102 research outputs found

    Managing Incomplete Preference Relations in Decision Making: A Review and Future Trends

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    In decision making, situations where all experts are able to efficiently express their preferences over all the available options are the exception rather than the rule. Indeed, the above scenario requires all experts to possess a precise or sufficient level of knowledge of the whole problem to tackle, including the ability to discriminate the degree up to which some options are better than others. These assumptions can be seen unrealistic in many decision making situations, especially those involving a large number of alternatives to choose from and/or conflicting and dynamic sources of information. Some methodologies widely adopted in these situations are to discard or to rate more negatively those experts that provide preferences with missing values. However, incomplete information is not equivalent to low quality information, and consequently these methodologies could lead to biased or even bad solutions since useful information might not being taken properly into account in the decision process. Therefore, alternative approaches to manage incomplete preference relations that estimates the missing information in decision making are desirable and possible. This paper presents and analyses methods and processes developed on this area towards the estimation of missing preferences in decision making, and highlights some areas for future research

    A systematic review on multi-criteria group decision-making methods based on weights: analysis and classification scheme

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    Interest in group decision-making (GDM) has been increasing prominently over the last decade. Access to global databases, sophisticated sensors which can obtain multiple inputs or complex problems requiring opinions from several experts have driven interest in data aggregation. Consequently, the field has been widely studied from several viewpoints and multiple approaches have been proposed. Nevertheless, there is a lack of general framework. Moreover, this problem is exacerbated in the case of experts’ weighting methods, one of the most widely-used techniques to deal with multiple source aggregation. This lack of general classification scheme, or a guide to assist expert knowledge, leads to ambiguity or misreading for readers, who may be overwhelmed by the large amount of unclassified information currently available. To invert this situation, a general GDM framework is presented which divides and classifies all data aggregation techniques, focusing on and expanding the classification of experts’ weighting methods in terms of analysis type by carrying out an in-depth literature review. Results are not only classified but analysed and discussed regarding multiple characteristics, such as MCDMs in which they are applied, type of data used, ideal solutions considered or when they are applied. Furthermore, general requirements supplement this analysis such as initial influence, or component division considerations. As a result, this paper provides not only a general classification scheme and a detailed analysis of experts’ weighting methods but also a road map for researchers working on GDM topics or a guide for experts who use these methods. Furthermore, six significant contributions for future research pathways are provided in the conclusions.The first author acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Universities [grant number FPU18/01471]. The second and third author wish to recognize their support from the Serra Hunter program. Finally, this work was supported by the Catalan agency AGAUR through its research group support program (2017SGR00227). This research is part of the R&D project IAQ4EDU, reference no. PID2020-117366RB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Consistency based completion approaches of incomplete preference relations in uncertain decision contexts.

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    Uncertainty, hesitation and vagueness are inherent to human beings when articulating opinions and preferences. Therefore in decision making situations it might well be the case that experts are unable to express their opinions in an accurate way. Under these circumstances, various families of preference relations (PRs) have been proposed (linguistic, intuitionistic and interval fuzzy PRs) to allow the experts to manifest some degree of hesitation when enunciating their opinions. An extreme case of uncertainty happens when an expert is unable to differentiate the degree up to which one preference is preferred to another. Henceforth, incomplete preference relations are possible. It is worth to bear in mind that incomplete information does not mean low quality information, on the contrary, in many occasions experts might prefer no to provide information in other to keep consistency. Consequently mechanism to deal with incomplete information in decision making are necessary. This contribution presents the main consistency based completion approaches to estimate incomplete preference values in linguistic, intuitionistic and interval fuzzy PRs

    Expanding Grey Relational Analysis With the Comparable Degree for Dual Probabilistic Multiplicative Linguistic Term Sets and Its Application on the Cloud Enterprise

