10 research outputs found

    Classificação e resolução de defeitos em manutenção de software utilizando ODC e histórico de soluções

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    Nowadays with the increasing of demand in support services such as high availability and performance faced by customers and low cost operations to software maintenance and hosting enterprises, the resolution of software incidents in less time and defect prevention turned a key point. Moreover, the software maintenance is one most time consuming and effort demanding and by consequence cost in software development life cycle. Balancing effectiveness and costs turn a challenge to any enterprise that manages support in software maintenance. The approach used on this research defines a process to classify defects and boundary a set of best solutions associated to these classes from defects history and customer knowledge base. Also this classification separates different problem complexities that can be handled to different support teams. The base method used is the ODC (Orthogonal Defect Classification). With this research is possible to verify that the classification and solutions associations with problem class can undertake a time reduction in incidents resolution in software maintenance. It was verified using four service provider samples in two different customers (X and Y) that classification of defects, correct support team redirection and best solution grouping helps on reduction of incidents resolution time between 70% of incidents to customer Y and 92,5 % of incidents to customer X. The reduction was reached with reduction in number of transfers between supporting teams and incidents number reduction. The process is incremental because it is unfolded from history information and from effectiveness into solutions purposed. This process can leverage human resources nedded to support computational systems in service providers.Nos dias atuais, com o aumento da demanda de serviços de suporte, como, por exemplo, no campo da alta disponibilidade e do desempenho para o cliente e da demanda de custos mais baixos para as empresas de manutenção e hospedagem de software, a resolução de incidentes de software em um tempo menor junto ao cliente e a prevenção de defeitos tornaram-se um tópicos fundamentais. Além disso, a atividade de manutenção de software é uma das fases que consome mais tempo, esforço e consequentemente custo no ciclo de desenvolvimento de software. Balancear eficiência e custo torna-se um desafio para qualquer empresa de suporte em manutenção de software. A abordagem utilizada nesta pesquisa estabelece um processo para classificar defeitos e delinear um conjunto de melhores soluções para os defeitos classificados a partir do histórico de defeitos e a base de conhecimento do cliente. Esta classificação também separa complexidade de problemas para serem gerenciados pelo time de suporte mais adequado. O método base utilizado é o ODC (Classificação Ortogonal de Defeitos) e extensões voltadas ao suporte de software são propostas e utilizadas. Por meio desta pesquisa, é possível verificar se a classificação e associação de soluções podem acarretar em uma redução no tempo de atendimento dos incidentes de suporte. Foi observado em quatro amostras de dois clientes diferentes (X e Y) que utilizando a classificação dos defeitos, direcionamento correto aos times de suporte e agrupamento de soluções, promoveu uma redução no tempo de atendimento em 70% dos incidentes de suporte no cliente Y e 92,5% dos incidentes de suporte para o cliente X. A redução de tempo foi obtida pela redução no número de transferências entre os times de suporte e a redução de incidentes. O processo apresentado é incremental, pois é baseado no aumento das informações históricas e na eficácia das soluções propostas. Este método de soluções pode favorecer a redução dos recursos necessários para suportar sistemas computacionais em provedores de serviço

    Evidence in support of the a priori hypothesis that electromagnetic radiation across the spectrum is a Ubiquitous Universal Genotoxic Carcinogen.

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    By October 2001 Dr Cherry had concluded that there was very strong evidence that electromagnetic radiation across the spectrum is a Ubiquitous Universal Genotoxic Carcinogen. The evidence is strong from multiple independent studies showing that from extremely low-frequency to microwave radiation signals and fields damage DNA. Epidemiological studies confirm this by showing that increased cancer in many body organs because the whole body is exposed, from residential studies from power ELF frequencies and radio frequencies causing increased cancer rates and from a large body of studies showing cardiac, reproductive and neurological health effects

    Abstracts from the 19th FGC

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    Plenary and poster session abstracts from the 19th Fungal Genetics Conferenc

    The Role of Nicotinamide in DNA Repair and Prevention of Non-melanoma Skin Cancer

