7 research outputs found

    Compartmentation of glycogen metabolism revealed from 13C isotopologue distributions

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    Background: Stable isotope tracers are used to assess metabolic flux profiles in living cells. The existing methods of measurement average out the isotopic isomer distribution in metabolites throughout the cell, whereas the knowledge of compartmental organization of analyzed pathways is crucial for the evaluation of true fluxes. That is why we accepted a challenge to create a software tool that allows deciphering the compartmentation of metabolites based on the analysis of average isotopic isomer distribution. Results: The software Isodyn, which simulates the dynamics of isotopic isomer distribution in central metabolic pathways, was supplemented by algorithms facilitating the transition between various analyzed metabolic schemes, and by the tools for model discrimination. It simulated 13C isotope distributions in glucose, lactate, glutamate and glycogen, measured by mass spectrometry after incubation of hepatocytes in the presence of only labeled glucose or glucose and lactate together (with label either in glucose or lactate). The simulations assumed either a single intracellular hexose phosphate pool, or also channeling of hexose phosphates resulting in a different isotopic composition of glycogen. Model discrimination test was applied to check the consistency of both models with experimental data. Metabolic flux profiles, evaluated with the accepted model that assumes channeling, revealed the range of changes in metabolic fluxes in liver cells. Conclusions: The analysis of compartmentation of metabolic networks based on the measured 13C distribution was included in Isodyn as a routine procedure. The advantage of this implementation is that, being a part of evaluation of metabolic fluxes, it does not require additional experiments to study metabolic compartmentation. The analysis of experimental data revealed that the distribution of measured 13C-labeled glucose metabolites is inconsistent with the idea of perfect mixing of hexose phosphates in cytosol. In contrast, the observed distribution indicates the presence of a separate pool of hexose phosphates that is channeled towards glycogen synthesis

    Chloroformate Derivatization for Tracing the Fate of Amino Acids in Cells and Tissues by Multiple Stable Isotope Resolved Metabolomics (mSIRM)

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    Amino acids have crucial roles in central metabolism, both anabolic and catabolic. To elucidate these roles, steady-state concentrations of amino acids alone are insufficient, as each amino acid participates in multiple pathways and functions in a complex network, which can also be compartmentalized. Stable Isotope-Resolved Metabolomics (SIRM) is an approach that uses atom-resolved tracking of metabolites through biochemical transformations in cells, tissues, or whole organisms. Using different elemental stable isotopes to label multiple metabolite precursors makes it possible to resolve simultaneously the utilization of these precursors in a single experiment. Conversely, a single precursor labeled with two (or more) different elemental isotopes can trace the allocation of e.g. C and N atoms through the network. Such dual-label experiments however challenge the resolution of conventional mass spectrometers, which must distinguish the neutron mass differences among different elemental isotopes. This requires ultrahigh resolution Fourier transform mass spectrometry (UHR-FTMS). When combined with direct infusion nano-electrospray ion source (nano-ESI), UHR-FTMS can provide rapid, global, and quantitative analysis of all possible mass isotopologues of metabolites. Unfortunately, very low mass polar metabolites such as amino acids can be difficult to analyze by current models of UHR-FTMS, plus the high salt content present in typical cell or tissue polar extracts may cause unacceptable ion suppression for sources such as nano-ESI. Here we describe a modified method of ethyl chloroformate (ECF) derivatization of amino acids to enable rapid quantitative analysis of stable isotope labeled amino acids using nano-ESI UHR-FTMS. This method showed excellent linearity with quantifiable limits in the low nanomolar range represented in microgram quantities of biological specimens, which results in extracts with total analyte abundances in the low to sub-femtomole range. We have applied this method to profile amino acids and their labeling patterns in 13C and 2H doubly labeled PC9 cell extracts, cancerous and non-cancerous tissue extracts from a lung cancer patient and their protein hydrolysates as well as plasma extracts from mice fed with a liquid diet containing 13C6-glucose. The multi-element isotopologue distributions provided key insights into amino acid metabolism and intracellular pools in human lung cancer tissues in high detail. The 13C labeling of Asp and Glu revealed de novo synthesis of these amino acids from 13C6-glucose via the Krebs cycle, specifically the elevated level of 13C3-labeled Asp and Glu in cancerous versus non-cancerous lung tissues was consistent with enhanced pyruvate carboxylation. In addition, tracking the fate of double tracers, (13C6-Glc + 2H2-Gly or 13C6-Glc + 2H3-Ser) in PC9 cells clearly resolved pools of Ser and Gly synthesized de novo from 13C6-Glc (13C3-Ser and 13C2-Gly) versus Ser and Gly derived from external sources (2H3-Ser, 2H2-Gly). Moreover the complex 2H labeling patterns of the latter were results of Ser and Gly exchange through active Ser-Gly one-carbon metabolic pathway in PC9 cells

