8 research outputs found


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    PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN MODEL MENTAL PADA TOPIK SUHU DAN KALORAbstrakKami telah mengembangkan tes sebagai analisis model mental pada materi suhu dan kalor. Penelitian pengembangan ini didasarkan pada pentingnya mengetahui tingkatan model mental siswa. Model mental merupakan representasi internal siswa dalam memahami sebuah konsep.  Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D. Produk yang dihasilkan merupakan instrumen analisis model mental berupa soal terbuka.  Selanjutnya, instrumen tes model mental diujicobakan kepada responden (N=90) untuk mengukur validitas dan reliabilitas. Tes yang telah dikembangkan terdiri dari 8 soal dengan reliabilitas sebesar 0,667. Berdasarkan analisis data, instrumen tes model mental pada materi suhu dan kalor layak digunakan sebagai instrumen penilaian. AbstractWe have developed test inventory as an analysis of mental models on heat and temperature topics. This development research based on the importance of knowing the level of students' mental models. The mental models are a student’s internal representation of understanding a concept. This study uses a 4-D model. The product being produced is a mental model analysis consists of open-ended questions. Furthermore, mental models test were tested on respondents (N = 90) to measure the validity and reliability. The test that has been developed consists of 8 questions with a value of reliability is 0.667. Based on data analysis, the test of mental models on heat and temperature topics is feasible to use as an assessment instrument.

    Open Assessment Resources for Deeper Learning

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    Imagine a tutor or sessional instructor anywhere in the world who wishes to know something about what students know and can do. With knowledge about Open Assessment Resources (OAR), a repository is visited that is linked to many sites frequented by instructors and instructional designers. The website links existing OER activities with open assessment resource activity-prompts for online student responses. Within the assessment component of a selected OER, the instructor finds a searchable data bank of concepts linked to core content and activities related to what is being taught. The assessment activity-prompt packages can be made, modified or found an

    Insight into kognitive structure : Assessment, analysis, and instructional innovations

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    Strong theoretical foundations and precise methodology are always the one and only starting point for good research. Without sound foundations nothing follows, and thus a deep understanding of the theoretical assumptions of cognitive structure and methodology involved is mandatory for research on cognition and learning as well as for instructional design. Several research projects contribute to the overall scientific knowledge with regard to cognitive structure and its assessment, analysis, and instruction. Cognitive structure continued to be a key subject in different fields of research for more than a century. For good reason. Foundations from cognitive science, computer science, philosophy, and cognitive psychology describe the workings of the human mind in tasks of deduktive and inductive reasoning, especially for reasoning in uncertainty. They lead to theories of problem solving and to theories of learning and instruction which are both highly interdependent. The development of useful systems has always been a goal for scientists and engineers serving professional communities in the fields of instructional design and instructional systems development. This kumulative work outlines a research project which enables an insight into cognitive structure highlighting ways of assessment, analysis, and instructional innovations

    Comparison of two analysis approaches for measuring externalized mental models

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    Mental models are basic cognitive constructs that are central for understanding phenomena of the world and predicting future events. Our comparison of two analysis approaches, SMD and QFCA, for measuring externalized mental models reveals different levels of abstraction and different perspectives. The advantages of the SMD include possibilities for statistical testing of single criteria and big groups. Its disadvantages include a comparatively low pedagogical expressiveness of the more formal criteria. An analysis of single cases with the help of QFCA avoids imprecision by virtue of many steps of analysis and seems more significant on a qualitative level. The main limitation of QFCA is that comparisons are possible for small groups or knowledge sections only. The content-based results open various possibilities for comparing mental-model representations by single cases or groups with different pedagogical implications. © International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS)

    Open Education

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    "This insightful collection of essays explores the ways in which open education can democratise access to education for all. It is a rich resource that offers both research and case studies to relate the application of open technologies and approaches in education settings around the world. Global in perspective, this book argues strongly for the value of open education in both the developed and developing worlds. Through a mixture of theoretical and practical approaches, it demonstrates that open education promotes ideals of inclusion, diversity, and social justice to achieve the vision of education as a fundamental human right. A must-read for practitioners, policy-makers, scholars and students in the field of education.

    Development of a multi-criteria, GIS-based, backcasting framework model (G-BFM) for progression towards zero waste futures, for holistic resource management policy and practice in Northamptonshire by 2050

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    The complex nature of waste management and planning requires a long-term strategic policy formation approach incorporating sustainable development principles. Consequently, the transition from a waste paradigm to valuing materials as resources is central for transitioning towards a 'zero waste' future. A need is identified, via infrastructure planning, to move beyond short-term forecasting and predictive methods previously used in waste research in order to overcome target-driven decision-making. The application of a participatory backcasting methodology: visioning, baseline assessment, scenario development and feasibility testing; produced transformative scenarios which are visualised using GIS reflecting the choices, ideas and beliefs of participants. The structural governance (e.g. waste infrastructure planning and strategic waste policy) of an English county is used to evaluate the efficacy of waste management scenarios. A quantitative model was developed to test scenarios for three metrics (tonnages, economics and carbon). The final model utilises the synergy between backcasting and GIS to spatially and temporally analyse empirically quantified outputs. This structured approach produced three transformative scenarios and one reference scenario. Waste prevention and changes to systemic waste generation produced long-term tonnage reductions across the transformative scenarios. Costs of future waste management witnessed the reference scenario outperforming one of the transformative scenarios; while the highest emissions savings were attributable to the scenario most closely reflecting the notion of 'deep sustainability'. In terms of waste infrastructure planning, a centralised pattern of large integrated facilities emphasising catchments rather than administrative boundary were most effective. All three transformative scenarios surpassed the 90% recycling and recovery level used as the zero waste benchmark. The research concludes that backcasting can offer a range of potential futures capable of achieving an arbitrary definition of zero waste. Further, these futures can be visualised and analysed via GIS; enhancing stakeholder engagement. Overall, the GIS-based Backcasting Framework Model (G-BFM) produced has the potential to benefit a range of stakeholders and practitioners and is strategically scalable

    A Semantic Basis for Meaning Construction in Constructivist Interactions

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