12 research outputs found

    Evaluation of prediction accuracy for the Longley-Rice model in the FM and TV bands

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    Accurate geographical coverage predictions maps for FM and TV are needed for channel and frequency allocations and in order to avoid unwanted interferences. The Longley-Rice model has been used for this purpose over the last four decades and still being used almost exclusively by the FCC in the United States. In this work a comparison is presented between the relative accuracy of this model in the VHF-FM and UHF-TV frequency bands. Simulations were made with accurate and up to date input data (antenna height, location, gain, transmit power, etc.) for the FM-TV stations provided by the ERT S.A. public broadcaster in the region of Thessaloniki – Greece. Finally, the calculated – simulated results were confronted to field measurements using a Rohde & Schwarz FSH3 portable spectrum analyzer and high precision calibrated biconical and log-periodic antennas, and the errors between predictions and measurements were statistically analyzed in the two frequency bands. It has been found in this study that the Longley-Rice model, in general, overestimates field-strength values, but this overestimation is much higher in the VHF – FM radio band (88-108 MHz) than in the UHF-TV band (470-790 MHz)

    Comparative study of Radio Mobile and ICS Telecom propagation prediction models for DVB-T

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    In this paper, a comparative study between the results of a measurement campaign conducted in northern Greece and simulations performed with Radio Mobile and ICS Telecom radio planning tools is performed. The DVB-T coverage of a transmitting station located near the city of Thessaloniki is estimated using three empirical propagation models (NTIA-ITS Longley Rice, ITU-R P.1546 and Okumura-Hata-Davidson) and one deterministic model (ITU-R 525/526). The best results in terms of minimum average error and standard deviation are obtained using the deterministic model and the NTIA-ITS Longley Rice empirical model. In order to improve the results, the tuning options available in the ICS Telecom software are used on the Okumura-Hata-Davidson model, leading to a significant increase in accuracy


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    Fixed and mobile spectrum monitoring stations were implemented to study the spectrum range from 174 to 1000 MHz in rural and remote locations within the mountains of western Montana, USA. The measurements show that the majority of this spectrum range is underused and suitable for spectrum sharing. This work identifies available channels of 5-MHz bandwidth to test a remote mobile broadband network. Both TV broadcast stations and a cellular base station were modelled to test signal propagation and interference scenarios

    A Platform for Large-Scale Regional IoT Networks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to allow everyday objects to connect to the Internet and interact with users and other machines ubiquitously. Central to this vision is a pervasive wireless communication network connecting each end device. For individual IoT applications it is costly to deploy a dedicated network or connect to an existing cellular network, especially as these applications do not fully utilize the bandwidth provided by modern high speeds networks (e.g., WiFi, 4G LTE). On the other hand, decades of wireless research have produced numerous low-cost chip radios and effective networking stacks designed for short-range communication in the Industrial, Scientific and Medical Radio band (ISM band). In this thesis, we consider adapting this existing technology to construct shared regional low-powered networks using commercially available ISM band transceivers. To maximize network coverage, we focus on low-power wide-area wireless communication which enables links to reliably cover 10 km or more depending on terrain transmitting up to 1 Watt Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP). With potentially thousands of energy constrained IoT devices vying for extremely limited bandwidth, minimizing network coordination overhead and maximizing channel utility is essential. To address these challenges, we propose a distributed queueing (DQ) based MAC protocol, DQ-N. DQ-N exhibits excellent performance, supporting thousands of IoT devices from a single base station. In the future, these networks could accommodate a heterogeneous set of IoT applications, simplifying the IoT application development cycle, reducing total system cost, improving application reliability, and greatly enhancing the user experience

    Weather-Based Nonlinear Regressions for Digital TV Received Signal Strength Prediction

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    In this research, the impact of various weather conditions on digital television signals is investigated. Machine learning and nonlinear regression models were used to estimate the strength of the received signal. The received signal strength might vary significantly depending on the weather condition, especially in higher frequency ranges or millimetre wavelengths. Predictive analysis was performed for the radio-relay link Aval Tower-Vršac Hill, which is used for the distribution of television and radio programmes by the public company Broadcasting Technology and Connections in Serbia. The prediction was made using temperature, temperature index, relative humidity, and received signal strength data for the months of June, July, and August in 2022. The best results were obtained using the RandomForest model. Extreme variations in the strength of the received signal can be predicted by using the model mentioned above. More effective management of the broadcasting infrastructure can be done with the ability to predict sudden falls and fluctuations in received signal strength

    ending civil conflict through rebel demobilization

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    We examine the role of FM radio in mitigating violent conflict. We collect original data on radio broadcasts encouraging defections during the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) insurgency. This constitutes the first quantitative evaluation of an active counterinsurgency policy that encourages defections through radio messages. Exploiting random topography-driven variation in radio coverage along with panel variation at the grid-cell level, we identify the causal effect of messaging on violence. Broadcasting defection messages increases defections and reduces fatalities, violence against civilians, and clashes with security forces. Income shocks have opposing effects on both the conflict and the effectiveness of messaging.publishersversionpublishe

    Estudio para la planificación de redes de difusión según el estándar ATSC 3.0

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    Abstract: In this BsC final degree project, different configuration and network architecture settings for the standard ATSC 3.0 are studied. The work analyzes bitrate requirements, associated ATSC 3.0 modes and several network architecture options. Both calculations and minimum requirements of SNR have been analyzed and simulations in selected environments have been carried out. The field strength distribution of each transmitter have been obtained using SPLAT!. Afterwards, to estimate the coverage probability for each service, a toolbox coded on Python has been applied. By means of these simulations, some implementation guidelines for deploying ATSC 3.0 services are given for each selected scenario.Resumen: En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) se estudiarán las posibles configuraciones del sistema y arquitectura de red para el estándar de ATSC 3.0. Se analizarán los requisitos de bitrate para la emisión de cada servicio (UHD, HD,…) además de las posibles planificaciones de redes. Una vez realizados los cálculos y obtenidos los valores de SNR mínimo necesarios, se empezará con las simulaciones en los diferentes entornos seleccionados. En primer lugar, se usará SPLAT! para obtener los valores de campo eléctrico de cada transmisor. Posteriormente, usando una herramienta codificada en Python, se obtendrán las estimaciones de cobertura para cada servicio. Mediante estas simulaciones se ofrecerán unas recomendaciones para la implantación del sistema ATSC 3.0 en los escenarios seleccionados.Laburpena: Gradu Amaierako Lan (GrAL) honetan, ATSC 3.0 estandarrak barruan har ditzakeen konfigurazio ezberdinak eta sare arkitektura aztertzen dira. Igorri ahalko diren zerbitzurentzako (UHD, HD, …) bitrate betekizunak eta sare-plangintza ezberdinak ikertuko dira. Behin eragiketak eta beharrezko SNR minimoak lortuta, hautatutako ingurune bakoitzerako simulazioekin hasiko da. Lehenengo eta behin, transmisore bakoitzak igorritako eremu elektrikoaren balioak lortzeko, SPLAT! softwarea erabiliko da. Ondoren, zerbitzu bakoitzerako estaldura zenbatespenak lortuko dira Pythonen kodetutako erreminta baten bidez. Simulazio hauen bitartez, ATSC 3.0 sistemaren ezarpenerako hainbat gomendio eskainiko dira