basierte Kontrollflußanalyse. Unser Ansatz ist modular, fluß-sensitiv and skaliert. Er erlaubt das effiziente Konstruieren des interprozeduralen Kontrollflußgraphen fuer objektorientierte Programmiersprachen. Die Analyse basiert auf der formalen Semantik einer Java-Ă€hnlichen Sprache und wird als korrekt bezĂŒglich dieser Semantik bewiesen. Wir prĂ€sentieren die grundlegenden Algorithmen und belegen die Anwendbarkeit unseres Ansatzes auf realistische Programme. Die Konstruktion des interprozeduralen Kontrollflußgraphen ist ein SchlĂŒsselproblem bei der Übersetzung und Optimierung objekt- orientierter Programmiersprachen. Je genauer diese Graphen sind, desto prĂ€ziser und schneller sind darauf arbeitende Datenfluß-Analysen. WĂ€hrend die meisten heute verbreiteten Techniken fluß-insensitiv sind, prĂ€sentieren wir einen skalierbaren fluß-sensitiven Ansatz. Unsere Analyse hat zwei Hauptergebnisse. Einerseits erlaubt sie, nicht erreichbare Methoden zu identifizieren und zu löschen, wodurch die GrĂ¶ĂŸe des erzeugten Programmes reduziert wird. Dies ist besonders fĂŒr eingebettete Systeme wichtig, bei denen zusĂ€tzlicher Speicherplatz teuer ist. Andererseits ist der mit unserem Ansatz berechnete interprozedurale Kontrollflußgraph wesentlich genauer als der von derzeitigen Techniken berechnete Graph. Dieser prĂ€zisere Graph erlaubt eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Genauigkeit bei Datenflußanalysen. Auch dieser Aspekt ist fĂŒr eingebettete Systeme von großer Bedeutung, da prĂ€zisere Analysen bessere Optimierungen erlauben. Hierdurch wird das erzeugte Programm kleiner und/oder schneller. Experimentelle Ergebnisse belegen die Anwendbarkeit und Skalierbarkeit unserer Analyse