19 research outputs found

    Comparison of Brain Activation during Motor Imagery and Motor Movement Using fNIRS

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    Motor-activity-related mental tasks are widely adopted for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) as they are a natural extension of movement intention, requiring no training to evoke brain activity. The ideal BCI aims to eliminate neuromuscular movement, making motor imagery tasks, or imagined actions with no muscle movement, good candidates. This study explores cortical activation differences between motor imagery and motor execution for both upper and lower limbs using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Four simple finger- or toe-tapping tasks (left hand, right hand, left foot, and right foot) were performed with both motor imagery and motor execution and compared to resting state. Significant activation was found during all four motor imagery tasks, indicating that they can be detected via fNIRS. Motor execution produced higher activation levels, a faster response, and a different spatial distribution compared to motor imagery, which should be taken into account when designing an imagery-based BCI. When comparing left versus right, upper limb tasks are the most clearly distinguishable, particularly during motor execution. Left and right lower limb activation patterns were found to be highly similar during both imagery and execution, indicating that higher resolution imaging, advanced signal processing, or improved subject training may be required to reliably distinguish them

    Machine Learning for Multi-Action Classification of Lower Limbs for BCI

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    Over the past two decades, significant progress has been made in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), devices which enable direct communications between human brains and external devices. One of the prevalent control paradigms is motor imagery-based BCI (MI-BCI), by which users imagine specific actions to express their intentions. Left-hand and right-hand motor imageries are frequently used in the MI-BCI. If a third class is needed, the imagination of both feet is usually added. However, it is relatively rare to separate feet into left lower limb and right limb in MI-BCI systems. In addition, previous studies have demonstrated that real movements can be distinguished from one another via processing the electroencephalogram (EEG). Similarly, motor imagery (MI) and movement observations (MO) can also be distinguished from one another. However, classification of left lower limb actions and right lower limb actions between MI, Real Movement (RM), and MO actions, has not been thoroughly explored. To address these questions, we performed a comprehensive experiment to collect EEG under six actions (i.e., Left-MI, Right-MI, Left-RM, Right-RM, Left-MO, and Right-MO) and used three models (convolutional neural network [CNN], support vector machine [SVM], and a K-Nearest Neighbours [KNN]) to classify these actions. Our CNN achieved the highest performance (37.77%) in the classification of six actions. Although the performance of SVM (37.21%) and KNN (25.26%) was worse, it is still better than the chance level (16.67%). Our results suggest that it is possible to distinguish between these six lower limb actions. This study has implications for developing multi-class BCI systems and promoting the research of multiple-action classification

    Study of the Functional Brain Connectivity and Lower-Limb Motor Imagery Performance After Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

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    The use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been related to the improvement of motor and learning tasks. The current research studies the effects of an asymmetric tDCS setup over brain connectivity, when the subject is performing a motor imagery (MI) task during five consecutive days. A brain–computer interface (BCI) based on electroencephalography is simulated in offline analysis to study the effect that tDCS has over different electrode configurations for the BCI. This way, the BCI performance is used as a validation index of the effect of the tDCS setup by the analysis of the classifier accuracy of the experimental sessions. In addition, the relationship between the brain connectivity and the BCI accuracy performance is analyzed. Results indicate that tDCS group, in comparison to the placebo sham group, shows a higher significant number of connectivity interactions in the motor electrodes during MI tasks and an increasing BCI accuracy over the days. However, the asymmetric tDCS setup does not improve the BCI performance of the electrodes in the intended hemisphereThis research has been carried out in the framework of the project Walk — Controlling lower-limb exoskeletons by means of BMIs to assist people with walking disabilities (RTI2018-096677-B-I00Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Spanish State Agency of Research and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund;by the Consellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital (Generalitat Valenciana) and the European Social Fund in the framework of the project ‘Desarrollo de nuevas interfaces cerebro-m´aquina para la rehabilitaci`on de miembro inferior’ (GV/2019/009).Also, the Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT) provided J. A. Gaxiola-Tirado his scholarshi

