17,637 research outputs found

    A perceptual learning model to discover the hierarchical latent structure of image collections

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    Biology has been an unparalleled source of inspiration for the work of researchers in several scientific and engineering fields including computer vision. The starting point of this thesis is the neurophysiological properties of the human early visual system, in particular, the cortical mechanism that mediates learning by exploiting information about stimuli repetition. Repetition has long been considered a fundamental correlate of skill acquisition andmemory formation in biological aswell as computational learning models. However, recent studies have shown that biological neural networks have differentways of exploiting repetition in forming memory maps. The thesis focuses on a perceptual learning mechanism called repetition suppression, which exploits the temporal distribution of neural activations to drive an efficient neural allocation for a set of stimuli. This explores the neurophysiological hypothesis that repetition suppression serves as an unsupervised perceptual learning mechanism that can drive efficient memory formation by reducing the overall size of stimuli representation while strengthening the responses of the most selective neurons. This interpretation of repetition is different from its traditional role in computational learning models mainly to induce convergence and reach training stability, without using this information to provide focus for the neural representations of the data. The first part of the thesis introduces a novel computational model with repetition suppression, which forms an unsupervised competitive systemtermed CoRe, for Competitive Repetition-suppression learning. The model is applied to generalproblems in the fields of computational intelligence and machine learning. Particular emphasis is placed on validating the model as an effective tool for the unsupervised exploration of bio-medical data. In particular, it is shown that the repetition suppression mechanism efficiently addresses the issues of automatically estimating the number of clusters within the data, as well as filtering noise and irrelevant input components in highly dimensional data, e.g. gene expression levels from DNA Microarrays. The CoRe model produces relevance estimates for the each covariate which is useful, for instance, to discover the best discriminating bio-markers. The description of the model includes a theoretical analysis using Huber’s robust statistics to show that the model is robust to outliers and noise in the data. The convergence properties of themodel also studied. It is shown that, besides its biological underpinning, the CoRe model has useful properties in terms of asymptotic behavior. By exploiting a kernel-based formulation for the CoRe learning error, a theoretically sound motivation is provided for the model’s ability to avoid local minima of its loss function. To do this a necessary and sufficient condition for global error minimization in vector quantization is generalized by extending it to distance metrics in generic Hilbert spaces. This leads to the derivation of a family of kernel-based algorithms that address the local minima issue of unsupervised vector quantization in a principled way. The experimental results show that the algorithm can achieve a consistent performance gain compared with state-of-the-art learning vector quantizers, while retaining a lower computational complexity (linear with respect to the dataset size). Bridging the gap between the low level representation of the visual content and the underlying high-level semantics is a major research issue of current interest. The second part of the thesis focuses on this problem by introducing a hierarchical and multi-resolution approach to visual content understanding. On a spatial level, CoRe learning is used to pool together the local visual patches by organizing them into perceptually meaningful intermediate structures. On the semantical level, it provides an extension of the probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA) model that allows discovery and organization of the visual topics into a hierarchy of aspects. The proposed hierarchical pLSA model is shown to effectively address the unsupervised discovery of relevant visual classes from pictorial collections, at the same time learning to segment the image regions containing the discovered classes. Furthermore, by drawing on a recent pLSA-based image annotation system, the hierarchical pLSA model is extended to process and representmulti-modal collections comprising textual and visual data. The results of the experimental evaluation show that the proposed model learns to attach textual labels (available only at the level of the whole image) to the discovered image regions, while increasing the precision/ recall performance with respect to flat, pLSA annotation model

    What causes aberrant salience in schizophrenia? A role for impaired short-term habituation and the GRIA1 (GluA1) AMPA receptor subunit.

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    The GRIA1 locus, encoding the GluA1 (also known as GluRA or GluR1) AMPA glutamate receptor subunit, shows genome-wide association to schizophrenia. As well as extending the evidence that glutamatergic abnormalities have a key role in the disorder, this finding draws attention to the behavioural phenotype of Gria1 knockout mice. These mice show deficits in short-term habituation. Importantly, under some conditions the attention being paid to a recently presented neutral stimulus can actually increase rather than decrease (sensitization). We propose that this mouse phenotype represents a cause of aberrant salience and, in turn, that aberrant salience (and the resulting positive symptoms) in schizophrenia may arise, at least in part, from a glutamatergic genetic predisposition and a deficit in short-term habituation. This proposal links an established risk gene with a psychological process central to psychosis and is supported by findings of comparable deficits in short-term habituation in mice lacking the NMDAR receptor subunit Grin2a (which also shows association to schizophrenia). As aberrant salience is primarily a dopaminergic phenomenon, the model supports the view that the dopaminergic abnormalities can be downstream of a glutamatergic aetiology. Finally, we suggest that, as illustrated here, the real value of genetically modified mice is not as ‘models of schizophrenia’ but as experimental tools that can link genomic discoveries with psychological processes and help elucidate the underlying neural mechanisms