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    Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from sunlight is the main environmental risk factor in the development of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and basal cell carcinoma (BCC) make up almost all NMSC. Actinic keratosis (AK), SCC precursor lesion, is often used as surrogate endpoint biomarker in skin cancer chemoprevention trial. UVR damages DNA directly, resulting in formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), and also indirectly by inducing oxidative photolesion 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2’-deoxyguanine (8-oxodG). This project examines the role of nicotinamide, an amide form of vitamin B3, in DNA repair and prevention of NMSC. The effect of nicotinamide on nuclear DNA repair in solar-simulated (ss)UV-irradiated HaCaT keratinocytes was assessed using unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS). Nicotinamide significantly increased both the rates of UDS in each cell and the percentage of cells showing UDS. Using comet assay to measure photolesions in HaCaTs, nicotinamide was shown to enhance repair of ssUV-induced CPDs and 8-oxodG. Immunostaining of whole human skin using antibody specific to CPDs and 8-oxodG allows localization of these photolesions in human skin. Nicotinamide significantly enhanced repair of both CPD and 8-oxodG in ssUV-irradiated whole human skin. Phase II double-blinded randomized placebo controlled clinical trials on healthy subjects with an average of more than 30 AKs each were conducted and showed that nicotinamide given at doses of 500mg twice daily (study 1) and 500mg once daily (study 2) significantly reduced AKs by 35% and 29% respectively, relative to placebo within 4 months. Nicotinamide is a promising agent for skin cancer chemopreventio

    Optical Detection of Deep Defects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2

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    The aim of this thesis is to shed light on the deep defect structure in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 by photoluminescence measurements and to propose a possible conclusive defect model by attributing experimental findings to a literature review of defect calculations from first principles. Epitaxial films are grown on GaAs by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy and characterized by photoluminescence at room or low temperature. In CuGaSe2, deep defect bands at ca. 1.1 eV and 1.23 eV are resolved. A model for the power law behavior in excitation dependent measurements of the peak intensities is derived, which leads to the experimental finding of two deep donor-like defects as a result. In Cu(In,Ga)Se2, the deeper band at around 1.1 eV remains constant in energy when more and more gallium is replaced by indium in the solid solution. For decreasing Ga-contents, the band gap is mainly lowered by a decrease of the conduction band energy. From fitting models for electron-phonon coupling, the dominating deep donor-like defect is determined at 1.3 eV above the valence band maximum. This level is proposed to be crucial for high Ga-contents when it is deep inside the band gap and most likely acts as a recombination center. At low Ga-contents it is resonant with the conduction band. The larger open circuit voltage deficits for high Ga-contents are proposed to stem at least partly from this defect which is qualitatively supported by simulations. Additionally another defect band at around 0.7 eV is observed for high Ga-contents at low temperatures and at 0.8 eV for low Ga-contents. The intensity of the 0.8 eV band seems to disappear in a sample with Cu-deficiency. In general, deep luminescence is always observed with similar energies in all Cu-rich compositions, independent of the Ga-content. The deep defect involved could explain inferior efficiencies of Cu-rich devices which show increased non-radiative recombination in general. It is further discussed that the same deep defect could be the origin of a level at 0.8 eV which is observed in several photo-capacitance measurements in literature. Based on the literature review for intrinsic defect calculations by hybrid-functionals, a possible defect model for shallow and deep defects is derived with a focus on those results, where different authors using different methods agree. By comparing the experimental results in the scope of this thesis, the deep defect found at 1.3 eV above the valence band is attributed to the GaCu antisites. The single (0/-1) charge transition of CuIn and CuGa is proposed to be the main shallow acceptor in the near-band-edge luminescence of Cu-rich compositions at 60 - 100 meV, whereas the second (-1/-2) charge transition is attributed to the deep 0.8 eV defect band. The present findings could be useful for the improvement of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells with stochiometric absorber compositions (Cu-rich growth) or with high band gaps (high Ga-content). Furthermore, the results show a very good agreement of experiment and recent theoretical calculations of defects, which can be seen as a promising relation between photoluminescence spectroscopy and predictions from theory for other complex materials

    Mitochondrial Transport Proteins

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    Mitochondrial transporters are membrane-inserted proteins which provide a link between metabolic reactions occurring within the mitochondrial matrix and outside the organelles by catalyzing the translocation of numerous solutes across the mitochondrial membrane. They include the mitochondrial carrier family members, the proteins involved in pyruvate transport, ABC transporters and channels, and are, therefore, essential for many biological processes and cell homeostasis. Identification and functional studies of many mitochondrial transporters have been performed over the years using both in vitro and in vivo systems. The few recently solved structures of these transporters have paved the way for further investigations. Furthermore, alterations in their function are responsible for several diseases

    Efectos agudos y crónicos de la ingesta de 2SHesperidina sobre marcadores de rendimiento, metabólicos, bioquímicos y de composición corporal en ciclistas amateur.

