27 research outputs found

    Solusi Kemacetan Lalu Lintas Kota Bandung Melalui Pemerataan Arus Kendaraan

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    Kemacetan lalu lintas merupakan permasalahan yang menghambat berbagai kegiatan masyarakat, khususnya di Kota Bandung. Terdapat Banyak sekali kerugian yang dialami karena kemacetan, diantaranya adalah waktu, biaya, polusi udara, pemborosan bahan bakar, dan lain-lain. Penyebab umum kemacetan adalah karena arus kendaraan berkumpul pada satu jalur tertentu. Pada artikel ini diusulkan salah satu metode untuk menurunkan tingkat kemacetan lalu lintas di Kota Bandung, yaitu melalui pemerataan arus kendaraan. Titik awal objek penelitian ini adalah Jalan Jakarta, Kota Bandung, yang merupakan salah satu jalan terpadat dengan volume kendaraan terbanyak. Setiap jam dilewati oleh rata-rata 8.565 kendaraan sedangkan kapasitas jalan hanya menampung sebanyak 5.675 kendaraan. Pemerataan arus kendaraan ditunjukkan melalui simulasi menggunakan aplikasi SimEvents MATLAB. Model aplikasi simulator disusun berdasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip didalam Teori Antrian. Penerapan metode pemerataan arus kendaraan dapat menurunkan tingkat kepadatan lalu lintas hingga 80%, juga mengurangi panjang antrian, dan waktu menunggu kendaraan di dalam antrian.Kemacetan lalu lintas merupakan permasalahan yang menghambat berbagai kegiatan masyarakat, khususnya di Kota Bandung. Terdapat Banyak sekali kerugian yang dialami karena kemacetan, diantaranya adalah waktu, biaya, polusi udara, pemborosan bahan bakar, dan lain-lain. Penyebab umum kemacetan adalah karena arus kendaraan berkumpul pada satu jalur tertentu. Pada artikel ini diusulkan salah satu metode untuk menurunkan tingkat kemacetan lalu lintas di Kota Bandung, yaitu melalui pemerataan arus kendaraan. Titik awal objek penelitian ini adalah Jalan Jakarta, Kota Bandung, yang merupakan salah satu jalan terpadat dengan volume kendaraan terbanyak. Setiap jam dilewati oleh rata-rata 8.565 kendaraan sedangkan kapasitas jalan hanya menampung sebanyak 5.675 kendaraan. Pemerataan arus kendaraan ditunjukkan melalui simulasi menggunakan aplikasi SimEvents MATLAB. Model aplikasi simulator disusun berdasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip didalam Teori Antrian. Penerapan metode pemerataan arus kendaraan dapat menurunkan tingkat kepadatan lalu lintas hingga 80%, juga mengurangi panjang antrian, dan waktu menunggu kendaraan di dalam antrian


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    Sebuah aplikasi web yang berjalan di beberapa server membutuhkan mekanisme deployment yang berbeda dengan aplikasi yang hanya berjalan pada satu server. Aplikasi dituntut agar dapat disebarkan ke beberapa server dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Salah satu tools yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah dalam deployment aplikasi ke multi server yaitu capistrano. Capistrano menawarkan kemampuan melakukan deployment aplikasi ke beberapa server. Hal ini menarik untuk diteliti bagaimana algoritma yang digunakan, penanganan kegagalan deployment dan penanganan downtime. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis proses kerja, dokumentasi dan source code-nya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan capistrano menggunakan multi-threading dalam menyebarkan aplikasi ke beberapa server. Untuk penanganan kegagalan capistrano menyediakan fungsi rollback agar kegagalan dapat dipelajari dan diperbaiki. Pada saat aplikasi membutuhkan downtime, capistrano menyediakan fungsi untuk menampilkan halaman downtime

    Routing Tables Building Methods for Increasing DNS(SEC) Resolving Platforms Efficiency

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    Abstract-This paper proposes to use optimization and machine learning methods in order to develop innovative techniques for balancing the DNS(SEC) traffic according to Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN), rather than according to the IP addresses. With DNS traffic doubling every year and the deployment of its secure extension DNSSEC, DNS resolving platforms require more and more resources. A way to cope with these increasing resources demands is to balance the DNS traffic among the DNS platform servers based on the queried FQDN. Several methods are considered to build a FQDN based routing table: mixed integer linear programming (MILP), a Kmeans clustering algorithm and a heuristic scheme. These load balancing approaches are run and evaluated on real DNS traffic data extracted from the operational IP network of an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and they result in a difference of less than 2% CPU between the servers of a platform

