36,113 research outputs found

    Error-resilient performance of Dirac video codec over packet-erasure channel

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    Video transmission over the wireless or wired network requires error-resilient mechanism since compressed video bitstreams are sensitive to transmission errors because of the use of predictive coding and variable length coding. This paper investigates the performance of a simple and low complexity error-resilient coding scheme which combines source and channel coding to protect compressed bitstream of wavelet-based Dirac video codec in the packet-erasure channel. By partitioning the wavelet transform coefficients of the motion-compensated residual frame into groups and independently processing each group using arithmetic and Forward Error Correction (FEC) coding, Dirac could achieves the robustness to transmission errors by giving the video quality which is gracefully decreasing over a range of packet loss rates up to 30% when compared with conventional FEC only methods. Simulation results also show that the proposed scheme using multiple partitions can achieve up to 10 dB PSNR gain over its existing un-partitioned format. This paper also investigates the error-resilient performance of the proposed scheme in comparison with H.264 over packet-erasure channel

    Enabling error-resilient internet broadcasting using motion compensated spatial partitioning and packet FEC for the dirac video codec

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    Video transmission over the wireless or wired network require protection from channel errors since compressed video bitstreams are very sensitive to transmission errors because of the use of predictive coding and variable length coding. In this paper, a simple, low complexity and patent free error-resilient coding is proposed. It is based upon the idea of using spatial partitioning on the motion compensated residual frame without employing the transform coefficient coding. The proposed scheme is intended for open source Dirac video codec in order to enable the codec to be used for Internet broadcasting. By partitioning the wavelet transform coefficients of the motion compensated residual frame into groups and independently processing each group using arithmetic coding and Forward Error Correction (FEC), robustness to transmission errors over the packet erasure wired network could be achieved. Using the Rate Compatibles Punctured Code (RCPC) and Turbo Code (TC) as the FEC, the proposed technique provides gracefully decreasing perceptual quality over packet loss rates up to 30%. The PSNR performance is much better when compared with the conventional data partitioning only methods. Simulation results show that the use of multiple partitioning of wavelet coefficient in Dirac can achieve up to 8 dB PSNR gain over its existing un-partitioned method

    Experiments applications guide: Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS)

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    This applications guide first surveys the capabilities of the Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS) system (both the flight and ground segments). This overview is followed by a description of the baseband processor (BBP) and microwave switch matrix (MSM) operating modes. Terminals operating with the baseband processor are referred to as low burst rate (LBR); and those operating with the microwave switch matrix, as high burst rate (HBR). Three very small-aperture terminals (VSATs), LBR-1, LBR-2, and HBR, are described for various ACTS operating modes. Also described is the NASA Lewis link evaluation terminal. A section on ACTS experiment opportunities introduces a wide spectrum of network control, telecommunications, system, and scientific experiments. The performance of the VSATs is discussed in detail. This guide is intended as a catalyst to encourage participation by the telecommunications, business, and science communities in a broad spectrum of experiments

