23,647 research outputs found

    Aqueous Amino Acids and Proteins Near the Surface of Gold in Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Force Fields

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    We calculate potentials of the mean force for twenty amino acids in the vicinity of the (111) surface of gold, for several dipeptides, and for some analogs of the side chains, using molecular dynamics simulations and the umbrella sampling method. We compare results obtained within three different force fields: one hydrophobic (for a contaminated surface) and two hydrophilic. All of these fields lead to good binding with very different specificities and different patterns in the density and polarization of water. The covalent bond with the sulfur atom on cysteine is modeled by the Morse potential. We demonstrate that binding energies of dipeptides are different than the combined binding energies of their amino-acidic components. For the hydrophobic gold, adsorption events of a small protein are driven by attraction to the strongest binding amino acids. This is not so in the hydrophilic cases - a result of smaller specificities combined with the difficulty for proteins, but not for single amino acids, to penetrate the first layer of water. The properties of water near the surface sensitively depend on the force field

    Polycation-Ï€ Interactions Are a Driving Force for Molecular Recognition by an Intrinsically Disordered Oncoprotein Family

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    Molecular recognition by intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) commonly involves specific localized contacts and target-induced disorder to order transitions. However, some IDPs remain disordered in the bound state, a phenomenon coined "fuzziness", often characterized by IDP polyvalency, sequence-insensitivity and a dynamic ensemble of disordered bound-state conformations. Besides the above general features, specific biophysical models for fuzzy interactions are mostly lacking. The transcriptional activation domain of the Ewing's Sarcoma oncoprotein family (EAD) is an IDP that exhibits many features of fuzziness, with multiple EAD aromatic side chains driving molecular recognition. Considering the prevalent role of cation-π interactions at various protein-protein interfaces, we hypothesized that EAD-target binding involves polycation- π contacts between a disordered EAD and basic residues on the target. Herein we evaluated the polycation-π hypothesis via functional and theoretical interrogation of EAD variants. The experimental effects of a range of EAD sequence variations, including aromatic number, aromatic density and charge perturbations, all support the cation-π model. Moreover, the activity trends observed are well captured by a coarse-grained EAD chain model and a corresponding analytical model based on interaction between EAD aromatics and surface cations of a generic globular target. EAD-target binding, in the context of pathological Ewing's Sarcoma oncoproteins, is thus seen to be driven by a balance between EAD conformational entropy and favorable EAD-target cation-π contacts. Such a highly versatile mode of molecular recognition offers a general conceptual framework for promiscuous target recognition by polyvalent IDPs. © 2013 Song et al

    Protein-Protein Docking with F2Dock 2.0 and GB-Rerank

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    Rezaul Chowdhury is with UT Austin; Muhibur Rasheed is with UT Austin; Maysam Moussalem is with UT Austin; Donald Keidel is with The Scripps Research Institute; Arthur Olson is with The Scripps Research Institute; Michel Sanner is with The Scripps Research Institute; Chandrajit Bajaj is with The Scripps Research Institute.Motivation -- Computational simulation of protein-protein docking can expedite the process of molecular modeling and drug discovery. This paper reports on our new F2 Dock protocol which improves the state of the art in initial stage rigid body exhaustive docking search, scoring and ranking by introducing improvements in the shape-complementarity and electrostatics affinity functions, a new knowledge-based interface propensity term with FFT formulation, a set of novel knowledge-based filters and finally a solvation energy (GBSA) based reranking technique. Our algorithms are based on highly efficient data structures including the dynamic packing grids and octrees which significantly speed up the computations and also provide guaranteed bounds on approximation error. Results -- The improved affinity functions show superior performance compared to their traditional counterparts in finding correct docking poses at higher ranks. We found that the new filters and the GBSA based reranking individually and in combination significantly improve the accuracy of docking predictions with only minor increase in computation time. We compared F2 Dock 2.0 with ZDock 3.0.2 and found improvements over it, specifically among 176 complexes in ZLab Benchmark 4.0, F2 Dock 2.0 finds a near-native solution as the top prediction for 22 complexes; where ZDock 3.0.2 does so for 13 complexes. F2 Dock 2.0 finds a near-native solution within the top 1000 predictions for 106 complexes as opposed to 104 complexes for ZDock 3.0.2. However, there are 17 and 15 complexes where F2 Dock 2.0 finds a solution but ZDock 3.0.2 does not and vice versa; which indicates that the two docking protocols can also complement each other. Availability -- The docking protocol has been implemented as a server with a graphical client (TexMol) which allows the user to manage multiple docking jobs, and visualize the docked poses and interfaces. Both the server and client are available for download. Server: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~bajaj/cvc/soft​ware/f2dock.shtml. Client: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~bajaj/cvc/soft​ware/f2dockclient.shtml.The research of C.B., R.C., M.M., and M.R. of University of Texas, was supported in part by National Science Foundation (NSF) grant CNS-0540033, and grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01-GM074258, R01-GM073087, R01-EB004873. The research of M.M. was additionally supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. The research of M.S. and A.O. of TSRI was supported in part by a subcontract on NIH grant R01-GM073087. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Computer Science

    MESSM: a framework for protein threading by neural networks and support vector machines

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    Protein threading, which is also referred to as fold recognition, aligns a probe amino acid sequence onto a library of representative folds of known structure to identify a structural similarity. Following the threading technique of the structural profile approach, this research focused on developing and evaluating a new framework - Mixed Environment Specific Substitution Mapping (MESSM) - for protein threading by artificial neural networks (ANNs) and support vector machines (SVMs). The MESSM presents a new process to develop an efficient tool for protein fold recognition. It achieved better efficiency while retained the effectiveness on protein prediction. The MESSM has three key components, each of which is a step in the protein threading framework. First, building the fold profile library-given a protein structure with a residue level environmental description, Neural Networks are used to generate an environment-specific amino acid substitution (3D-1D) mapping. Second, mixed substitution mapping--a mixed environment-specific substitution mapping is developed by combing the structural-derived substitution score with sequence profile from well-developed amino acid substitution matrices. Third, confidence evaluation--a support vector machine is employed to measure the significance of the sequence-structure alignment. Four computational experiments are carried out to verify the performance of the MESSM. They are Fischer, ProSup, Lindahl and Wallner benchmarks. Tested on Fischer, Lindahl and Wallner benchmarks, MESSM achieved a comparable performance on fold recognition to those energy potential based threading models. For Fischer benchmark, MESSM correctly recognise 56 out of 68 pairs, which has the same performance as that of COBLATH and SPARKS. The computational experiments show that MESSM is a fast program. It could make an alignment between probe sequence (150 amino acids) and a profile of 4775 template proteins in 30 seconds on a PC with IG memory Pentium IV. Also, tested on ProSup benchmark, the MESSM achieved alignment accuracy of 59.7%, which is better than current models. The research work was extended to develop a threading score following the threading technique of the contact potential approach. A TES (Threading with Environment-specific Score) model is constructed by neural networks
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