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    La utilización de suplementos por parte de los deportistas de todos los niveles y disciplinas para mejorar el rendimiento, es una práctica habitual que se lleva realizando durante muchos años. Ya que, como es conocido y sobre todo su impacto en el alto rendimiento, la nutrición es un factor clave para la mejora de las adaptaciones al entrenamiento. Que apoyado por una óptima suplementación puede tener un efecto sinérgico junto a la nutrición, aumentando las adaptaciones al entrenamiento y disminuyendo el riesgo de patologías asociadas a la práctica deportiva. Dentro de los suplementos deportivos, están emergiendo en los últimos años los antioxidantes, los cuales provienen principalmente de extractos de fruta y verduras, donde las moléculas predominantes son los polifenoles. Estas moléculas han mostrado diversos efectos, desde una capacidad antioxidante e inflamatoria, reguladora del metabolismo de los lípidos y glucosa, anticáncer, anti COVID-19, hasta la estimulación de la síntesis del óxido nítrico, previniendo enfermedades de diferente etiología. Pero los polifenoles están compuestos por varios subgrupos, donde podemos encontrar los flavonoides que son moléculas que se encuentran principalmente en frutas cítricas, donde uno de las principales moléculas bioactivas es la hesperidina. Los efectos mostrados por la administración de hesperidina son de amplio espectro, ya que se ha observado un efecto antiinflamatorio, antioxidante, hipoglucemiante, antidislipidémico, entre otros, tanto en humanos como en animales. Pero su efecto en el rendimiento deportivo ha sido poco estudiado, más en animales que en humanos. Debido a la escasa evidencia de la ingesta de hesperidina sobre el rendimiento deportivo en humanos, creemos necesario evaluar de forma profunda si la suplementación con 2S-hesperidina, que es una nueva fórmula (diferente a las utilizadas en otros estudios), es capaz de mejorar el rendimiento deportivo y que mecanismos son los responsables de este, en caso de que lo hubiera.Actividad Física y DeporteCiencias de la Alimentació

    26th Fungal Genetics Conference at Asilomar

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    Program and abstracts from the 26th Fungal Genetics Conference, March 15-20, 2011

    Amrit Singh and the Birmingham Quean: fictions, fakes and forgeries in a vernacular counterculture

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    For a literary critic preparing a scholarly edition of a text like this within an epistème that disparages the theory underpinning it for being tainted with the gestural idealism of 1968 and the neon-glare of 1980s high postmodernism, the crucial question is how to reconcile the commitment to authenticity ingrained in historicist textual studies (perhaps the critic’s only viable disciplinary inheritance) with the author’s implicit antagonism to any such quietist approach. The encounter inevitably becomes a battle of wills. In the course of the current project, this theoretical struggle escalates exponentially as doubts concerning the authenticity (and indeed the existence) of both writer and manuscript are multiplied. If a thesis can be retrospectively extrapolated from this project, it is the argument that fiction is demonstrably a tractable forum for research in the Arts and Social Sciences: all the more tractable for its anti-authenticity. The critic’s loss is the novelist’s gain. Specifically, in this case, the faithful historian of late twentieth century literatures, languages and cultures can solve the key dilemma of the subject by working under the auspices of Creative Writing. Only in this way can justice be done to the most cogent intellectual trend of the posmodern period (perhaps its defining feature): one that revelled in its own pluralities, ambiguities and contradictions, and resisted all the unifying, teleological models of ‘history’ that had been implicated in the century’s terrible ‘final solutions’. In other words, only fiction can tell the history of a culture that rejects that history. If this means condoning forgery… so be it