3,080 research outputs found

    A Light on Physiological Sensors for Efficient Driver Drowsiness Detection System

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    International audienceThe significant advance in bio-sensor technologies hold promise to monitor human physiologicalsignals in real time. In the context of public safety, such technology knows notable research investigations toobjectively detect early stage of driver drowsiness that impairs driver performance under various conditions.Seeking for low-cost, compact yet reliable sensing technology that can provide a solution to drowsy stateproblem is challenging. While some enduring solutions have been available as prototypes for a while, many ofthese technologies are now in the development, validation testing, or even commercialization stages. Thecontribution of this paper is to assess current progress in the development of bio-sensors based driver drowsinessdetection technologies and study their fundamental specifications to achieve accuracy requirements. Existingmarket and research products are then ranked following the discussed specifications. The finding of this work isto provide a methodology to facilitate making the appropriate hardware choice to implement efficient yet lowcostdrowsiness detection system using existing market physiological based sensors

    Study of soft materials, flexible electronics, and machine learning for fully portable and wireless brain-machine interfaces

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    Over 300,000 individuals in the United States are afflicted with some form of limited motor function from brainstem or spinal-cord related injury resulting in quadriplegia or some form of locked-in syndrome. Conventional brain-machine interfaces used to allow for communication or movement require heavy, rigid components, uncomfortable headgear, excessive numbers of electrodes, and bulky electronics with long wires that result in greater data artifacts and generally inadequate performance. Wireless, wearable electroencephalograms, along with dry non-invasive electrodes can be utilized to allow recording of brain activity on a mobile subject to allow for unrestricted movement. Additionally, multilayer microfabricated flexible circuits, when combined with a soft materials platform allows for imperceptible wearable data acquisition electronics for long term recording. This dissertation aims to introduce new electronics and training paradigms for brain-machine interfaces to provide remedies in the form of communication and movement for these individuals. Here, training is optimized by generating a virtual environment from which a subject can achieve immersion using a VR headset in order to train and familiarize with the system. Advances in hardware and implementation of convolutional neural networks allow for rapid classification and low-latency target control. Integration of materials, mechanics, circuit and electrode design results in an optimized brain-machine interface allowing for rehabilitation and overall improved quality of life.Ph.D

    A Novel Power-Efficient Wireless Multi-channel Recording System for the Telemonitoring of Electroencephalography (EEG)

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    This research introduces the development of a novel EEG recording system that is modular, batteryless, and wireless (untethered) with the supporting theoretical foundation in wireless communications and related design elements and circuitry. Its modular construct overcomes the EEG scaling problem and makes it easier for reconfiguring the hardware design in terms of the number and placement of electrodes and type of standard EEG system contemplated for use. In this development, portability, lightweight, and applicability to other clinical applications that rely on EEG data are sought. Due to printer tolerance, the 3D printed cap consists of 61 electrode placements. This recording capacity can however extend from 21 (as in the international 10-20 systems) up to 61 EEG channels at sample rates ranging from 250 to 1000 Hz and the transfer of the raw EEG signal using a standard allocated frequency as a data carrier. The main objectives of this dissertation are to (1) eliminate the need for heavy mounted batteries, (2) overcome the requirement for bulky power systems, and (3) avoid the use of data cables to untether the EEG system from the subject for a more practical and less restrictive setting. Unpredictability and temporal variations of the EEG input make developing a battery-free and cable-free EEG reading device challenging. Professional high-quality and high-resolution analog front ends are required to capture non-stationary EEG signals at microvolt levels. The primary components of the proposed setup are the wireless power transmission unit, which consists of a power amplifier, highly efficient resonant-inductive link, rectification, regulation, and power management units, as well as the analog front end, which consists of an analog to digital converter, pre-amplification unit, filtering unit, host microprocessor, and the wireless communication unit. These must all be compatible with the rest of the system and must use the least amount of power possible while minimizing the presence of noise and the attenuation of the recorded signal A highly efficient resonant-inductive coupling link is developed to decrease power transmission dissipation. Magnetized materials were utilized to steer electromagnetic flux and decrease route and medium loss while transmitting the required energy with low dissipation. Signal pre-amplification is handled by the front-end active electrodes. Standard bio-amplifier design approaches are combined to accomplish this purpose, and a thorough investigation of the optimum ADC, microcontroller, and transceiver units has been carried out. We can minimize overall system weight and power consumption by employing battery-less and cable-free EEG readout system designs, consequently giving patients more comfort and freedom of movement. Similarly, the solutions are designed to match the performance of medical-grade equipment. The captured electrical impulses using the proposed setup can be stored for various uses, including classification, prediction, 3D source localization, and for monitoring and diagnosing different brain disorders. All the proposed designs and supporting mathematical derivations were validated through empirical and software-simulated experiments. Many of the proposed designs, including the 3D head cap, the wireless power transmission unit, and the pre-amplification unit, are already fabricated, and the schematic circuits and simulation results were based on Spice, Altium, and high-frequency structure simulator (HFSS) software. The fully integrated head cap to be fabricated would require embedding the active electrodes into the 3D headset and applying current technological advances to miniaturize some of the design elements developed in this dissertation

