7 research outputs found

    Requirements Elicitation from BPMN Models

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    Tarkvarasüsteemi loomiseks on väga oluline mõista, millised on tegelikud vajadused ja nende rahuldamist takistavad piirangud. Nõuete tuvastamise käigus õpitakse tundma ümbritsevat keskkonda ja tehakse kindlaks kasutajate ning teiste osapoolte vajadused. Üheks peamiseks kohaks, kust nõudeid leida, on hetkel kasutatavad süsteemid (protsessid, organisatsioon, keskkond ja kasutatavad infosüsteemid). Kasutusel olevaid protsesse kujutatakse tihti graafiliselt mudelitena ja need mudelid kujutavad endast väga olulist informatsiooniallikat nõuete tuvastamisel. BPMN mudelid on saanud väga populaarseks ja neid kasutatakse tihti süsteemide kirjeldamiseks, kuid vaatamata sellele, et nad on väärtuslikud teadmiste allikad, kasutatakse neid nõuete tuvastamisel siiski harva. Üheks selliseks põhjuseks on asjaolu, et puuduvad konkreetsed ja põhjalikud juhised, mis aitavad süstemaatiliselt mudelist nõudeid tuvastada. Selles töös esitletakse meetodit funktsionaalsete nõuete tuvastamiseks BPMN mudelitest. Meetod läbib süsteemselt kõiki nõude komponente ja annab juhised, kuidas BPMN mudelist komponendi kohta informatsiooni leida ning annab lisaks kogumi küsimusi, mida valdkonna spetsialistidele esitada, et nõue oleks põhjalik, järjepidev, piiritletud ja nõutava detailsusega. Loodud meetodit rakendati ka juhtumiuuringu käigus ja tõestati, et uus meetod on rakendatav ning on struktureeritud lähenemine nõuete tuvastamiseks. Meetod tuvastas rohkem nõudeid kui meetod, mis oli algselt kasutusel juhtumi organisatsiooni poolt ja tuvastatud nõuded olid ka parema kvaliteediga. Meetodi rakendamine võttis märkimisväärselt vähem aega, tuvastamise protsess oli hästi kontrollitav, see võimaldas täpsemalt hinnata tuvastamisele kuluvat aega ja seeläbi on meetodit kasutades lihtsam protsessi planeerida ja ülesandeid delegeerida.When building a software system, it is crucial to understand the actual needs and the interfering constraints that apply in the surrounding environment. Elicitation of requirements is all about learning the environment and discovering the needs of users and other stakeholders. One of the primary sources for requirement elicitation is the system (processes, organization, environment and legacy systems) currently being used. The system is often captured in the form of graphical models, which are an important source of information for requirements elicitation. BPMN models are gaining popularity and are frequently used to model systems. Despite the fact that they are a valuable source of knowledge, they are rarely used as a source for eliciting requirements. One reason for this is the lack of concrete and comprehensive guidelines that would assist a systematic requirements elicitation from such models. This thesis presents a method for eliciting functional requirements from BPMN models. The method covers all components of a requirement and gives guidelines where in the BPMN model the information about the components can be found. It also provides a set of questions to be asked from domain experts to make sure that the requirement specification is complete, consistent, bounded and on the required level of granularity. The method was applied on a case study and it was proved that the method is applicable and provides a structured approach to eliciting requirements. The method elicited more requirements than the method previously used by the case organization, and the elicited requirements were also of better quality. The method took considerably less time to apply, it gave better control over the elicitation process, it was easier to evaluate the needed effort, and it enabled to better plan the process. The structured approach makes it easier to delegate work, and there are less situations where something might be overlooked

    Aufbau eines Dokumentationsmodells zur effizienten Erstellung vonE-Commerce-Softwarespezifikationen aus strukturiert erfasstenAnforderungen

