14 research outputs found

    Crowdsourcing translation under translational eco-environment of Web 2.0

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    With the appearing of Web 2.0 concept, Internet users begin to learn, work, and jointly create information and culture on an online interactive platform. Translation industry also utilizes this platform, which creates crowdsourcing translation. With the help of this platform, crowdsourcing translation websites emerge and provide every translator with a chance to participate in article or book translation projects. The author of this paper adopts eco-translatology theory to study crowdsourcing translation and puts it under the new translational eco-environment of Web 2.0 to discuss its operation features

    Investigating the Influence of Task Complexity and Outcome Variety on User Performance in Crowdsourcing Projects

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    Nowadays many companies leverage crowdsourcing to solve problems in order to reduce cost. The quality of the solution submitted by the participant is especially important for the company, so how to improve participation performance has become an essential research topic. From the perspective of task design, this paper proposes a theoretical model based on the job characteristics model to explore how task complexity and outcome variety affect participation performance through influencing self-efficacy and task meaningfulness. We will collect data through an online experiment to validate our proposed research model in the context of a crowdsourced translation task. Participation performance will be measured with subjective questionnaire and objective translation grades. Findings of this research will have theoretical implications and provide practical guidelines for crowdsourcing projects

    Supporting language diversity of European MOOCs with the EMMA platform

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    This paper introduces the cross-language support of the EMMA MOOC platform. Based on a discussion of language diversity in Europe we introduce the development and evaluation of automated translation of texts and subtitling of videos from Dutch into English. The development of an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system and a Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) system is described. The resources employed and evaluation approach is introduced. Initial evaluation results are presented. Finally, we provide an outlook into future research and development.This work is partially funded by the EU under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Program 2007- 2017 (CIP) in the European Multiple MOOC Aggregator (EMMA) project. Grant Agreement no. 621030

    Crowdsourcing Design: A Synthesis of Literatures

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    Crowdsourcing is a phenomenon emerging in various sectors and industries that provides an opportunity for governments to collaborate with the public to generate information, deliver public services, or facilitate policy innovation. This review paper synthesizes prior research and practices on crowdsourcing from a variety of disciplines and focuses on the purpose, crowd, motivation, process design and outcomes. A process map for governments to design crowdsourcing is generated and three key actions are highlighted, namely incentive design, communication, and information aggregation

    Lost in Translation: The Influence of Translated Information Quality on Foreign Shoppers

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    Abstract: Global e-retailing continues to soar in popularity, but scant attention is being paid to the role of translation services that combine people power with machines to enable business opportunities. This paper details a study investigating whether improving translated information quality of product descriptions increases the customers’ information satisfaction and their intention to use an online shopping website. Both machine and crowdsourced translation methods were used for written language translation from English to Simplified Chinese, as these are the official languages of the two largest economies (U.S.A and China) that also have large e-tailing markets. A research model based on DeLone & McLean’s (Updated) Information Systems Success Model was used for testing the impact of translated information quality. The results of the analysis demonstrate the use of a new translated information quality construct, and that translation method has a moderating effect on information satisfaction and intention to use

    Tecnologías aplicadas a la gestión de proyectos de traducción

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    La tecnología se ha convertido en una parte esencial en el día a día del traductor hasta el punto que traducción y tecnología ya no se conciben por separado. Esta afirmación, generalmente aceptada, ha supuesto el auge de una de las principales parcelas de especialidad del sector y que está de manera ineludible vinculada con la tecnología: la gestión de proyectos. El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) pretende dar una visión general de algunos de los recursos tecnológicos más importantes aplicados a la gestión de proyectos de traducción. Nuestro objetivo principal consistirá en explicar su funcionamiento, así como en presentar un análisis crítico de las razones por las que se los considera como la piedra angular de la gestión de proyectos de traducciónGrado en Traducción e Interpretació

    O perfil de tradutores de textos especializados atuantes no mercado brasileiro: perspectivas, problemas e expectativas

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    A tradução de textos sobre assuntos técnicos e especializados está pervasivamente presente na vida do brasileiro mediano. Não obstante a ampla disseminação desse tipo de conteúdo traduzido, pouco se percebe, nesse cenário, a figura do tradutor. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar os dados coletados em pesquisa de sondagem sobre o perfil de tradutores atuantes no mercado brasileiro de tradução especializada. Existem estudos deste tipo sobre outros mercados (norte-americano e europeu), como por exemplo o trabalho pioneiro de Venuti (1995) que denunciou a invisibilidade do tradutor literário, mas poucos sobre o mercado brasileiro de tradução especializada. Nesta pesquisa, obtiveram-se respostas relacionadas à percepção que os profissionais de tradução têm de si mesmos e das condições de trabalho atuais nesse mercado.Translations of texts with technical and specialized contents are more and more part of everyday lives of Brazilian people. However, translators are rarely visible, despite the wide spread production of that kind of translated materials. This paper aims at presenting and analyzing data collected from a survey about the profile of translators working in the Brazilian market of specialized translation. There are similar studies about other translation markets, such as the pioneer study of Venuti (1995) that depicts the invisibility of the translator of literary texts in North America, but few studies focus on the Brazilian market and even less on the market of specialized translation. The research presented here discusses results obtained about the perceptions that professional translators have of themselves as well as of the current working conditions in that market segment

    Toward Crowdsourcing Translation Post-editing: A Thematic Systematic Review

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    Crowdsourcing Translation as a Post-Editing Method (CTPE) has emerged as a rapid and inexpensive method for translation and has drawn significant attention in recent years. This qualitative study aims to analyze and synthesize the approaches and aspects underpinning CTPE research and to identify its potential that is yet to be discovered. Through a systematic literature review focused on empirical papers, we examined the limited literature thematically and identified recurring central themes. Our review reveals that the topic of CTPE requires further attention and that its potential benefits are yet to be fully discovered. We discuss the eight core concepts that emerged during our analysis, including the purpose of CTPE, CTPE areas of application, ongoing CTPE processes, platform and crowd characteristics, motivation, CTPE domains, and future perspectives. By highlighting the strengths of CTPE, we conclude that it has the potential to be a highly effective translation method in various domains