13,508 research outputs found

    Spatial Filtering Pipeline Evaluation of Cortically Coupled Computer Vision System for Rapid Serial Visual Presentation

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    Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) is a paradigm that supports the application of cortically coupled computer vision to rapid image search. In RSVP, images are presented to participants in a rapid serial sequence which can evoke Event-related Potentials (ERPs) detectable in their Electroencephalogram (EEG). The contemporary approach to this problem involves supervised spatial filtering techniques which are applied for the purposes of enhancing the discriminative information in the EEG data. In this paper we make two primary contributions to that field: 1) We propose a novel spatial filtering method which we call the Multiple Time Window LDA Beamformer (MTWLB) method; 2) we provide a comprehensive comparison of nine spatial filtering pipelines using three spatial filtering schemes namely, MTWLB, xDAWN, Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) and three linear classification methods Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Bayesian Linear Regression (BLR) and Logistic Regression (LR). Three pipelines without spatial filtering are used as baseline comparison. The Area Under Curve (AUC) is used as an evaluation metric in this paper. The results reveal that MTWLB and xDAWN spatial filtering techniques enhance the classification performance of the pipeline but CSP does not. The results also support the conclusion that LR can be effective for RSVP based BCI if discriminative features are available

    Dynamic Construction of Stimulus Values in the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex

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    Signals representing the value assigned to stimuli at the time of choice have been repeatedly observed in ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). Yet it remains unknown how these value representations are computed from sensory and memory representations in more posterior brain regions. We used electroencephalography (EEG) while subjects evaluated appetitive and aversive food items to study how event-related responses modulated by stimulus value evolve over time. We found that value-related activity shifted from posterior to anterior, and from parietal to central to frontal sensors, across three major time windows after stimulus onset: 150–250 ms, 400–550 ms, and 700–800 ms. Exploratory localization of the EEG signal revealed a shifting network of activity moving from sensory and memory structures to areas associated with value coding, with stimulus value activity localized to vmPFC only from 400 ms onwards. Consistent with these results, functional connectivity analyses also showed a causal flow of information from temporal cortex to vmPFC. Thus, although value signals are present as early as 150 ms after stimulus onset, the value signals in vmPFC appear relatively late in the choice process, and seem to reflect the integration of incoming information from sensory and memory related regions

    EEG-Based User Reaction Time Estimation Using Riemannian Geometry Features

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    Riemannian geometry has been successfully used in many brain-computer interface (BCI) classification problems and demonstrated superior performance. In this paper, for the first time, it is applied to BCI regression problems, an important category of BCI applications. More specifically, we propose a new feature extraction approach for Electroencephalogram (EEG) based BCI regression problems: a spatial filter is first used to increase the signal quality of the EEG trials and also to reduce the dimensionality of the covariance matrices, and then Riemannian tangent space features are extracted. We validate the performance of the proposed approach in reaction time estimation from EEG signals measured in a large-scale sustained-attention psychomotor vigilance task, and show that compared with the traditional powerband features, the tangent space features can reduce the root mean square estimation error by 4.30-8.30%, and increase the estimation correlation coefficient by 6.59-11.13%.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1702.0291

    Structure Learning in Coupled Dynamical Systems and Dynamic Causal Modelling

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    Identifying a coupled dynamical system out of many plausible candidates, each of which could serve as the underlying generator of some observed measurements, is a profoundly ill posed problem that commonly arises when modelling real world phenomena. In this review, we detail a set of statistical procedures for inferring the structure of nonlinear coupled dynamical systems (structure learning), which has proved useful in neuroscience research. A key focus here is the comparison of competing models of (ie, hypotheses about) network architectures and implicit coupling functions in terms of their Bayesian model evidence. These methods are collectively referred to as dynamical casual modelling (DCM). We focus on a relatively new approach that is proving remarkably useful; namely, Bayesian model reduction (BMR), which enables rapid evaluation and comparison of models that differ in their network architecture. We illustrate the usefulness of these techniques through modelling neurovascular coupling (cellular pathways linking neuronal and vascular systems), whose function is an active focus of research in neurobiology and the imaging of coupled neuronal systems

    The Surface Laplacian Technique in EEG: Theory and Methods

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    This paper reviews the method of surface Laplacian differentiation to study EEG. We focus on topics that are helpful for a clear understanding of the underlying concepts and its efficient implementation, which is especially important for EEG researchers unfamiliar with the technique. The popular methods of finite difference and splines are reviewed in detail. The former has the advantage of simplicity and low computational cost, but its estimates are prone to a variety of errors due to discretization. The latter eliminates all issues related to discretization and incorporates a regularization mechanism to reduce spatial noise, but at the cost of increasing mathematical and computational complexity. These and several others issues deserving further development are highlighted, some of which we address to the extent possible. Here we develop a set of discrete approximations for Laplacian estimates at peripheral electrodes and a possible solution to the problem of multiple-frame regularization. We also provide the mathematical details of finite difference approximations that are missing in the literature, and discuss the problem of computational performance, which is particularly important in the context of EEG splines where data sets can be very large. Along this line, the matrix representation of the surface Laplacian operator is carefully discussed and some figures are given illustrating the advantages of this approach. In the final remarks, we briefly sketch a possible way to incorporate finite-size electrodes into Laplacian estimates that could guide further developments.Comment: 43 pages, 8 figure

    Estimation of overlapped Eye Fixation Related Potentials: The General Linear Model, a more flexible framework than the ADJAR algorithm

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    The Eye Fixation Related Potential (EFRP) estimation is the average of EEG signals across epochs at ocular fixation onset. Its main limitation is the overlapping issue. Inter Fixation Intervals (IFI) - typically around 300 ms in the case of unrestricted eye movement- depend on participants’ oculomotor patterns, and can be shorter than the latency of the components of the evoked potential. If the duration of an epoch is longer than the IFI value, more than one fixation can occur, and some overlapping between adjacent neural responses ensues. The classical average does not take into account either the presence of several fixations during an epoch or overlapping. The Adjacent Response algorithm (ADJAR), which is popular for event-related potential estimation, was compared to the General Linear Model (GLM) on a real dataset from a conjoint EEG and eye-tracking experiment to address the overlapping issue. The results showed that the ADJAR algorithm was based on assumptions that were too restrictive for EFRP estimation. The General Linear Model appeared to be more robust and efficient. Different configurations of this model were compared to estimate the potential elicited at image onset, as well as EFRP at the beginning of exploration. These configurations took into account the overlap between the event-related potential at stimulus presentation and the following EFRP, and the distinction between the potential elicited by the first fixation onset and subsequent ones. The choice of the General Linear Model configuration was a tradeoff between assumptions about expected behavior and the quality of the EFRP estimation: the number of different potentials estimated by a given model must be controlled to avoid erroneous estimations with large variances