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    Die Anforderungen an ein E-Commerce-Projekt sollten strukturiert dokumentiert werden, um daraus technische Lösungskonzepte abzuleiten. Eine solche Planungsphase erhöht die Chancen auf ein erfolgreiches Projekt und minimiert Projektrisiken, ist jedoch mit Zeitaufwand und Kosten verbunden. Viele Webshop-Betreiber möchten diese Aufwände minimieren, da eine kurze Projektdauer als kritischer Erfolgsfaktor am Markt angesehen wird. Diese Arbeit zeigt ein Dokumentationsmodell für Software- und Infrastrukturanforderungen auf, das die Branchenspezifika berücksichtigt und die Dokumentation von Anforderungen und Lösungskonzept erheblich beschleunigen soll. Dazu setzt es auf Wiederverwendung und die visuelle Modellierung mit einem CASE-Tool der aktuellen Generation. Sie reflektiert den Nutzen anhand eines Tests des Dokumentationsmodells im Projekteinsatz.The requirements of an e-commerce project should be documented in a structured way in order to derive technical concepts from them. Such an analysis phase increases the chance for a successful project and mitigates project risks, yet it costs both time and effort. Many webshop operators strive to minimize the analysis efforts as a brief project duration is considered a critical factor to success in the market. This thesis develops a documentation model for software and infrastructure requirements that takes industry specifics into account and aims to greatly accelerate the documentation of requirements and corresponding solution concepts. For that purpose it proposes requirements reuse and visual requirement modeling with a current-generation CASE tool. The thesis reflects on the benefits based on a test of the documentation model in an actual project

    Temporal meta-model framework for Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) development

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    This thesis has developed a Temporal Meta-Model Framework for semi-automated Enterprise System Development, which can help drastically reduce the time and cost to develop, deploy and maintain Enterprise Information Systems throughout their lifecycle. It proposes that the analysis and requirements gathering can also perform the bulk of the design phase, stored and available in a suitable model which would then be capable of automated execution with the availability of a set of specific runtime components

    New Fundamental Technologies in Data Mining

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    The progress of data mining technology and large public popularity establish a need for a comprehensive text on the subject. The series of books entitled by "Data Mining" address the need by presenting in-depth description of novel mining algorithms and many useful applications. In addition to understanding each section deeply, the two books present useful hints and strategies to solving problems in the following chapters. The contributing authors have highlighted many future research directions that will foster multi-disciplinary collaborations and hence will lead to significant development in the field of data mining

    Towards a taxonomy of reusable CRM requirements for the Not for Profit sector

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    Traditional (or commercial) CRM is a well-defined domain but there is currently no generally accepted definition of what constitutes CRM in the not for profit (NfP) sector. Not for profit organisations are organisations which exist for a social purpose, are independent of the State, and which re-invest all of their financial surpluses in the services they offer or in the organisation itself. This research aims to answer the question "What exactly is CRM as applied to the NfP sector, what are its boundaries and what functions should an NfP CRM information system perform?" Grounded Theory Method (GTM) within a Design Science framework was used to collect, analyse, categorise, generalise and structure data from a number of NfP organisations and NfP information systems suppliers. An NfP CRM model was constructed from this data in the form of three multi-level taxonomies. The main taxonomy relates to generic and reusable information system requirements both functional and non-functional. Within this taxonomy the high-level categorisations of commercial CRM, namely "Marketing, "Sales" and "Service", are greatly extended to reflect the special needs of the NfP sector and in particular a much broader definition of "customer". The two minor taxonomies relate to issues of CRM strategy and CRM systems architecture which need to be considered alongside the system requirements. In addition to and resulting from the taxonomies, an over-arching definition of NfP CRM was developed. NfP organisations now have a framework that will enable them to know what to expect of CRM systems and from which they can select requirements to build their own specification of information system needs. Using the requirements taxonomy for this task will make the process of requirements analysis and specification easier, quicker, cheaper and more complete than using traditional methods. The framework will also allow NfP system suppliers to know what NfP organisations expect of their systems and will assist them with the specification of new system features. The minor taxonomies will provide NfP organisations with a series of strategic issues and systems architecture options that should be considered when implementing a CRM system. This research also demonstrates how GTM can be utilised: as the development phase of Design Research, as a general method of domain analysis, and as a tool to develop a taxonomy of reusable information system requirements.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo