633 research outputs found

    Real-time scheduling with resource sharing on heterogeneous multiprocessors

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    Consider the problem of scheduling a task set τ of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks to meet all deadlines on a t-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform where tasks may access multiple shared resources. The multiprocessor platform has m k processors of type-k, where k∈{1,2,…,t}. The execution time of a task depends on the type of processor on which it executes. The set of shared resources is denoted by R. For each task τ i , there is a resource set R i ⊆R such that for each job of τ i , during one phase of its execution, the job requests to hold the resource set R i exclusively with the interpretation that (i) the job makes a single request to hold all the resources in the resource set R i and (ii) at all times, when a job of τ i holds R i , no other job holds any resource in R i . Each job of task τ i may request the resource set R i at most once during its execution. A job is allowed to migrate when it requests a resource set and when it releases the resource set but a job is not allowed to migrate at other times. Our goal is to design a scheduling algorithm for this problem and prove its performance. We propose an algorithm, LP-EE-vpr, which offers the guarantee that if an implicit-deadline sporadic task set is schedulable on a t-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform by an optimal scheduling algorithm that allows a job to migrate only when it requests or releases a resource set, then our algorithm also meets the deadlines with the same restriction on job migration, if given processors 4×(1+MAXP×⌈|P|×MAXPmin{m1,m2,…,mt}⌉) times as fast. (Here MAXP and |P| are computed based on the resource sets that tasks request.) For the special case that each task requests at most one resource, the bound of LP-EE-vpr collapses to 4×(1+⌈|R|min{m1,m2,…,mt}⌉). To the best of our knowledge, LP-EE-vpr is the first algorithm with proven performance guarantee for real-time scheduling of sporadic tasks with resource sharing on t-type heterogeneous multiprocessors

    Assigning real-time tasks on heterogeneous multiprocessors with two types of processors

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    Consider the problem of scheduling a set of implicitdeadline sporadic tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor so as to meet all deadlines. Tasks cannot migrate and the platform is restricted in that each processor is either of type-1 or type-2 (with each task characterized by a different speed of execution upon each type of processor). We present an algorithm for this problem with a timecomplexity of O(n·m), where n is the number of tasks and m is the number of processors. It offers the guarantee that if a task set can be scheduled by any non-migrative algorithm to meet deadlines then our algorithm meets deadlines as well if given processors twice as fast. Although this result is proven for only a restricted heterogeneous multiprocessor, we consider it significant for being the first realtime scheduling algorithm to use a low-complexity binpacking approach to schedule tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor with provably good performance

    Heuristic partitioning of real-time tasks on multi-processors

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    This paper tackles the problem of admitting real-time tasks onto a symmetric multi-processor platform, where a partitioned EDF-based scheduler is used. We propose to combine a well-known utilization-based test for the first-fit partitioning strategy, with a simple heuristic based on the number of tasks and exact knowledge of the utilization of the first few biggest tasks. This results in an effective and efficient test improving on the state of the art in terms of admitted tasks, as shown by extensive tests performed on task sets generated using the widely adopted randfixedsum algorithm

