13,217 research outputs found

    Learning the optimal scale for GWAS through hierarchical SNP aggregation

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    Motivation: Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) seek to identify causal genomic variants associated with rare human diseases. The classical statistical approach for detecting these variants is based on univariate hypothesis testing, with healthy individuals being tested against affected individuals at each locus. Given that an individual's genotype is characterized by up to one million SNPs, this approach lacks precision, since it may yield a large number of false positives that can lead to erroneous conclusions about genetic associations with the disease. One way to improve the detection of true genetic associations is to reduce the number of hypotheses to be tested by grouping SNPs. Results: We propose a dimension-reduction approach which can be applied in the context of GWAS by making use of the haplotype structure of the human genome. We compare our method with standard univariate and multivariate approaches on both synthetic and real GWAS data, and we show that reducing the dimension of the predictor matrix by aggregating SNPs gives a greater precision in the detection of associations between the phenotype and genomic regions

    Using GWAS Data to Identify Copy Number Variants Contributing to Common Complex Diseases

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    Copy number variants (CNVs) account for more polymorphic base pairs in the human genome than do single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). CNVs encompass genes as well as noncoding DNA, making these polymorphisms good candidates for functional variation. Consequently, most modern genome-wide association studies test CNVs along with SNPs, after inferring copy number status from the data generated by high-throughput genotyping platforms. Here we give an overview of CNV genomics in humans, highlighting patterns that inform methods for identifying CNVs. We describe how genotyping signals are used to identify CNVs and provide an overview of existing statistical models and methods used to infer location and carrier status from such data, especially the most commonly used methods exploring hybridization intensity. We compare the power of such methods with the alternative method of using tag SNPs to identify CNV carriers. As such methods are only powerful when applied to common CNVs, we describe two alternative approaches that can be informative for identifying rare CNVs contributing to disease risk. We focus particularly on methods identifying de novo CNVs and show that such methods can be more powerful than case-control designs. Finally we present some recommendations for identifying CNVs contributing to common complex disorders.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-STS304 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A Bayesian Method for Detecting and Characterizing Allelic Heterogeneity and Boosting Signals in Genome-Wide Association Studies

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    The standard paradigm for the analysis of genome-wide association studies involves carrying out association tests at both typed and imputed SNPs. These methods will not be optimal for detecting the signal of association at SNPs that are not currently known or in regions where allelic heterogeneity occurs. We propose a novel association test, complementary to the SNP-based approaches, that attempts to extract further signals of association by explicitly modeling and estimating both unknown SNPs and allelic heterogeneity at a locus. At each site we estimate the genealogy of the case-control sample by taking advantage of the HapMap haplotypes across the genome. Allelic heterogeneity is modeled by allowing more than one mutation on the branches of the genealogy. Our use of Bayesian methods allows us to assess directly the evidence for a causative SNP not well correlated with known SNPs and for allelic heterogeneity at each locus. Using simulated data and real data from the WTCCC project, we show that our method (i) produces a significant boost in signal and accurately identifies the form of the allelic heterogeneity in regions where it is known to exist, (ii) can suggest new signals that are not found by testing typed or imputed SNPs and (iii) can provide more accurate estimates of effect sizes in regions of association.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-STS311 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Targeted sequencing identifies genetic polymorphisms of flavin-containing monooxygenase genes contributing to susceptibility of nicotine dependence in European American and African American

