54,748 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Crab Pulsar's Timing Noise

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    We present a power spectral analysis of the Crab pulsar's timing noise, mainly using radio measurements from Jodrell Bank taken over the period 1982-1989. The power spectral analysis is complicated by nonuniform data sampling and the presence of a steep red power spectrum that can distort power spectra measurement by causing severe power ``leakage''. We develop a simple windowing method for computing red noise power spectra of uniformly sampled data sets and test it on Monte Carlo generated sample realizations of red power-law noise. We generalize time-domain methods of generating power-law red noise with even integer spectral indices to the case of noninteger spectral indices. The Jodrell Bank pulse phase residuals are dense and smooth enough that an interpolation onto a uniform time series is possible. A windowed power spectrum is computed revealing a periodic or nearly periodic component with a period of about 568 days and a 1/f^3 power-law noise component with a noise strength of 1.24 +/- 0.067 10^{-16} cycles^2/sec^2 over the analysis frequency range 0.003 - 0.1 cycles/day. This result deviates from past analyses which characterized the pulse phase timing residuals as either 1/f^4 power-law noise or a quasiperiodic process. The analysis was checked using the Deeter polynomial method of power spectrum estimation that was developed for the case of nonuniform sampling, but has lower spectral resolution. The timing noise is consistent with a torque noise spectrum rising with analysis frequency as f implying blue torque noise, a result not predicted by current models of pulsar timing noise. If the periodic or nearly periodic component is due to a binary companion, we find a companion mass > 3.2 Earth masses.Comment: 53 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS, abstract condense

    Effects of Intermittent Emission: Noise Inventory for Scintillating Pulsar B0834+06

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    We compare signal and noise for observations of the scintillating pulsar B0834+06, using very-long baseline interferometry and a single-dish spectrometer. Comparisons between instruments and with models suggest that amplitude variations of the pulsar strongly affect the amount and distribution of self-noise. We show that noise follows a quadratic polynomial with flux density, in spectral observations. Constant coefficients, indicative of background noise, agree well with expectation; whereas second-order coefficients, indicative of self-noise, are about 3 times values expected for a pulsar with constant on-pulse flux density. We show that variations in flux density during the 10-sec integration account for the discrepancy. In the secondary spectrum, about 97% of spectral power lies within the pulsar's typical scintillation bandwidth and timescale; an extended scintillation arc contains about 3%. For a pulsar with constant on-pulse flux density, noise in the dynamic spectrum will appear as a uniformly-distributed background in the secondary spectrum. We find that this uniform noise background contains 95% of noise in the dynamic spectrum for interferometric observations; but only 35% of noise in the dynamic spectrum for single-dish observations. Receiver and sky dominate noise for our interferometric observations, whereas self-noise dominates for single-dish. We suggest that intermittent emission by the pulsar, on timescales < 300 microseconds, concentrates self-noise near the origin in the secondary spectrum, by correlating noise over the dynamic spectrum. We suggest that intermittency sets fundamental limits on pulsar astrometry or timing. Accounting of noise may provide means for detection of intermittent sources, when effects of propagation are unknown or impractical to invert.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figure

    The Role of Nonlinear Dynamics in Quantitative Atomic Force Microscopy

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    Various methods of force measurement with the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) are compared for their ability to accurately determine the tip-surface force from analysis of the nonlinear cantilever motion. It is explained how intermodulation, or the frequency mixing of multiple drive tones by the nonlinear tip-surface force, can be used to concentrate the nonlinear motion in a narrow band of frequency near the cantilevers fundamental resonance, where accuracy and sensitivity of force measurement are greatest. Two different methods for reconstructing tip-surface forces from intermodulation spectra are explained. The reconstruction of both conservative and dissipative tip-surface interactions from intermodulation spectra are demonstrated on simulated data.Comment: 25 pages (preprint, double space) 7 figure

    Non intrusive polynomial chaos-based stochastic macromodeling of multiport systems

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    We present a novel technique to efficiently perform the variability analysis of electromagnetic systems. The proposed method calculates a Polynomial Chaos-based macromodel of the system transfer function that includes its statistical properties. The combination of a non-intrusive Polynomial Chaos approach with the Vector Fitting algorithm allows to describe the system variability features with accuracy and efficiency. The results of the variability analysis performed with the proposed method are verified by means of comparison with respect to the standard Monte Carlo analysis

    Accurate numerical simulations of inspiralling binary neutron stars and their comparison with effective-one-body analytical models

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    Binary neutron-star systems represent one of the most promising sources of gravitational waves. In order to be able to extract important information, notably about the equation of state of matter at nuclear density, it is necessary to have in hands an accurate analytical model of the expected waveforms. Following our recent work, we here analyze more in detail two general-relativistic simulations spanning about 20 gravitational-wave cycles of the inspiral of equal-mass binary neutron stars with different compactnesses, and compare them with a tidal extension of the effective-one-body (EOB) analytical model. The latter tidally extended EOB model is analytically complete up to the 1.5 post-Newtonian level, and contains an analytically undetermined parameter representing a higher-order amplification of tidal effects. We find that, by calibrating this single parameter, the EOB model can reproduce, within the numerical error, the two numerical waveforms essentially up to the merger. By contrast, analytical models (either EOB, or Taylor-T4) that do not incorporate such a higher-order amplification of tidal effects, build a dephasing with respect to the numerical waveforms of several radians.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figs. Matched published versio
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