1,225 research outputs found

    Contextualized property market models vs. Generalized mass appraisals: An innovative approach

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    The present research takes into account the current and widespread need for rational valuation methodologies, able to correctly interpret the available market data. An innovative automated valuation model has been simultaneously implemented to three Italian study samples, each one constituted by two-hundred residential units sold in the years 2016-2017. The ability to generate a "unique" functional form for the three different territorial contexts considered, in which the relationships between the influencing factors and the selling prices are specified by different multiplicative coefficients that appropriately represent the market phenomena of each case study analyzed, is the main contribution of the proposed methodology. The method can provide support for private operators in the assessment of the territorial investment conveniences and for the public entities in the decisional phases regarding future tax and urban planning policies

    Assessing Survivability of the Beijing Subway System

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    The assessment of survivability is a common topic in critical network infrastructure research. In order to examine the critical components whose disruptions can cause huge system degradation, many measures have been approached to depict the characteristics of network systems. Serving more than ten million passengers a day, the Beijing subway system, which ranks third in the world for its length and annual ridership, raises survivability issues in the face of potential disruptions of network components along with its constantly increasing complexity. In this research, we provide an accessibility-based survivability measure with which to explore how potential outages of network components might affect the overall functionality of the Beijing subway system. System survivability is measured from two perspectives: [1] connectivity under various simulated failures of stations and [2] variations in passenger flows in response to a disruptive influence. Plausible scenarios are constructed using local demographic data and daily ridership reports from subway management companies. To assess the possible range of influences, we develop a weighted rank-based simulation algorithm to approximate the extreme combinatorial disruption instances. The range of the potential effect highlights the best and worst-case scenarios so as to identify the critical components and help to prepare corresponding contingency plans. This research will enable the more legitimate allocation of limited emergency response resources and highlight the way of improving the survivability of the system

    A review on available energy saving strategies for heating, ventilation and air conditioning in underground metro stations

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    Due to the increasing number of underground metro stations worldwide and the great energy consumption of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in underground stations, reducing the HVAC energy consumption while maintaining a hygienic and acceptable environment in underground stations is becoming an ongoing research challenge. This paper presented an overview of the strategies available for HVAC energy saving in underground stations. Firstly, the design features of the HVAC systems are summarized and issues affecting the HVAC systems’ energy efficiency are identified. Then, a thorough review of the energy-efficient HVAC strategies is presented. For each strategy, the principal application and the effect on energy saving are described, and the limitation is also analyzed. Lastly, the strategies are classified and compared from different perspectives and upcoming challenges are proposed. The authors hope that this study can promote the reasonable adoption of different energy-efficient HVAC strategies in underground stations, which could reduce the energy consumption of the HVAC systems in the long run

    Innovative Modelling Approaches for the Design, Operation and Control of Complex Energy Systems with Application to Underground Infrastructures