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    Under the cloud trend of enterprises, how do traditional businesses get on the cloud becomes a worth pondering question. To help those traditional businesses that have no experience to dispel the clouds and see the sun as soon as possible, we are planning to choose one corporation with rich experience to take them into the cloud market. The quintessence of dual probabilistic linguistic term sets (DPLTSs) is that it uses the combination of several linguistic terms and their proportions to reveal decision information by opposite angles. This paper proposes the dual probabilistic multiplicative linguistic preference relations (DPMLPRs) based upon the dual probabilistic multiplicative linguistic term sets (DPMLTSs). Then, it de nes the comparable degree between the DPMLPRs and studies the consensus of the group DPMLPR. Moreover, it probes the expanding grey relational analysis (EGRA) under the proposed comparable degree between the DPMLTSs. After that, one example of choosing the experienced cloud cooperative partner is simulated under the dual probabilistic linguistic circumstance. Besides, the comparative analysis is performed by considering the similarity among the EGRA, TODIM, and VIKOR.Postgraduate Research and Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province under Grant KYCX18_0199Scientific Research Foundation of the Graduate School of Southeast University under Grant YBJJ1832FEDER Financial Support under Grant TIN2016-75850-

    Consistency and Consensus Driven for Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Decision Making with Pairwise Comparisons

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    Hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relation (HFLPR) is of interest because it provides an efficient way for opinion expression under uncertainty. For enhancing the theory of decision making with HFLPR, the paper introduces an algorithm for group decision making with HFLPRs based on the acceptable consistency and consensus measurements, which involves (1) defining a hesitant fuzzy linguistic geometric consistency index (HFLGCI) and proposing a procedure for consistency checking and inconsistency improving for HFLPR; (2) measuring the group consensus based on the similarity between the original individual HFLPRs and the overall perfect HFLPR, then establishing a procedure for consensus ensuring including the determination of decision-makers weights. The convergence and monotonicity of the proposed two procedures have been proved. Some experiments are furtherly performed to investigate the critical values of the defined HFLGCI, and comparative analyses are conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. A case concerning the performance evaluation of venture capital guiding funds is given to illustrate the availability of the proposed algorithm. As an application of our work, an online decision-making portal is finally provided for decision-makers to utilize the proposed algorithms to solve decision-making problems.Comment: Pulished by Expert Systems with Applications (ISSN: 0957-4174

    Distance-based consensus models for fuzzy and multiplicative 3 preference relations

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    This paper proposes a distance-based consensus model for fuzzy preference relations where the weights of fuzzy preference relations are automatically determined. Two indices, an individual to group consensus index (ICI) and a group consensus index (GCI), are introduced. An iterative consensus reaching algorithm is presented and the process terminates until both the ICI and GCI are controlled within predefined thresholds. The model and algorithm are then extended to handle multiplicative preference relations. Finally, two examples are illustrated and comparative analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods

    Minimum Cost Consensus Models based on Random Opinions

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    In some complex group decision making cases, the opinions of decision makers (DMs) present random characteristic. However, it is difficult to determine the range of opinions by knowing only their probability distributions. In this paper, we construct cost consensus models with random opinions. The objective function is obtaining the minimum consensus budget under a certain confidence level. Nonetheless, the constraints restrict the upper limit of the consensus cost, the lower limit of DMs' compensations, and the opinions deviation between DMs and the moderator. As such, probabilistic planning based on a genetic algorithm is designed to resolve the minimum cost consensus models based on China's urban demolition negotiation, which can better simulate the consensus decision-making process and obtain a satisfactory solution for the random optimization consensus models. The proposed models generalize both Ben-Arieh's minimum cost consensus model and Gong's consensus model with uncertain opinions. Considering that the opinions of DMs and the moderator obey various distributions, the models simulate the opinion characteristics more effectively. In the case analysis, a sensitivity analysis method is adopted to obtain the minimum budget, and probabilistic planning based on genetic algorithm to obtain a satisfactory solution that is closer to reality

    Two-stage prioritization procedure for multiplicative AHP-group decision making

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    In this paper, we propose two-stage prioritization procedure (TSPP) for multiplicative Analytic Hierarchy Process-group decision making (AHP-GDM), which involves determining the group priority vector based on the individual pair-wise comparison matrices (PCMs), simultaneously considering the consensus and consistency of the individual PCMs. The first stage of the TSPP involves checking and revising the individual PCMs for reaching the acceptable consensus and consistency. The second stage of the TSPP involves estimating the group priority vector using Bayesian approach. The main characteristics of the proposed TSPP are as follows: 1) It makes full use of the prior information as well as the sample information during the Bayesian revision of the individual PCMs and the Bayesian estimation of the group priority vector; 2) It ensures that the revised individual PCMs reach the acceptable consensus and consistency; 3) It enriches the aggregation methods for the collective preference in multiplicative AHP-GDM. Finally, two numerical examples are used to evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed TSPP by the comparisons with several other methods