4,727 research outputs found

    Effective Fitness Landscapes for Evolutionary Systems

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    In evolution theory the concept of a fitness landscape has played an important role, evolution itself being portrayed as a hill-climbing process on a rugged landscape. In this article it is shown that in general, in the presence of other genetic operators such as mutation and recombination, hill-climbing is the exception rather than the rule. This descrepency can be traced to the different ways that the concept of fitness appears --- as a measure of the number of fit offspring, or as a measure of the probability to reach reproductive age. Effective fitness models the former not the latter and gives an intuitive way to understand population dynamics as flows on an effective fitness landscape when genetic operators other than selection play an important role. The efficacy of the concept is shown using several simple analytic examples and also some more complicated cases illustrated by simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 8 postscript figure

    Modelling linguistic taxonomic dynamics

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    This paper presents the results of the application of a bit-string model of languages (Schulze and Stauffer 2005) to problems of taxonomic patterns. The questions addressed include the following: (1) Which parameters are minimally ne eded for the development of a taxonomic dynamics leading to the type of distribution of language family sizes currently attested (as measured in the i number of languages per family), which appears to be a power-law? (2) How may such a model be coupled with one of the dynamics of speaker populations leading to the type of language size seen today, which appears to follow a log-normal distribution?Comment: 18 pages including 9 figure

    Red Queen Coevolution on Fitness Landscapes

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    Species do not merely evolve, they also coevolve with other organisms. Coevolution is a major force driving interacting species to continuously evolve ex- ploring their fitness landscapes. Coevolution involves the coupling of species fit- ness landscapes, linking species genetic changes with their inter-specific ecological interactions. Here we first introduce the Red Queen hypothesis of evolution com- menting on some theoretical aspects and empirical evidences. As an introduction to the fitness landscape concept, we review key issues on evolution on simple and rugged fitness landscapes. Then we present key modeling examples of coevolution on different fitness landscapes at different scales, from RNA viruses to complex ecosystems and macroevolution.Comment: 40 pages, 12 figures. To appear in "Recent Advances in the Theory and Application of Fitness Landscapes" (H. Richter and A. Engelbrecht, eds.). Springer Series in Emergence, Complexity, and Computation, 201

    Adaptive group mutation for tackling deception in genetic search

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    Copyright @ 2004 WSEASIn order to study the efficacy of genetic algorithms (GAs), a number of fitness landscapes have been designed and used as test functions. Among these functions a family of deceptive functions have been developed as difficult test functions for comparing different implementations of GAs. In this paper an adaptive group mutation (AGM), which can be combined with traditional bit mutation in GAs, is proposed to tackle the deception problem in genetic searching. Within the AGM, those genes that have converged to certain threshold degree are adaptively grouped together and subject to mutation together with a given probability. To test the performance of the AGM, experiments were carried out to compare GAs that combine the AGM and GAs that use only traditional bit mutation with a number of suggested “standard” fixed mutation rates over a set of deceptive functions as well as non-deceptive functions. The results demonstrate that GAs with the AGM perform better than GAs with only traditional bit mutation over deceptive functions and as well as GAs with only traditional bit mutation over non-deceptive functions. The results show that the AGM is a good choice for GAs since most problems may involve some degree of deception and deceptive functions are difficult for GAs

    New insights on neutral binary representations for evolutionary optimization

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    This paper studies a family of redundant binary representations NNg(l, k), which are based on the mathematical formulation of error control codes, in particular, on linear block codes, which are used to add redundancy and neutrality to the representations. The analysis of the properties of uniformity, connectivity, synonymity, locality and topology of the NNg(l, k) representations is presented, as well as the way an (1+1)-ES can be modeled using Markov chains and applied to NK fitness landscapes with adjacent neighborhood.The results show that it is possible to design synonymously redundant representations that allow an increase of the connectivity between phenotypes. For easy problems, synonymously NNg(l, k) representations, with high locality, and where it is not necessary to present high values of connectivity are the most suitable for an efficient evolutionary search. On the contrary, for difficult problems, NNg(l, k) representations with low locality, which present connectivity between intermediate to high and with intermediate values of synonymity are the best ones. These results allow to conclude that NNg(l, k) representations with better performance in NK fitness landscapes with adjacent neighborhood do not exhibit extreme values of any of the properties commonly considered in the literature of evolutionary computation. This conclusion is contrary to what one would expect when taking into account the literature recommendations. This may help understand the current difficulty to formulate redundant representations, which are proven to be successful in evolutionary computation. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The Evolutionary Unfolding of Complexity

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    We analyze the population dynamics of a broad class of fitness functions that exhibit epochal evolution---a dynamical behavior, commonly observed in both natural and artificial evolutionary processes, in which long periods of stasis in an evolving population are punctuated by sudden bursts of change. Our approach---statistical dynamics---combines methods from both statistical mechanics and dynamical systems theory in a way that offers an alternative to current ``landscape'' models of evolutionary optimization. We describe the population dynamics on the macroscopic level of fitness classes or phenotype subbasins, while averaging out the genotypic variation that is consistent with a macroscopic state. Metastability in epochal evolution occurs solely at the macroscopic level of the fitness distribution. While a balance between selection and mutation maintains a quasistationary distribution of fitness, individuals diffuse randomly through selectively neutral subbasins in genotype space. Sudden innovations occur when, through this diffusion, a genotypic portal is discovered that connects to a new subbasin of higher fitness genotypes. In this way, we identify innovations with the unfolding and stabilization of a new dimension in the macroscopic state space. The architectural view of subbasins and portals in genotype space clarifies how frozen accidents and the resulting phenotypic constraints guide the evolution to higher complexity.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    A simple model of unbounded evolutionary versatility as a largest-scale trend in organismal evolution

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    The idea that there are any large-scale trends in the evolution of biological organisms is highly controversial. It is commonly believed, for example, that there is a large-scale trend in evolution towards increasing complexity, but empirical and theoretical arguments undermine this belief. Natural selection results in organisms that are well adapted to their local environments, but it is not clear how local adaptation can produce a global trend. In this paper, I present a simple computational model, in which local adaptation to a randomly changing environment results in a global trend towards increasing evolutionary versatility. In this model, for evolutionary versatility to increase without bound, the environment must be highly dynamic. The model also shows that unbounded evolutionary versatility implies an accelerating evolutionary pace. I believe that unbounded increase in evolutionary versatility is a large-scale trend in evolution. I discuss some of the testable predictions about organismal evolution that are suggested by the model