6,917 research outputs found

    Improving workplace-based assessment and feedback by an E-portfolio enhanced with learning analytics

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    Electronic portfolios (E-portfolios) are crucial means for workplace-based assessment and feedback. Although E-portfolios provide a useful approach to view each learner’s progress, so far options for personalized feedback and potential data about a learner’s performances at the workplace often remain unexploited. This paper advocates that E-portfolios enhanced with learning analytics, might increase the quality and efficiency of workplace-based feedback and assessment in professional education. Based on a 5-phased iterative design approach, an existing E-portfolio environment was enhanced with learning analytics in professional education. First, information about crucial professional activities for professional domains and suited assessment instruments were collected (phase 1). Thereafter probabilistic student models were defined (phase 2). Next, personalized feedback and visualization of the personal development over time were developed (phase 3). Then the prototype of the E-portfolio—including the student models and feedback and visualization modules—were implemented in professional training-programs (phase 4). Last, evaluation cycles took place and 121 students and 30 supervisors from five institutes for professional education evaluated the perceived usefulness of the design (phase 5). It was concluded that E-portfolios with learning analytics were perceived to assist the development of students’ professional competencies and that the design is only successful when developed and implemented through the eyes of the users. Feedback and assessment methods based upon learning analytics can stimulate learning at the workplace in the long run. Practical, technological and ethical challenges are discussed

    Just in Time: The Beyond-the-Hype Potential of E-Learning

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    Based on a year of conversations with more than 100 leading thinkers, practitioners, and entrepreneurs, this report explores the state of e-learning and the potential it offers across all sectors of our economy -- far beyond the confines of formal education. Whether you're a leader, worker in the trenches, or just a curious learner, imagine being able to access exactly what you need, when you need it, in a format that's quick and easy to digest and apply. Much of this is now possible and within the next decade, just-in-time learning will likely become pervasive.This report aims to inspire you to consider how e-learning could change the way you, your staff, and the people you serve transfer knowledge and adapt over time

    Rethinking university assessment

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    Developments in globalisation and new technologies are making significant impacts in higher education. Universities in a global market are increasingly concerned to reorient their degree programmes to meet the vocational needs of the Knowledge Economy. A growing adoption of technology enhanced learning, through blended and networked learning, has the potential to transform higher education practice – but assessment methods have been slow to change. This paper argues the case for universities to align assessment methods to meet the needs of 21st Century knowledge workers. It identifies skills and dispositions associated with graduate occupations in the Knowledge Economy, informing a new conceptual model for assessment. Radical recommendations are made to faculty staff and university policymakers: instead of centring assessment on the personal, academic achievements of individuals at the end of a degree course, the focus should instead be on the quality of the collective, applied achievements of students operating in project teams

    Intégrer la formation, la pratique et la réflexion dans un nouveau modèle d’évaluation de la compétence des diplômés en médecine au Canada : un document conceptuel à l’intention du Conseil médical du Canada

