34 research outputs found

    Improving Skin Lesion Segmentation via Stacked Adversarial Learning

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    Segmentation of skin lesions is an essential step in computer aided diagnosis (CAD) for the automated melanoma diagnosis. Recently, segmentation methods based on fully convolutional networks (FCNs) have achieved great success for general images. This success is primarily related to FCNs leveraging large labelled datasets to learn features that correspond to the shallow appearance and the deep semantics of the images. Such large labelled datasets, however, are usually not available for medical images. So researchers have used specific cost functions and post-processing algorithms to refine the coarse boundaries of the results to improve the FCN performance in skin lesion segmentation. These methods are heavily reliant on tuning many parameters and post-processing techniques. In this paper, we adopt the generative adversarial networks (GANs) given their inherent ability to produce consistent and realistic image features by using deep neural networks and adversarial learning concepts. We build upon the GAN with a novel stacked adversarial learning architecture such that skin lesion features can be learned, iteratively, in a class-specific manner. The outputs from our method are then added to the existing FCN training data, thus increasing the overall feature diversity. We evaluated our method on the ISIC 2017 skin lesion segmentation challenge dataset; we show that it is more accurate and robust when compared to the existing skin state-of-the-art methods

    A binary level set method based on k-Means for contour tracking on skin cancer images

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    A great challenge of research and development activities have recently highlighted in segmenting of the skin cancer images. This paper presents a novel algorithm to improve the segmentation results of level set algorithm with skin cancer images. The major contribution of presented algorithm is to simplify skin cancer images for the computer aided object analysis without loss of significant information and to decrease the required computational cost. The presented algorithm uses k-means clustering technique and explores primitive segmentation to get initial label estimation for level set algorithm. The proposed segmentation method provides better segmentation results as compared to standard level set segmentation technique and modified fuzzy cmeans clustering technique

    Performance and Analysis of a U-Net Model for Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation

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    A greater proportion of people are affected by skin cancer, particularly melanoma, which has a higher tendency to metastasize. For Dermatologist, Visual inspections are most challenging & complex task for melanoma detection. To solve this problem, dermoscopic images are analyzed and segmented. Due to the sensitivity involved in surgical operations, existing techniques are unable to achieve higher accuracy. As a result, computer-aided systems are essential to detect & segment dermoscopic images.     In this paper, for segmentation 5000 skin images were taken from the HAM10000 dataset. Prior to segmentation, preprocessing is done by resizing images. A novel U Net structure is a fully convolutional network is presented & implemented using up-sampling and down-sampling technique with Rectified Linear Units (ReLU) for activation functions. The outcomes of proposed methodology shows performance improvement for skin-lesion segmentation with 94.7 % pixel accuracy & 89.2 % dice coefficient compared with existing KNN & SVM techniques

    Region Adjacency Graph Approach for Acral Melanocytic Lesion Segmentation

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    Malignant melanoma is among the fastest increasing malignancies in many countries. Due to its propensity to metastasize and lack of effective therapies for most patients with advanced disease, early detection of melanoma is a clinical imperative. In non-Caucasian populations, melanomas are frequently located in acral volar areas and their dermoscopic appearance differs from the non-acral ones. Although lesion segmentation is a natural preliminary step towards its further analysis, so far virtually no acral skin lesion segmentation method has been proposed. Our goal was to develop an effective segmentation algorithm dedicated for acral lesions

    Accurate segmentation and registration of skin lesion images to evaluate lesion change

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    Skin cancer is a major health problem. There are several techniques to help diagnose skin lesions from a captured image. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems operate on single images of skin lesions, extracting lesion features to further classify them and help the specialists. Accurate feature extraction, which later on depends on precise lesion segmentation, is key for the performance of these systems. In this paper, we present a skin lesion segmentation algorithm based on a novel adaptation of superpixels techniques and achieve the best reported results for the ISIC 2017 challenge dataset. Additionally, CAD systems have paid little attention to a critical criterion in skin lesion diagnosis: the lesion's evolution. This requires operating on two or more images of the same lesion, captured at different times but with a comparable scale, orientation, and point of view; in other words, an image registration process should first be performed. We also propose in this work, an image registration approach that outperforms top image registration techniques. Combined with the proposed lesion segmentation algorithm, this allows for the accurate extraction of features to assess the evolution of the lesion. We present a case study with the lesion-size feature, paving the way for the development of automatic systems to easily evaluate skin lesion evolutionThis work was supported in part by the Spanish Government (HAVideo, TEC2014-53176-R) and in part by the TEC department (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

    Pattern Recognition in Macroscopic and Dermoscopic Images for Skin Lesion Diagnosis

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    Pattern recognition in macroscopic and dermoscopic images is a challenging task in skin lesion diagnosis. The search for better performing classification has been a relevant issue for pattern recognition in images. Hence, this work was particularly focused on skin lesion pattern recognition, especially in macroscopic and dermoscopic images. For the pattern recognition in macroscopic images, a computational approach was developed to detect skin lesion features according to the asymmetry, border, colour and texture properties, as well as to diagnose types of skin lesions, i.e., nevus, seborrheic keratosis and melanoma. In this approach, an anisotropic diffusion filter is applied to enhance the input image and an active contour model without edges is used in the segmentation of the enhanced image. Finally, a support vector machine is used to classify each feature property according to their clinical principles, and also for the classification between different types of skin lesions. For the pattern recognition in dermoscopic images, classification models based on ensemble methods and input feature manipulation are used. The feature subsets was used to manipulate the input feature and to ensure the diversity of the ensemble models. Each ensemble classification model was generated by using an optimum-path forest classifier and integrated with a majority voting strategy. The performed experiments allowed to analyse the effectiveness of the developed approaches for pattern recognition in macroscopic and dermoscopic images, with the results obtained being very promising