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    The ventilations systems play a key role in underground infrastructures for health and safety of occupants during normal operation as well as during accidents. Their performances are affected by selection of the optimal design, operation and control that is investigated by predicting air flow. The calculation of ventilation flows and their interaction with fires can be done with different modelling approaches that differ in the accuracy and in the required resources. The 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools approximate the flow behaviour with a great accuracy but they require high computational resources. The one dimensional (1D) models allow a compact description of the system with a low computational time but they are unsuitable to simulate thermal fluid-dynamic scenarios characterized by turbulence and gradients. Innovative tools are necessary in order to make the analysis and optimization of these systems possible and accurate in a reasonable time. This can be achieved both with appropriate numerical approaches to the full domain as the model order reduction techniques and with the domain decompositions methods as the multiscale physical decomposition technique. The reduced order mode techniques as the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is based on the snapshots method provides an optimal linear basis for the reconstruction of multidimensional data. This technique has been applied to non-dimensional equations in order to produce a reduced model not depending on the geometry, source terms, boundary conditions and initial conditions. This type of modelling is adapted to the optimization strategies of the design and operation allowing to explore several configuration in reduced times, and for the real time simulation in the control algorithms. The physical decomposition achieved through multiscale approaches uses the accuracy of the CFD code in the near field e.g. the region close to the fire source, and takes advantage of the low computational cost of the 1-D model in the region where gradients in the transversal direction are negligible. In last years, the multiscale approach has been proposed for the analysis of tunnel ventilation. Among the several CFD codes used in this field, the Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS) is suitable for the multiscale modelling. This is an open source CFD package developed by NIST and VTT and presents the HVAC routine in which the conservation equations of mass, energy and momentum are implemented. Currently, the HVAC module does not allow one to consider heat and mass transfer, which significanltly limits the applications. For these reasons a multiscale simulator has been created through the fully integration of a 1D continuity, momentum, energy and mass transport equation in FDS modifying its source codes. The multiscale simulator thus obtained, is based on a direct coupling by means of a Dirichlet-Neumann strategy. At each 1-D-CFD interface, the exchange flow information occurs prescribing thermo-fluid dynamic boundary conditions. The 1-D mass transport equation computes the diffusion of the exhaust gas from the CFD domain and the relative concentration that is particularly interesting in the case of back layering of smoke. The global convergence of the boundary conditions at each 1-D-CFD interface has been analyzed by monitoring the evolution of thermo-fluid dynamic variables (temperature, velocity, pressure and concentration. The multiscale simulator is suitable for parametric and sensitivity studies of the design and the operation ventilation and fire safety systems. This new tool will be available for all the scientific community. In this thesis, Chapter 1 provides a general introduction to the role of the system ventilation in underground infrastructures and to the innovative modelling strategies proposed for these systems. Chapter 2 offers a description of the 1D network modelling, its fluid-dynamic application to the Frejus tunnel and its thermal application to ground heat exchangers. In Chapter 3, the proper orthogonal decomposition method is presented and its application to the optimal control of the sanitary ventilation for the Padornelo Tunnel is discussed. To demonstrate the applicability of POD method in other fields, boreholes thermal energy storage systems have been considered in same chapter. In particular, a multi-objective optimization strategy is applied to investigate the optimal design of these system and an optimization algorithm for the operation is proposed. Chapter 4 describes the multiscale approach and the relative simulator. The new open tool is used for modeling the ventilation system of the Monte Cuneo road tunnel in case of fire. Results show that in the case of the current configuration of the ventilation system, depending on the atmospheric conditions at portals, smoke might not be fully confined. Significant improvements in terms of safety conditions can be achieved through increase of in smoke extraction, which requires the installation of large dumpers and of deflectors on the jet fans. The developed tool shows to be particularly effective in such analysis, also concerning the evaluation of local conditions for people evacuation and fire-brigades operation

    Integrated evaluation of air flow and gas dispersion for underground station safety strategies based on subway climatology

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    PhD ThesisRail underground systems are seen as a way to overcome traffic congestion in city environments. Many new subways are being built in China and developing countries. Recent studies have however shown that the ventilation of subway systems is poorly understood. There is significant danger to life if a fire occurs or toxins such as chemical or biological agents are released in a subway. Understanding the air flow inside a subway and how this is affected by the local environment is key in establishing effective evacuation strategies. A series of tracer gas experiments conducted as part of this research have been carried out. To expand the subway climatology from an experimental framework into a virtual and simulation environment, 3D Computational Fluid Dynamic models have been developed, which include the simulation of local microclimate and air movement inside the station respectively. The station CFD model has allowed the analysis of the air flow inside the station under the prevailing external weather condition. Results show promising links between external climatic factors, the subway climatology and the ability to predict the dispersal of smoke/toxins. The local weather pattern has a large influence on the background airflow inside a station and dominated the flow direction at station exits which is been used to evaluate the efficiency of pedestrian evacuation and also determine the safer evacuation route and exit. The possibilities of integrating these findings will allow for a more holistic safety assessment to be carried out that could reduce the loss of life or mitigate harmful effects on public health. It also fills a knowledge gap in design guidelines from a safety perspective underground station construction and ventilation

    A review of modelling and optimisation methods applied to railways energy consumption

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    [EN] Railways are a rather efficient transport mean, and yet there is increasing interest in reducing their energy consumption and making them more sustainable in the current context of climate change. Many studies try to model, analyse and optimise the energy consumed by railways, and there is a wide diversity of methods, techniques and approaches regarding how to formulate and solve this problem. This paper aims to provide insight into this topic by reviewing up to 52 papers related to railways energy consumption. Two main areas are analysed: modelling techniques used to simulate train(s) movement and energy consumption, and optimisation methods used to achieve more efficient train circulations in railway networks. The most used methods in each case are briefly described and the main trends found are analysed. Furthermore, a statistical study has been carried out to recognise relationships between methods and optimisation variables. It was found that deterministic models based on the Davis equation are by far (85% of the papers reviewed) the most common in terms of modelling. As for optimisation, meta-heuristic methods are the preferred choice (57.8%), particularly Genetic Algorithms.Martínez Fernández, P.; Villalba Sanchis, I.; Yepes, V.; Insa Franco, R. (2019). A review of modelling and optimisation methods applied to railways energy consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production. 222:153-162. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.037S15316222
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