    A Fairness Load Balancing Algorithm in HWN Using a Multihoming Strategy

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    Due to the growth of the number of intelligent devices and thebroadband requirements, between others technical requirements, of the newapplications, suppose a new challenge in planning, maintenance and resourceallocation in mobile networks for the telecommunication operators. Serviceproviders must ensure a quality of service for users in a new environmentbased in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (HWN). A good way to achievethis goal is to prevent the quantity of services of each mobile users beingconnected to the same access networks and therefore reducing the possibilityof overloading it. This paper presents a load balancing optimization schemethat enables operators to make decisions about re-allocation of each of theservices in different access networks, keeping the required Quality of Service(QoS). In this paper, we propose 1) a mathematical model addressed as afairness resource allocation in order to obtain a global load balancing, and 2) atwo-step algorithm based on the anchor-adjustment heuristic to solve it. Ouralgorithm contribute to unload the network with maximum load while at thesame time, the other networks are balanced. As a result, we show that ouralgorithm finds (near)-optimal solutions while keeps low complexity


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    Nowadays, the Internet growth is very fast, we can see that fact from many user that connected to the network. When a single server getting request from many user that is likely to occur overload and crash, so the request can not be served by a single server. One of effective and efficient solutions to resolve that problem is system clustering. System cluster can be built using the concept of network load balancing and high-availability that enables data processing distributed to several computers, we can use linux virtual server. Linux virtual server has several scheduling algorithms that can affect the performance of LVS system, performance of each algorithm can be observed by comparing between algorithms with some parameters such as throughput, request loss, CPU Utilization and response time to obtain the best scheduling algorithm in the implementation of load balancing LVS via NAT. Keywords: Load Balancing, Linux Virtual Server, NAT

    SCS: 60 years and counting! A time to reflect on the Society's scholarly contribution to M&S from the turn of the millennium.

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    The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS) is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. Since its inception, the Society has widely disseminated the advancements in the field of modeling and simulation (M&S) through its peer-reviewed journals. In this paper we profile research that has been published in the journal SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International from the turn of the millennium to 2010; the objective is to acknowledge the contribution of the authors and their seminal research papers, their respective universities/departments and the geographical diversity of the authors' affiliations. Yet another objective is to contribute towards the understanding of the overall evolution of the discipline of M&S; this is achieved through the classification of M&S techniques and its frequency of use, analysis of the sectors that have seen the predomination application of M&S and the context of its application. It is expected that this paper will lead to further appreciation of the contribution of the Society in influencing the growth of M&S as a discipline and, indeed, in steering its future direction

    Predicting performance and scaling behaviour in a data center with multiple application servers

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    As web pages become more user friendly and interactive we see that objects such as pictures, media files, cgi scripts and databases are more frequently used. This development causes increased stress on the servers due to intensified cpu usage and a growing need for bandwidth to serve the content. At the same time users expect low latency and high availability. This dilemma can be solved by implementing load balancing between servers serving content to the clients. Load balancing can provide high availability through redundant server solutions, and reduce latency by dividing load. This paper describes a comparative study of different load balancing algorithms used to distribute packets among a set of equal web servers serving HTTP content. For packet redirection, a Nortel Application Switch 2208 will be used, and the servers will be hosted on 6 IBM bladeservers. We will compare three different algorithms: Round Robin, Least Connected and Response Time. We will look at properties such as response time, traffic intensity and type. How will these algorithms perform when these variables change with time. If we can find correlations between traffic intensity and efficiency of the algorithms, we might be able to deduce a theoretical suggestion on how to create an adaptive load balancing scheme that uses current traffic intensity to select the appropriate algorithm. We will also see how classical queueing algorithms can be used to calculate expected response times, and whether these numbers conform to the experimental results. Our results indicate that there are measurable differences between load balancing algorithms. We also found the performance of our servers to outperform the queueing models in most of the scenarios.Master i nettverks- og systemadministrasjo

    Performance-Guided Load (Un)balancing under Autocorrelated Flows

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