26 research outputs found

    A Scoping Review of Cerebral Doppler Arterial Waveforms in Infants

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    Cerebral Doppler ultrasound has been an important tool in pediatric diagnostics and prognostics for decades. Although the Doppler spectrum can provide detailed information on cerebral perfusion, the measured spectrum is often reduced to simple numerical parameters. To help pediatric clinicians recognize the visual characteristics of disease-associated Doppler spectra and identify possible areas for future research, a scoping review of primary studies on cerebral Doppler arterial waveforms in infants was performed. A systematic search in three online bibliographic databases yielded 4898 unique records. Among these, 179 studies included cerebral Doppler spectra for at least five infants below 1 y of age. The studies describe variations in the cerebral waveforms related to physiological changes (43%), pathology (62%) and medical interventions (40%). Characteristics were typically reported as resistance index (64%), peak systolic velocity (43%) or end-diastolic velocity (39%). Most studies focused on the anterior (59%) and middle (42%) cerebral arteries. Our review highlights the need for a more standardized terminology to describe cerebral velocity waveforms and for precise definitions of Doppler parameters. We provide a list of reporting variables that may facilitate unambiguous reports. Future studies may gain from combining multiple Doppler parameters to use more of the information encoded in the Doppler spectrum, investigating the full spectrum itself and using the possibilities for long-term monitoring with Doppler ultrasound

    Sensors for Vital Signs Monitoring

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    Sensor technology for monitoring vital signs is an important topic for various service applications, such as entertainment and personalization platforms and Internet of Things (IoT) systems, as well as traditional medical purposes, such as disease indication judgments and predictions. Vital signs for monitoring include respiration and heart rates, body temperature, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, electrocardiogram, blood glucose concentration, brain waves, etc. Gait and walking length can also be regarded as vital signs because they can indirectly indicate human activity and status. Sensing technologies include contact sensors such as electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), photoplethysmogram (PPG), non-contact sensors such as ballistocardiography (BCG), and invasive/non-invasive sensors for diagnoses of variations in blood characteristics or body fluids. Radar, vision, and infrared sensors can also be useful technologies for detecting vital signs from the movement of humans or organs. Signal processing, extraction, and analysis techniques are important in industrial applications along with hardware implementation techniques. Battery management and wireless power transmission technologies, the design and optimization of low-power circuits, and systems for continuous monitoring and data collection/transmission should also be considered with sensor technologies. In addition, machine-learning-based diagnostic technology can be used for extracting meaningful information from continuous monitoring data

    Signal processing and machine learning techniques for Doppler ultrasound haemodynamic measurements

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    Haemodynamic monitoring is an invaluable tool for evaluating, diagnosing and treating the cardiovascular system, and is an integral component of intensive care units, obstetrics wards and other medical units. Doppler ultrasound provides a non-invasive, cost-effective and fast means of haemodynamic monitoring, which traditionally necessitates highly invasive methods such as Pulmonary artery catheter or transoesophageal echocardiography. However, Doppler ultrasound scan acquisition requires a highly experienced operator and can be very challenging. Machine learning solutions that quantify and guide the scanning process in an automatic and intelligent manner could overcome these limitations and lead to routine monitoring. Development of such methods is the primary goal of the presented work. In response to this goal, this thesis proposes a suite of signal processing and machine learning techniques. Among these is a new and real-time method of maximum frequency envelope estimation. This method, which is based on image-processing techniques and is highly adaptive to varying signal quality, was developed to facilitate automatic and consistent extraction of features from Doppler ultrasound measurements. Through a thorough evaluation, this method was demonstrated to be accurate and more stable than alternative state-of-art methods. Two novel real-time methods of beat segmentation, which operate using the maximum frequency envelope, were developed to enable systematic feature extraction from individual cardiac cycles. These methods do not require any additional hardware, such as an electrocardiogram machine, and are fully automatic, real-time and highly resilient to noise. These qualities are not available in existing methods. Extensive evaluation demonstrated the methods to be highly successful. A host of machine learning solutions were analysed, designed and evaluated. This led to a set of novel features being proposed for Doppler ultrasound analysis. In addition, a state of- the-art image recognition classification method, hitherto undocumented for Doppler ultrasound analysis, was shown to be superior to more traditional modelling approaches. These contributions facilitated the design of two innovative types of feedback. To reflect beneficial probe movements, which are otherwise difficult to distinguish, a regression model to quantitatively score ultrasound measurements was proposed. This feedback was shown to be highly correlated with an ideal response. The second type of feedback explicitly predicted beneficial probe movements. This was achieved using classification models with up to five categories, giving a more challenging scenario than those addressed in prior disease classification work. Evaluation of these, for the first time, demonstrated that Doppler scan information can be used to automatically indicate probe position. Overall, the presented work includes significant contributions for Doppler ultrasound analysis, it proposes valuable new machine learning techniques, and with continued work, could lead to solutions that unlock the full potential of Doppler ultrasound haemodynamic monitoring