    Exploring the ability of stroke survivors in using the contralesional hemisphere to control a brain-computer interface

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    Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have recently been shown to be clinically effective as a novel method of stroke rehabilitation. In many BCI-based studies, the activation of the ipsilesional hemisphere was considered a key factor required for motor recovery after stroke. However, emerging evidence suggests that the contralesional hemisphere also plays a role in motor function rehabilitation. The objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of the BCI in detecting motor imagery of the affected hand from contralesional hemisphere. We analyzed a large EEG dataset from 136 stroke patients who performed motor imagery of their stroke-impaired hand. BCI features were extracted from channels covering either the ipsilesional, contralesional or bilateral hemisphere, and the offline BCI accuracy was computed using 10 × 10-fold cross-validations. Our results showed that most stroke patients can operate the BCI using either their contralesional or ipsilesional hemisphere. Those with the ipsilesional BCI accuracy of less than 60% had significantly higher motor impairments than those with the ipsilesional BCI accuracy above 80%. Interestingly, those with the ipsilesional BCI accuracy of less than 60% achieved a significantly higher contralesional BCI accuracy, whereas those with the ipsilesional BCI accuracy more than 80% had significantly poorer contralesional BCI accuracy. This study suggests that contralesional BCI may be a useful approach for those with a high motor impairment who cannot accurately generate signals from ipsilesional hemisphere to effectively operate BCI

    Sensory Integration in Human Movement: A New Brain-Machine Interface Based on Gamma Band and Attention Level for Controlling a Lower-Limb Exoskeleton

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    Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) can improve the control of assistance mobility devices making its use more intuitive and natural. In the case of an exoskeleton, they can also help rehabilitation therapies due to the reinforcement of neuro-plasticity through repetitive motor actions and cognitive engagement of the subject. Therefore, the cognitive implication of the user is a key aspect in BMI applications, and it is important to assure that the mental task correlates with the actual motor action. However, the process of walking is usually an autonomous mental task that requires a minimal conscious effort. Consequently, a brain-machine interface focused on the attention to gait could facilitate sensory integration in individuals with neurological impairment through the analysis of voluntary gait will and its repetitive use. This way the combined use of BMI+exoskeleton turns from assistance to restoration. This paper presents a new brain-machine interface based on the decoding of gamma band activity and attention level during motor imagery mental tasks. This work also shows a case study tested in able-bodied subjects prior to a future clinical study, demonstrating that a BMI based on gamma band and attention-level paradigm allows real-time closed-loop control of a Rex exoskeleton.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through grant CAS18/00048 José CastillejoBy the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Spanish State Agency of Research, and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the project Walk–Controlling lower-limb exoskeletons by means of brain-machine interfaces to assist people with walking disabilities (RTI2018-096677-B-I00);by theConsellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital (Generalitat Valenciana),the European Social Fund in the framework of the project Desarrollo de nuevas interfaces cerebro-máquina para la rehabilitación de miembro inferior (GV/2019/009).Authors would like to thank especially Kevin Nathan and the rest of the laboratory of JC-V for their help during the experimental trials, and Atilla Kilicarslan for his help with the implementation of H1 algorith

    Compact and interpretable convolutional neural network architecture for electroencephalogram based motor imagery decoding