    Using Imprecise Computing for Improved Real-Time Scheduling

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    Conventional hard real-time scheduling is often overly pessimistic due to the worst case execution time estimation. The pessimism can be mitigated by exploiting imprecise computing in applications where occasional small errors are acceptable. This leverage is investigated in a few previous works, which are restricted to preemptive cases. We study how to make use of imprecise computing in uniprocessor non-preemptive real-time scheduling, which is known to be more difficult than its preemptive counterpart. Several heuristic algorithms are developed for periodic tasks with independent or cumulative errors due to imprecision. Simulation results show that the proposed techniques can significantly improve task schedulability and achieve desired accuracy– schedulability tradeoff. The benefit of considering imprecise computing is further confirmed by a prototyping implementation in Linux system. Mixed-criticality system is a popular model for reducing pessimism in real-time scheduling while providing guarantee for critical tasks in presence of unexpected overrun. However, it is controversial due to some drawbacks. First, all low-criticality tasks are dropped in high-criticality mode, although they are still needed. Second, a single high-criticality job overrun leads to the pessimistic high-criticality mode for all high-criticality tasks and consequently resource utilization becomes inefficient. We attempt to tackle aforementioned two limitations of mixed-criticality system simultaneously in multiprocessor scheduling, while those two issues are mostly focused on uniprocessor scheduling in several recent works. We study how to achieve graceful degradation of low-criticality tasks by continuing their executions with imprecise computing or even precise computing if there is sufficient utilization slack. Schedulability conditions under this Variable-Precision Mixed-Criticality (VPMC) system model are investigated for partitioned scheduling and global fpEDF-VD scheduling. And a deferred switching protocol is introduced so that the chance of switching to high-criticality mode is significantly reduced. Moreover, we develop a precision optimization approach that maximizes precise computing of low-criticality tasks through 0-1 knapsack formulation. Experiments are performed through both software simulations and Linux proto- typing with consideration of overhead. Schedulability of the proposed methods is studied so that the Quality-of-Service for low-criticality tasks is improved with guarantee of satisfying all deadline constraints. The proposed precision optimization can largely reduce computing errors compared to constantly executing low-criticality tasks with imprecise computing in high-criticality mode

    Performance and Memory Space Optimizations for Embedded Systems

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    Embedded systems have three common principles: real-time performance, low power consumption, and low price (limited hardware). Embedded computers use chip multiprocessors (CMPs) to meet these expectations. However, one of the major problems is lack of efficient software support for CMPs; in particular, automated code parallelizers are needed. The aim of this study is to explore various ways to increase performance, as well as reducing resource usage and energy consumption for embedded systems. We use code restructuring, loop scheduling, data transformation, code and data placement, and scratch-pad memory (SPM) management as our tools in different embedded system scenarios. The majority of our work is focused on loop scheduling. Main contributions of our work are: We propose a memory saving strategy that exploits the value locality in array data by storing arrays in a compressed form. Based on the compressed forms of the input arrays, our approach automatically determines the compressed forms of the output arrays and also automatically restructures the code. We propose and evaluate a compiler-directed code scheduling scheme, which considers both parallelism and data locality. It analyzes the code using a locality parallelism graph representation, and assigns the nodes of this graph to processors.We also introduce an Integer Linear Programming based formulation of the scheduling problem. We propose a compiler-based SPM conscious loop scheduling strategy for array/loop based embedded applications. The method is to distribute loop iterations across parallel processors in an SPM-conscious manner. The compiler identifies potential SPM hits and misses, and distributes loop iterations such that the processors have close execution times. We present an SPM management technique using Markov chain based data access. We propose a compiler directed integrated code and data placement scheme for 2-D mesh based CMP architectures. Using a Code-Data Affinity Graph (CDAG) to represent the relationship between loop iterations and array data, it assigns the sets of loop iterations to processing cores and sets of data blocks to on-chip memories. We present a memory bank aware dynamic loop scheduling scheme for array intensive applications.The goal is to minimize the number of memory banks needed for executing the group of loop iterations

    Real-Time Scheduling on Heterogeneous Multiprocessors

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    Embedded computing is one of the most important areas in computer science today, witnessed by the fact that 98 % of all computers are embedded. Given that many embedded systems have to interact “promptly” with their physical environment, the scientific community has invested signifi-cant efforts in developing algorithms for scheduling the workload, which is generally implemented as a set of tasks, at the right time and in proving before run-time that all the timing requirements will be satisfied at run-time. This field of study is referred to as the real-time scheduling theory. The scheduling theory for a unicore processor is well-developed; the scientific results are taught at all major universities world-wide and the results are widely-used in industry. Scheduling theory for multicores is emerging but the focus so far has been for multicores with identical pro-cessing units. This is unfortunate because the computer industry is moving towards heterogeneous multicores with a constant number of distinct processor types — AMD Fusion, Intel Atom and NVIDIA Tegra are some of the examples of such multicores. This work deals with the problem of scheduling a set of tasks to meet their deadlines on het-erogeneous multiprocessors with a constant number of distinct processor types. On heterogeneou