    Review of Wireless Brain-Computer Interface Systems

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    Wearable System Based on Ultra-Thin Parylene C Tattoo Electrodes for EEG Recording

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    In an increasingly interconnected world, where electronic devices permeate every aspect of our lives, wearable systems aimed at monitoring physiological signals are rapidly taking over the sport and fitness domain, as well as biomedical fields such as rehabilitation and prosthetics. With the intent of providing a novel approach to the field, in this paper we discuss the development of a wearable system for the acquisition of EEG signals based on a portable, low-power custom PCB specifically designed to be used in combination with non-conventional ultra-conformable and imperceptible Parylene-C tattoo electrodes. The proposed system has been tested in a standard rest-state experiment, and its performance in terms of discrimination of two different states has been compared to that of a commercial wearable device for EEG signal acquisition (i.e., the Muse headset), showing comparable results. This first preliminary validation demonstrates the possibility of conveniently employing ultra-conformable tattoo-electrodes integrated portable systems for the unobtrusive acquisition of brain activity

    Acquisition of subcortical auditory potentials with around-the-Ear cEEGrid technology in normal and hearing impaired listeners

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    Even though the principles of recording brain electrical activity remain unchanged since their discovery, their acquisition has seen major improvements. The cEEGrid, a recently developed flex-printed multi-channel sensory array, can be placed around the ear and successfully record well-known cortical electrophysiological potentials such as late auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) or the P300. Due to its fast and easy application as well as its long-lasting signal recording window, the cEEGrid technology offers great potential as a flexible and 'wearable' solution for the acquisition of neural correlates of hearing. Early potentials of auditory processing such as the auditory brainstem response (ABR) are already used in clinical assessment of sensorineural hearing disorders and envelope following responses (EFR) have shown promising results in the diagnosis of suprathreshold hearing deficits. This study evaluates the suitability of the cEEGrid electrode configuration to capture these AEPs. cEEGrid potentials were recorded and compared to cap-EEG potentials for young normal-hearing listeners and older listeners with high-frequency sloping audiograms to assess whether the recordings are adequately sensitive for hearing diagnostics. ABRs were elicited by presenting clicks (70 and 100-dB peSPL) and stimulation for the EFRs consisted of 120 Hz amplitudemodulated white noise carriers presented at 70-dB SPL. Data from nine bipolar cEEGrid channels and one classical cap-EEG montage (earlobes to vertex) were analysed and outcome measures were compared. Results show that the cEEGrid is able to record ABRs and EFRs with comparable shape to those recorded using a conventional capEEG recording montage and the same amplifier. Signal strength is lower but can still produce responses above the individual neural electrophysiological noise floor. This study shows that the application of the cEEGrid can be extended to the acquisition of early auditory evoked potentials

    A Power-Efficient Bio-Potential Acquisition Device with DS-MDE Sensors for Long-Term Healthcare Monitoring Applications

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    This work describes a power-efficient bio-potential acquisition device for long-term healthcare applications that is implemented using novel microelectromechanical dry electrodes (MDE) and a low power bio-potential processing chip. Using micromachining technology, an attempt is also made to enhance the sensing reliability and stability by fabricating a diamond-shaped MDE (DS-MDE) that has a satisfactory self-stability capability and superior electric conductivity when attached onto skin without any extra skin tissue injury technology. To acquire differential bio-potentials such as ECG signals, the proposed processing chip fabricated in a standard CMOS process has a high common mode rejection ratio (C.M.R.R.) differential amplifier and a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Use of the proposed system and integrate simple peripheral commercial devices can obtain the ECG signal efficiently without additional skin tissue injury and ensure continuous monitoring more than 70 hours with a 400 mAh battery
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