    Extraction and Detection of Fetal Electrocardiograms from Abdominal Recordings

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    The non-invasive fetal ECG (NIFECG), derived from abdominal surface electrodes, offers novel diagnostic possibilities for prenatal medicine. Despite its straightforward applicability, NIFECG signals are usually corrupted by many interfering sources. Most significantly, by the maternal ECG (MECG), whose amplitude usually exceeds that of the fetal ECG (FECG) by multiple times. The presence of additional noise sources (e.g. muscular/uterine noise, electrode motion, etc.) further affects the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the FECG. These interfering sources, which typically show a strong non-stationary behavior, render the FECG extraction and fetal QRS (FQRS) detection demanding signal processing tasks. In this thesis, several of the challenges regarding NIFECG signal analysis were addressed. In order to improve NIFECG extraction, the dynamic model of a Kalman filter approach was extended, thus, providing a more adequate representation of the mixture of FECG, MECG, and noise. In addition, aiming at the FECG signal quality assessment, novel metrics were proposed and evaluated. Further, these quality metrics were applied in improving FQRS detection and fetal heart rate estimation based on an innovative evolutionary algorithm and Kalman filtering signal fusion, respectively. The elaborated methods were characterized in depth using both simulated and clinical data, produced throughout this thesis. To stress-test extraction algorithms under ideal circumstances, a comprehensive benchmark protocol was created and contributed to an extensively improved NIFECG simulation toolbox. The developed toolbox and a large simulated dataset were released under an open-source license, allowing researchers to compare results in a reproducible manner. Furthermore, to validate the developed approaches under more realistic and challenging situations, a clinical trial was performed in collaboration with the University Hospital of Leipzig. Aside from serving as a test set for the developed algorithms, the clinical trial enabled an exploratory research. This enables a better understanding about the pathophysiological variables and measurement setup configurations that lead to changes in the abdominal signal's SNR. With such broad scope, this dissertation addresses many of the current aspects of NIFECG analysis and provides future suggestions to establish NIFECG in clinical settings.:Abstract Acknowledgment Contents List of Figures List of Tables List of Abbreviations List of Symbols (1)Introduction 1.1)Background and Motivation 1.2)Aim of this Work 1.3)Dissertation Outline 1.4)Collaborators and Conflicts of Interest (2)Clinical Background 2.1)Physiology 2.1.1)Changes in the maternal circulatory system 2.1.2)Intrauterine structures and feto-maternal connection 2.1.3)Fetal growth and presentation 2.1.4)Fetal circulatory system 2.1.5)Fetal autonomic nervous system 2.1.6)Fetal heart activity and underlying factors 2.2)Pathology 2.2.1)Premature rupture of membrane 2.2.2)Intrauterine growth restriction 2.2.3)Fetal anemia 2.3)Interpretation of Fetal Heart Activity 2.3.1)Summary of clinical studies on FHR/FHRV 2.3.2)Summary of studies on heart conduction 2.4)Chapter Summary (3)Technical State of the Art 3.1)Prenatal Diagnostic and Measuring Technique 3.1.1)Fetal heart monitoring 3.1.2)Related metrics 3.2)Non-Invasive Fetal ECG Acquisition 3.2.1)Overview 3.2.2)Commercial equipment 3.2.3)Electrode configurations 3.2.4)Available NIFECG databases 3.2.5)Validity and usability of the non-invasive fetal ECG 3.3)Non-Invasive Fetal ECG Extraction Methods 3.3.1)Overview on the non-invasive fetal ECG extraction methods 3.3.2)Kalman filtering basics 3.3.3)Nonlinear Kalman filtering 3.3.4)Extended Kalman filter for FECG estimation 3.4)Fetal QRS Detection 3.4.1)Merging multichannel fetal QRS detections 3.4.2)Detection performance 3.5)Fetal Heart Rate Estimation 3.5.1)Preprocessing the fetal heart rate 3.5.2)Fetal heart rate statistics 3.6)Fetal ECG Morphological Analysis 3.7)Problem Description 3.8)Chapter Summary (4)Novel Approaches for Fetal ECG Analysis 4.1)Preliminary Considerations 4.2)Fetal ECG Extraction by means of Kalman Filtering 4.2.1)Optimized Gaussian approximation 4.2.2)Time-varying covariance matrices 4.2.3)Extended Kalman filter with unknown inputs 4.2.4)Filter calibration 4.3)Accurate Fetal QRS and Heart Rate Detection 4.3.1)Multichannel evolutionary QRS correction 4.3.2)Multichannel fetal heart rate estimation using Kalman filters 4.4)Chapter Summary (5)Data Material 5.1)Simulated Data 5.1.1)The FECG Synthetic Generator (FECGSYN) 5.1.2)The FECG Synthetic Database (FECGSYNDB) 5.2)Clinical Data 5.2.1)Clinical NIFECG recording 5.2.2)Scope and limitations of this study 5.2.3)Data annotation: signal quality and fetal amplitude 5.2.4)Data annotation: fetal QRS annotation 5.3)Chapter Summary (6)Results for Data Analysis 6.1)Simulated Data 6.1.1)Fetal QRS detection 6.1.2)Morphological analysis 6.2)Own Clinical Data 6.2.1)FQRS correction using the evolutionary algorithm 6.2.2)FHR correction by means of Kalman filtering (7)Discussion and Prospective 7.1)Data Availability 7.1.1)New measurement protocol 7.2)Signal Quality 7.3)Extraction Methods 7.4)FQRS and FHR Correction Algorithms (8)Conclusion References (A)Appendix A - Signal Quality Annotation (B)Appendix B - Fetal QRS Annotation (C)Appendix C - Data Recording GU