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    In 2020 the Medical Council of Canada created a task force to make recommendations on the modernization of its practices for granting licensure to medical trainees. This task force solicited papers on this topic from subject matter experts. As outlined within this Concept Paper, our proposal would shift licensure away from the traditional focus on high-stakes summative exams in a way that integrates training, clinical practice, and reflection. Specifically, we propose a model of graduated licensure that would have three stages including: a trainee license for trainees that have demonstrated adequate medical knowledge to begin training as a closely supervised resident, a transition to practice license for trainees that have compiled a reflective educational portfolio demonstrating the clinical competence required to begin independent practice with limitations and support, and a fully independent license for unsupervised practice for attendings that have demonstrated competence through a reflective portfolio of clinical analytics. This proposal was reviewed by a diverse group of 30 trainees, practitioners, and administrators in medical education. Their feedback was analyzed and summarized to provide an overview of the likely reception that this proposal would receive from the medical education community.En 2020, le Conseil médical du Canada a créé un groupe de travail chargé de formuler des recommandations sur la modernisation de ses pratiques d’octroi du titre de licencié aux stagiaires en médecine. À cette fin, le groupe de travail a sollicité la contribution d’experts en la matière. Dans le présent document conceptuel, nous proposons de réorienter l’approche traditionnelle axée sur l’évaluation sommative par des examens à enjeux élevés vers l’intégration de la formation, la pratique clinique et la réflexion. Plus précisément, nous proposons un modèle d’octroi progressif du titre de compétence en trois étapes : un titre pour les stagiaires qui ont démontré qu’ils possèdent les connaissances nécessaires pour commencer leur formation en tant que résident étroitement supervisé, un titre de transition pour les stagiaires ayant un portfolio d’apprentissage réflexif qui démontre la compétence clinique requise pour entamer une pratique indépendante avec du soutien et certaines limites, et un titre permettant la pratique pleinement indépendante et non supervisée pour ceux dont le portfolio réflexif démontre une compétence en analyse clinique. Cette proposition a été examinée par un groupe diversifié de 30 stagiaires, praticiens et gestionnaires en éducation médicale. Leurs commentaires ont été analysés et résumés pour donner une idée de l’accueil que la proposition serait susceptible de recevoir de la part du milieu de l’éducation médicale

    La Conférence internationale sur la formation des résidents virtuelle 2020

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    Personalised and Adaptive Mentoring in Medical Education – the myPAL project

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    This position paper describes a long-term Technology-Enhanced Learning initiative at the Leeds Institute of Medical Education in which a personalised adaptive learning mentor will be deployed for all MBChB students enrolled in the course. The system, myPAL, is enriching the existing TEL programs embedded in the curriculum and will be leveraging recent advances in Learning Analytics and Open Learner Modelling. The paper presents the context of the project and the opportunities that deployment settings will offer, and highlights the research and development strands that will underpin it

    Overview and Analysis of Practices with Open Educational Resources in Adult Education in Europe

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    OER4Adults aimed to provide an overview of Open Educational Practices in adult learning in Europe, identifying enablers and barriers to successful implementation of practices with OER. The project was conducted in 2012-2013 by a team from the Caledonian Academy, Glasgow Caledonian University, funded by The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS). The project drew on data from four main sources: • OER4Adults inventory of over 150 OER initiatives relevant to adult learning in Europe • Responses from the leaders of 36 OER initiatives to a detailed SWOT survey • Responses from 89 lifelong learners and adult educators to a short poll • The Vision Papers on Open Education 2030: Lifelong Learning published by IPTS Interpretation was informed by interviews with OER and adult education experts, discussion at the IPTS Foresight Workshop on Open Education and Lifelong Learning 2030, and evaluation of the UKOER programme. Analysis revealed 6 tensions that drive developing practices around OER in adult learning as well 6 summary recommendations for the further development of such practices

    Adaptive and Re-adaptive Pedagogies in Higher Education: A Comparative, Longitudinal Study of Their Impact on Professional Competence Development across Diverse Curricula

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    This study addresses concerns that traditional, lecture-based teaching methods may not sufficiently develop the integrated competencies demanded by modern professional practice. A disconnect exists between conventional pedagogy and desired learning outcomes, prompting increased interest in innovative, student-centered instructional models tailored to competence growth. Despite this, nuanced differences in competence development across diverse university curricula remain underexplored, with research predominantly relying on students’ self-assessments. To address these gaps, this study employs longitudinal mixed-methods approaches with regard to theory triangulation and investigator triangulation to better understand how professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions evolve across varied curricula and contexts. This research emphasizes adaptive and re-adaptive teaching approaches incorporating technology, individualization, and experiential learning, which may uniquely integrate skill development with contextual conceptual learning. Specific attention is paid to professional education paths like design, media, and communications degrees, where contemporary competence models stress capabilities beyond core conceptual knowledge. Results from this study aim to guide reform efforts to optimize professional competence development across diverse academic areas
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