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    Recently, due to the popularity of deep learning, the applicability of deep Neural Networks (DNN) algorithms such as the convolutional neural networks (CNN) has been explored in decoding electroencephalogram (EEG) for Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) applications. This allows decoding of the EEG signals end-to-end, eliminating the tedious process of manually tuning each process in the decoding pipeline. However, the current DNN architectures, consisting of multiple hidden layers and numerous parameters, are not developed for EEG decoding and classification tasks, making them underperform when decoding EEG signals. Apart from this, a DNN is typically treated as a black box and interpreting what the network learns in solving the classification task is difficult, hindering from performing neurophysiological validation of the network. This thesis proposes an improved and compact CNN architecture for motor imagery decoding based on the adaptation of SincNet, which was initially developed for speaker recognition task from the raw audio input. Such adaptation allows for a very compact end-to-end neural network with state-of-the-art (SOTA) performances and enables network interpretability for neurophysiological validation in terms of cortical rhythms and spatial analysis. In order to validate the performance of proposed algorithms, two datasets were used; the first is the publicly available BCI Competition IV dataset 2a, which is often used as a benchmark in validating motor imagery (MI) classification algorithms, and a primary data that was initially collected to study the difference between motor imagery and mental rotation task associated motor imagery (MI+MR) BCI. The latter was also used in this study to test the plausibility of the proposed algorithm in highlighting the differences in cortical rhythms. In both datasets, the proposed Sinc adapted CNN algorithms show competitive decoding performance in comparisons with SOTA CNN models, where up to 87% decoding accuracy was achieved in BCI Competition IV dataset 2a and up to 91% decoding accuracy when using the primary MI+MR data. Such decoding performance was achieved with the lowest number of trainable parameters (26.5% - 34.1% reduction in the number of parameters compared to its non-Sinc counterpart). In addition, it was shown that the proposed architecture performs a cleaner band-pass, highlighting the necessary frequency bands that focus on important cortical rhythms during task execution, thus allowing for the development of the proposed Spatial Filter Visualization algorithm. Such characteristic was crucial for the neurophysiological interpretation of the learned spatial features and was not previously established with the benchmarked SOTA methods

    Enhancing Locomotor Learning With Motor Imagery And Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

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    Impaired premotor cortex (PMc) function is associated with age-related motor deficits. Neurorehabilitation through motorimagery (MI) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) may enhance motor function through neuroplasticity. Purpose: To develop a non-motor intervention that results in motor improvements using MI and tDCS. Methods: A double-blind RCT was performed with 33 young, able-bodied individuals assigned to one of three groups; MIActive, MISham, or Control. Participants walked a novel, cognitively demanding, 44-meter obstacle course while time-to-completion (TTC) and PMc activation was recorded with functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Following the pretest, Active or ShamtDCS was delivered during an MI intervention for 20 minutes. MIActive received a current of 2.0mA. MISham received a sham stimulation. Controls did not participate in MI training. Participants completed the course immediately and one week after the intervention. Repeated measures ANOVAs were used to determine group by time (pre, post, one-week) interaction effects for TTC). Results: MIActive had significant improvements in TTC from the pretest to posttest, posttest to one-week, and pretest to one-week (46s vs. 41s (p=0.000); 41s vs. 39s (p=0.042); 46s vs. 39s(p=0.000)). Main effects of time and group were found in. All groups decreased from pre to posttest (p=0.047) and MIActive was always lower than other groups (p=0.012)

    Shining a Light on Awareness::A Review of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness

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    Qualitative clinical assessments of the recovery of awareness after severe brain injury require an assessor to differentiate purposeful behavior from spontaneous behavior. As many such behaviors are minimal and inconsistent, behavioral assessments are susceptible to diagnostic errors. Advanced neuroimaging tools can bypass behavioral responsiveness and reveal evidence of covert awareness and cognition within the brains of some patients, thus providing a means for more accurate diagnoses, more accurate prognoses, and, in some instances, facilitated communication. The majority of reports to date have employed the neuroimaging methods of functional magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, and electroencephalography (EEG). However, each neuroimaging method has its own advantages and disadvantages (e.g., signal resolution, accessibility, etc.). Here, we describe a burgeoning technique of non-invasive optical neuroimaging—functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)—and review its potential to address the clinical challenges of prolonged disorders of consciousness. We also outline the potential for simultaneous EEG to complement the fNIRS signal and suggest the future directions of research that are required in order to realize its clinical potential