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    BACKGROUND: Smoking is a leading cause of preventable death. Early studies based on samples of twins have linked the lifetime smoking practices to genetic predisposition. The flavin‐containing monooxygenase (FMO) protein family consists of a group of enzymes that metabolize drugs and xenobiotics. Both FMO1 and FMO3 were potentially susceptible genes for nicotine metabolism process. METHODS: In this study, we investigated the potential of FMO genes to confer risk of nicotine dependence via deep targeted sequencing in 2,820 study subjects comprising 1,583 nicotine dependents and 1,237 controls from European American and African American. Specifically, we focused on the two genomic segments including FMO1,FMO3, and pseudo gene FMO6P, and aimed to investigate the potential association between FMO genes and nicotine dependence. Both common and low‐frequency/rare variants were analyzed using different algorithms. The potential functional significance of SNPs with association signal was investigated with relevant bioinformatics tools. RESULTS: We identified different clusters of significant common variants in European (with most significant SNP rs6674596, p = .0004, OR = 0.67, MAF_EA = 0.14, FMO1) and African Americans (with the most significant SNP rs6608453, p = .001, OR = 0.64, MAF_AA = 0.1, FMO6P). No significant signals were identified through haplotype‐based analyses. Gene network investigation indicated that both FMO1 and FMO3 have a strong relation with a variety of genes belonging to CYP gene families (with combined score greater than 0.9). Most of the significant variants identified were SNPs located within intron regions or with unknown functional significance, indicating a need for future work to understand the underlying functional significance of these signals. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicated significant association between FMO genes and nicotine dependence. Replications of our findings in other ethnic groups were needed in the future. Most of the significant variants identified were SNPs located within intronic regions or with unknown functional significance, indicating a need for future work to understand the underlying functional significance of these signals

    Search for Risk Haplotype Segments with GWAS Data by Use of Finite Mixture Models

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    The region-based association analysis has been proposed to capture the collective behavior of sets of variants by testing the association of each set instead of individual variants with the disease. Such an analysis typically involves a list of unphased multiple-locus genotypes with potentially sparse frequencies in cases and controls. To tackle the problem of the sparse distribution, a two-stage approach was proposed in literature: In the first stage, haplotypes are computationally inferred from genotypes, followed by a haplotype co-classification. In the second stage, the association analysis is performed on the inferred haplotype groups. If a haplotype is unevenly distributed between the case and control samples, this haplotype is labeled as a risk haplotype. Unfortunately, the in-silico reconstruction of haplotypes might produce a proportion of false haplotypes which hamper the detection of rare but true haplotypes. Here, to address the issue, we propose an alternative approach: In Stage 1, we cluster genotypes instead of inferred haplotypes and estimate the risk genotypes based on a finite mixture model. In Stage 2, we infer risk haplotypes from risk genotypes inferred from the previous stage. To estimate the finite mixture model, we propose an EM algorithm with a novel data partition-based initialization. The performance of the proposed procedure is assessed by simulation studies and a real data analysis. Compared to the existing multiple Z-test procedure, we find that the power of genome-wide association studies can be increased by using the proposed procedure

    Whole-genome sequencing to understand the genetic architecture of common gene expression and biomarker phenotypes.

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    Initial results from sequencing studies suggest that there are relatively few low-frequency (<5%) variants associated with large effects on common phenotypes. We performed low-pass whole-genome sequencing in 680 individuals from the InCHIANTI study to test two primary hypotheses: (i) that sequencing would detect single low-frequency-large effect variants that explained similar amounts of phenotypic variance as single common variants, and (ii) that some common variant associations could be explained by low-frequency variants. We tested two sets of disease-related common phenotypes for which we had statistical power to detect large numbers of common variant-common phenotype associations-11 132 cis-gene expression traits in 450 individuals and 93 circulating biomarkers in all 680 individuals. From a total of 11 657 229 high-quality variants of which 6 129 221 and 5 528 008 were common and low frequency (<5%), respectively, low frequency-large effect associations comprised 7% of detectable cis-gene expression traits [89 of 1314 cis-eQTLs at P < 1 × 10(-06) (false discovery rate ∼5%)] and one of eight biomarker associations at P < 8 × 10(-10). Very few (30 of 1232; 2%) common variant associations were fully explained by low-frequency variants. Our data show that whole-genome sequencing can identify low-frequency variants undetected by genotyping based approaches when sample sizes are sufficiently large to detect substantial numbers of common variant associations, and that common variant associations are rarely explained by single low-frequency variants of large effect