    Attend Refine Repeat: Active Box Proposal Generation via In-Out Localization

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    The problem of computing category agnostic bounding box proposals is utilized as a core component in many computer vision tasks and thus has lately attracted a lot of attention. In this work we propose a new approach to tackle this problem that is based on an active strategy for generating box proposals that starts from a set of seed boxes, which are uniformly distributed on the image, and then progressively moves its attention on the promising image areas where it is more likely to discover well localized bounding box proposals. We call our approach AttractioNet and a core component of it is a CNN-based category agnostic object location refinement module that is capable of yielding accurate and robust bounding box predictions regardless of the object category. We extensively evaluate our AttractioNet approach on several image datasets (i.e. COCO, PASCAL, ImageNet detection and NYU-Depth V2 datasets) reporting on all of them state-of-the-art results that surpass the previous work in the field by a significant margin and also providing strong empirical evidence that our approach is capable to generalize to unseen categories. Furthermore, we evaluate our AttractioNet proposals in the context of the object detection task using a VGG16-Net based detector and the achieved detection performance on COCO manages to significantly surpass all other VGG16-Net based detectors while even being competitive with a heavily tuned ResNet-101 based detector. Code as well as box proposals computed for several datasets are available at:: https://github.com/gidariss/AttractioNet.Comment: Technical report. Code as well as box proposals computed for several datasets are available at:: https://github.com/gidariss/AttractioNe

    An interoceptive predictive coding model of conscious presence

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    We describe a theoretical model of the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying conscious presence and its disturbances. The model is based on interoceptive prediction error and is informed by predictive models of agency, general models of hierarchical predictive coding and dopaminergic signaling in cortex, the role of the anterior insular cortex (AIC) in interoception and emotion, and cognitive neuroscience evidence from studies of virtual reality and of psychiatric disorders of presence, specifically depersonalization/derealization disorder. The model associates presence with successful suppression by top-down predictions of informative interoceptive signals evoked by autonomic control signals and, indirectly, by visceral responses to afferent sensory signals. The model connects presence to agency by allowing that predicted interoceptive signals will depend on whether afferent sensory signals are determined, by a parallel predictive-coding mechanism, to be self-generated or externally caused. Anatomically, we identify the AIC as the likely locus of key neural comparator mechanisms. Our model integrates a broad range of previously disparate evidence, makes predictions for conjoint manipulations of agency and presence, offers a new view of emotion as interoceptive inference, and represents a step toward a mechanistic account of a fundamental phenomenological property of consciousness

    Involvement of the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamocortical loop in developmental stuttering

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    Stuttering is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that has to date eluded a clear explication of its pathophysiological bases. In this review, we utilize the Directions Into Velocities of Articulators (DIVA) neurocomputational modeling framework to mechanistically interpret relevant findings from the behavioral and neurological literatures on stuttering. Within this theoretical framework, we propose that the primary impairment underlying stuttering behavior is malfunction in the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamocortical (hereafter, cortico-BG) loop that is responsible for initiating speech motor programs. This theoretical perspective predicts three possible loci of impaired neural processing within the cortico-BG loop that could lead to stuttering behaviors: impairment within the basal ganglia proper; impairment of axonal projections between cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and thalamus; and impairment in cortical processing. These theoretical perspectives are presented in detail, followed by a review of empirical data that make reference to these three possibilities. We also highlight any differences that are present in the literature based on examining adults versus children, which give important insights into potential core deficits associated with stuttering versus compensatory changes that occur in the brain as a result of having stuttered for many years in the case of adults who stutter. We conclude with outstanding questions in the field and promising areas for future studies that have the potential to further advance mechanistic understanding of neural deficits underlying persistent developmental stuttering.R01 DC007683 - NIDCD NIH HHS; R01 DC011277 - NIDCD NIH HHSPublished versio

    A Systematic Review of Research on Syntactic Priming: Focus on Research by Chinese Scholars from 2008 to 2020

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    Syntactic priming, recognized as a fundamental phenomenon, plays a pivotal role in enhancing learners’ ability to produce target structures. A bibliometric review and analysis of domestic syntactic priming research conducted over the past fifteen years has revealed three salient characteristics: a) intra-linguistic research and factors that might affect the priming effects are the most common themes for scholars to investigate; b) more scholars attempt to get further research combining syntactic priming with other theories in SLA or psycholinguistics; c) The research participants and syntactic structures are limited, and thus need expansion in future’s research

    Mixing Metaphors In The Cerebral Hemispheres: What Happens When Careers Collide?

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    Are processes of figurative comparison and figurative categorization different? An experiment combining alternative-sense and matched-sense metaphor priming with a divided visual field assessment technique sought to isolate processes of comparison and categorization in the 2 cerebral hemispheres. For target metaphors presented in the right visual field/left cerebral hemisphere (RVF/LH), only matched-sense primes were facilitative. Literal primes and alternative-sense primes had no effect on comprehension time compared to the unprimed baseline. The effects of matched-sense primes were additive with the rated conventionality of the targets. For target metaphors presented to the left visual field/right cerebral hemisphere (LVF/RH), matched-sense primes were again additively facilitative. However, alternative-sense primes, though facilitative overall, seemed to eliminate the preexisting advantages of conventional target metaphor senses in the LVF/RH in favor of metaphoric senses similar to those of the primes. These findings are consistent with tightly controlled categorical coding in the LH and coarse, flexible, context-dependent coding in the RH. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved)(journal abstract