    Smart Sensors for Healthcare and Medical Applications

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    This book focuses on new sensing technologies, measurement techniques, and their applications in medicine and healthcare. Specifically, the book briefly describes the potential of smart sensors in the aforementioned applications, collecting 24 articles selected and published in the Special Issue “Smart Sensors for Healthcare and Medical Applications”. We proposed this topic, being aware of the pivotal role that smart sensors can play in the improvement of healthcare services in both acute and chronic conditions as well as in prevention for a healthy life and active aging. The articles selected in this book cover a variety of topics related to the design, validation, and application of smart sensors to healthcare


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    Background: Cardiorespiratory instability (CRI) in noninvasively monitored step-down unit (SDU) patients has a variety of etiologies, and therefore likely manifests in different patterns of vital signs (VS) changes. Objective: We sought to describe differences in admission characteristics and outcomes between patients with and without CRI. We explored use of clustering techniques to identify VS patterns within initial CRI epoch (CRI1) and assessed inter-cluster differences in admission characteristics, outcomes and medications. Methods: Admission characteristics and continuous monitoring data (frequency 1/20 Hz) were recorded in 307 patients. Vital sign (VS) deviations beyond local instability trigger criteria for 3 consecutive minutes or for 4 out of a 5 minute moving window were classified as CRI events. We identified CRI1 in 133 patients, derived statistical features of CRI1 epoch and employed hierarchical and k-means clustering techniques. We tested several clustering solutions and used 10-fold cross validation and ANOVA to establish best solution. Inter-cluster differences in admission characteristics, outcomes and medications were assessed. Main Results: Patients transferred to the SDU from units with higher monitoring capability were more likely to develop CRI (n=133, CRI 44% vs no CRI n=174, 31%, p=.042). Patients with at least one event of CRI had longer hospital length of stay (CRI 11.3 + 10.2 days vs no CRI 7.8 + 9.2, p=.001) and SDU unit stay (CRI 6.1 + 4.9 days vs no CRI 3.5 + 2.9, p< .001). Four main clusters(C) were derived. Clusters were significantly different based on age (p=0.001; younger patients in C1 and older in C2), number of comorbidities (p<0.01; more C2 patients had ≥2), and admission source (p=0.008; more C1 and C4 patients transferred in from a higher intensity monitoring unit). Patients with CRI differed significantly (p<.05) from those without CRI based on medication categories. Conclusions: CRI1 was associated with prolonged hospital and SDU length of stay. Patients transferred from a higher level of care were more likely to develop CRI, suggesting that they are sicker. Future study will be needed to determine if there are common physiologic underpinnings of VS clusters which might inform monitoring practices and clinical decision-making when CRI first manifests

    12th Man in Space Symposium: The Future of Humans in Space. Abstract Volume

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is pleased to host the 12th IAA Man in Space Symposium. A truly international forum, this symposium brings together scientists, engineers, and managers interested in all aspects of human space flight to share the most recent research results and space agency planning related to the future of humans in space. As we look out at the universe from our own uniquely human perspective, we see a world that we affect at the same time that it affects us. Our tomorrows are highlighted by the possibilities generated by our knowledge, our drive, and our dreams. This symposium will examine our future in space from the springboard of our achievements

    Proceedings of ICMMB2014

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