    Evaluation of the MDC and FEC over the quality of service and quality of experience for video distribution in ad hoc networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) offer an excellent scenario for deploying communication applications because of the connectivity and versatility of this kind of networks. In contrast, the topology is usually extremely dynamic causing high rate of packet loss, so that ensuring a specific Quality of Service (QoS) for real-time video services becomes a hard challenge. In this paper, we evaluate the effect of using Multiple Description Coding (MDC) and Forward Error Correction (FEC) techniques for improving video quality in a multimedia content distribution system. A hybrid architecture using fixed and wireless ad hoc networks is proposed, which enables the use of multipoint-to-point transmission. MDC and FEC mechanisms can be combined with multipath transmission to increase the network efficiency and recover lost packets, improving the overall Quality of Experience (QoE) of the receiver. Simulations have been analyzed paying attention to objective parameters (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, Packet Delivery Ratio, Decodable Frame Rate and interruptions) and subjective parameters. Results show that MDC increases the probability of packet delivery and FEC is able to recover lost frames and reduce video interruptions in moderate mobility scenarios, resulting in the improvement of video quality and the final user experience.This work was supported by project MIQUEL (TEC2007- 68119-C02-01/TCM) of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. The authors would like to thank the Editor and the reviewers for helpful suggestions to improve the quality of this paper.Acelas Delgado, P.; Arce Vila, P.; Guerri Cebollada, JC.; Castellanos Hernández, WE. (2014). Evaluation of the MDC and FEC over the quality of service and quality of experience for video distribution in ad hoc networks. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 68(3):969-989. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-012-1111-3969989683Apostolopoulos JG, Wong T, Tan W, Wee SJ (2002) On multiple description streaming with content delivery networks. IEEE INFOCOMBoukerche A (2009) Algorithms and protocols for wireless and mobile ad hoc networks. John Wiley & Sons IncChow CO, Ishii H (2007) Enhancing real-time video streaming over mobile ad hoc networks using multipoint-to-point communication. Comput Commun 30:1754–1764Clausen T, Jacquet P (2003) Optimized link state routing protocol (OLSR), RFC 3626Corrie B et al (2003) Towards quality of experience in advanced collaborative environments. Third Annual Workshop on Advanced Collaborative EnvironmentsGabrielyan E, Hersch R (2006) Reliable multi-path routing schemes for real-time streaming. International Conference on Digital Telecommunications, pp 65–65Gandikota VR, Tamma BR, Murthy CSR (2008) Adaptive-FEC based packet loss resilience scheme for supporting voice communication over adhoc wireless networks. IEEE Trans Mobile Comput 7:1184–1199Gharavi H (2008) Multi-channel for multihop communication links. International Conference on Telecommunications, pp 1–6Grega M, Janowski L, Leszczuk M, Romaniak P, Papir Z (2008) Quality of experience evaluation for multimedia services. Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny i Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne 4:142–153Hsieh MY, Huang YM, Chian TC (2007) Transmission of layered video streaming via multi-path on ad hoc networks. Multimed Tool Appl 34:155–177ITU—International Telecommunication Union (2007) Definition of quality of experience (QoE)”, Reference: TD 109rev2 (PLEN/12)ITU-R Recommendation BT.500-12 (2009) Methodology for the subjective assessment of the quality of television pictures. International Telecommunication Union, GenevaITU-T Recommendation P.910 (2000) Subjective video quality assessment methods for multimedia applications. International Telecommunication Union, GenevaKao KL, Ke ChH, Shieh CH (2006) An advanced simulation tool-set for video transmission performance evaluation. IEEE Region 10 Conference, pp 1–40Ke CH et al (2006) A novel realistic simulation tool for video transmission over wireless network. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trsutworthy ComputingKeisuke U, Cheeonn C, Hiroshi I (2008) A study on video performance of multipoint-to-point video streaming with multiple description coding over ad hoc networks. EEJ Trans Electron, Inf Syst 128:1431–1437Kilkki K (2008) Quality of experience in communications ecosystem. J Univers Comput Sci 14:615–624Li A (2007) RTP payload format for generic forward error correction. 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IEEE J Sel Area Comm 28:321–331Schierl T, Ganger K, Hellge C, Wiegand T, Stockhammer T (2006) SVC-based multisource streaming for robust video trans- mission in mobile ad hoc networks. IEEE Wireless Comm 13:96–103Schierl T, Stockhammer T, Wiegand T (2007) Mobile video transmission using scalable video coding. IEEE Trans Circ Syst Video Tech 17:1204–1217Schwarz H, Marpe D, Wiegand T (2007) Overview of the scalable video coding extension of the H.264/AVC standard. IEEE Trans Circ Syst Video Tech 17:1103–1120VQEG (2008) Video quality experts group. Available online: http://www.vqeg.orgWang Z et al (2004) Image quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity. IEEE Trans Image Process 13:600–612Wei W, Zakhor A (2004) Robust multipath source routing protocol (RMPSR) for video communication over wireless ad hoc net- works. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2:1379–1382Winkler S, Mohandas P (2008) The evolution of video quality measurement: from PSNR to hybrid metrics. IEEE Trans Broadcast 54:660–668Xunqi Y, Modestino JW, Bajic IV (2005) Performance analysis of the efficacy of packet-level FEC in improving video transport over networks. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2:177–180Zink M, Schmitt J, Steinmetz R (2005) Layer-encoded video in scalable adaptive streaming. IEEE Trans Multimed 7:75–8

    Robust video coder solution for wireless streaming: applications in Gaussian channels

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    With the technological progress in wireless communications seen in the past decade, the miniaturization of personal computers was imminent. Due to the limited availability of resources in these small devices, it has been preferable to stream the media over widely deployed networks like the Internet. However, the conventional protocols used in physical and data-link layers are not adequate for reliable video streaming over noisy wireless channels. There are several popular and well-studied mechanisms for addressing this problem, one of them being Multiple-Description-Coding. However, proposed solutions are too specialized, focusing the coding of either motion or spatial information; thus failing to address the whole problem, that is - the robust video coding. In this thesis a novel MDC video coder is presented, which was developed during an internship at the I3S laboratory - France. The full coding scheme is capable of robust transmission of Motion-Vectors and wavelet-subband information over noisy wireless channels. The former is accomplished by using a MAP-based MD-decoding algorithm available in literature, while the robust transmission of wavelet-subbands is achieved using a state-of-the-art registry-based JPEG-2000 MDC. In order to e ciently balance MV information between multiple descriptions, a novel R/D-optimizing MD bitallocation scheme is presented. As it is also important to e ciently distribute bits between subband and motion information, a global subband/motion-vector bit-allocation technique found in literature was adopted and improved. Indeed, this thesis would not be complete without the presentation of produced streams as well as of a set of backing scienti c results