    The landscape of tiered regulation of breast cancer cell metabolism

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    Altered metabolism is a hallmark of cancer, but little is still known about its regulation. In this study, we measure transcriptomic, proteomic, phospho-proteomic and fluxomics data in a breast cancer cell-line (MCF7) across three different growth conditions. Integrating these multiomics data within a genome scale human metabolic model in combination with machine learning, we systematically chart the different layers of metabolic regulation in breast cancer cells, predicting which enzymes and pathways are regulated at which level. We distinguish between two types of reactions, directly and indirectly regulated. Directly-regulated reactions include those whose flux is regulated by transcriptomic alterations (~890) or via proteomic or phospho-proteomics alterations (~140) in the enzymes catalyzing them. We term the reactions that currently lack evidence for direct regulation as (putative) indirectly regulated (~930). Many metabolic pathways are predicted to be regulated at different levels, and those may change at different media conditions. Remarkably, we find that the flux of predicted indirectly regulated reactions is strongly coupled to the flux of the predicted directly regulated ones, uncovering a tiered hierarchical organization of breast cancer cell metabolism. Furthermore, the predicted indirectly regulated reactions are predominantly reversible. Taken together, this architecture may facilitate rapid and efficient metabolic reprogramming in response to the varying environmental conditions incurred by the tumor cells. The approach presented lays a conceptual and computational basis for mapping metabolic regulation in additional cancers

    Compartmentation of glycogen metabolism revealed from 13C isotopologue distributions

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    Background: Stable isotope tracers are used to assess metabolic flux profiles in living cells. The existing methods of measurement average out the isotopic isomer distribution in metabolites throughout the cell, whereas the knowledge of compartmental organization of analyzed pathways is crucial for the evaluation of true fluxes. That is why we accepted a challenge to create a software tool that allows deciphering the compartmentation of metabolites based on the analysis of average isotopic isomer distribution. Results: The software Isodyn, which simulates the dynamics of isotopic isomer distribution in central metabolic pathways, was supplemented by algorithms facilitating the transition between various analyzed metabolic schemes, and by the tools for model discrimination. It simulated 13C isotope distributions in glucose, lactate, glutamate and glycogen, measured by mass spectrometry after incubation of hepatocytes in the presence of only labeled glucose or glucose and lactate together (with label either in glucose or lactate). The simulations assumed either a single intracellular hexose phosphate pool, or also channeling of hexose phosphates resulting in a different isotopic composition of glycogen. Model discrimination test was applied to check the consistency of both models with experimental data. Metabolic flux profiles, evaluated with the accepted model that assumes channeling, revealed the range of changes in metabolic fluxes in liver cells. Conclusions: The analysis of compartmentation of metabolic networks based on the measured 13C distribution was included in Isodyn as a routine procedure. The advantage of this implementation is that, being a part of evaluation of metabolic fluxes, it does not require additional experiments to study metabolic compartmentation. The analysis of experimental data revealed that the distribution of measured 13C-labeled glucose metabolites is inconsistent with the idea of perfect mixing of hexose phosphates in cytosol. In contrast, the observed distribution indicates the presence of a separate pool of hexose phosphates that is channeled towards glycogen synthesis

    Targeting cancer cell metabolism as a therapeutic strategy

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    In the past 15 years the field of cancer metabolism has burst providing vast quantities of information regarding the metabolic adaptations found in cancer cells and offering promising hints for the development of therapies that target metabolic features of cancer cells. By making use of the powerful combination of metabolomics and 13C-labelled metabolite tracing we have contributed to the field by identifying a mitochondrial enzymatic cascade crucial for oncogene-induced senescence (OIS), which is a tumour suppressive mechanism important in melanoma, linking in this way OIS to the regulation of metabolism. Furthermore, we have identified the dependency on glutamine metabolism as an important adaptation occurring concomitantly with the acquisition of resistance to vemurafenib (BRAF inhibitor) in melanoma, which opens the possibility to combine therapies targeting glutamine metabolism with BRAF inhibitors, in order to overcome or avoid the onset of resistance in melanoma. Using the same strategy we have discovered an important mechanism of interregulation between glycolysis and amino acid metabolism, identifying the glucose-derived amino acid serine as an activator of the main isoform of pyruvate kinase present in cancer cells, PKM2. In addition, we provide new insights into the mechanism of allosteric regulation of this complex protein and a better understanding of the way it regulates central carbon metabolism. In summary, our results open new possibilities for the development of cancer therapies that manipulate metabolic adaptations found in cancer cells in order to kill them specifically or halt their growth