    Statistical Methods For Detecting Genetic Risk Factors of a Disease with Applications to Genome-Wide Association Studies

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    This thesis aims to develop various statistical methods for analysing the data derived from genome wide association studies (GWAS). The GWAS often involves genotyping individual human genetic variation, using high-throughput genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays, in thousands of individuals and testing for association between those variants and a given disease under the assumption of common disease/common variant. Although GWAS have identified many potential genetic factors in the genome that affect the risks to complex diseases, there is still much of the genetic heritability that remains unexplained. The power of detecting new genetic risk variants can be improved by considering multiple genetic variants simultaneously with novel statistical methods. Improving the analysis of the GWAS data has received much attention from statisticians and other scientific researchers over the past decade. There are several challenges arising in analysing the GWAS data. First, determining the risk SNPs might be difficult due to non-random correlation between SNPs that can inflate type I and II errors in statistical inference. When a group of SNPs are considered together in the context of haplotypes/genotypes, the distribution of the haplotypes/genotypes is sparse, which makes it difficult to detect risk haplotypes/genotypes in terms of disease penetrance. In this work, we proposed four new methods to identify risk haplotypes/genotypes based on their frequency differences between cases and controls. To evaluate the performances of our methods, we simulated datasets under wide range of scenarios according to both retrospective and prospective designs. In the first method, we first reconstruct haplotypes by using unphased genotypes, followed by clustering and thresholding the inferred haplotypes into risk and non-risk groups with a two-component binomial-mixture model. In the method, the parameters were estimated by using the modified Expectation-Maximization algorithm, where the maximisation step was replaced the posterior sampling of the component parameters. We also elucidated the relationships between risk and non-risk haplotypes under different modes of inheritance and genotypic relative risk. In the second method, we fitted a three-component mixture model to genotype data directly, followed by an odds-ratio thresholding. In the third method, we combined the existing haplotype reconstruction software PHASE and permutation method to infer risk haplotypes. In the fourth method, we proposed a new way to score the genotypes by clustering and combined it with a logistic regression approach to infer risk haplotypes. The simulation studies showed that the first three methods outperformed the multiple testing method of (Zhu, 2010) in terms of average specificity and sensitivity (AVSS) in all scenarios considered. The logistic regression methods also outperformed the standard logistic regression method. We applied our methods to two GWAS datasets on coronary artery disease (CAD) and hypertension (HT), detecting several new risk haplotypes and recovering a number of the existing disease-associated genetic variants in the literature

    Population Genetics of Rare Variants and Complex Diseases

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    Identifying drivers of complex traits from the noisy signals of genetic variation obtained from high throughput genome sequencing technologies is a central challenge faced by human geneticists today. We hypothesize that the variants involved in complex diseases are likely to exhibit non-neutral evolutionary signatures. Uncovering the evolutionary history of all variants is therefore of intrinsic interest for complex disease research. However, doing so necessitates the simultaneous elucidation of the targets of natural selection and population-specific demographic history. Here we characterize the action of natural selection operating across complex disease categories, and use population genetic simulations to evaluate the expected patterns of genetic variation in large samples. We focus on populations that have experienced historical bottlenecks followed by explosive growth (consistent with most human populations), and describe the differences between evolutionarily deleterious mutations and those that are neutral. Genes associated with several complex disease categories exhibit stronger signatures of purifying selection than non-disease genes. In addition, loci identified through genome-wide association studies of complex traits also exhibit signatures consistent with being in regions recurrently targeted by purifying selection. Through simulations, we show that population bottlenecks and rapid growth enables deleterious rare variants to persist at low frequencies just as long as neutral variants, but low frequency and common variants tend to be much younger than neutral variants. This has resulted in a large proportion of modern-day rare alleles that have a deleterious effect on function, and that potentially contribute to disease susceptibility.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figure