19 research outputs found

    Adaptive Representations for Tracking Breaking News on Twitter

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    Twitter is often the most up-to-date source for finding and tracking breaking news stories. Therefore, there is considerable interest in developing filters for tweet streams in order to track and summarize stories. This is a non-trivial text analytics task as tweets are short, and standard retrieval methods often fail as stories evolve over time. In this paper we examine the effectiveness of adaptive mechanisms for tracking and summarizing breaking news stories. We evaluate the effectiveness of these mechanisms on a number of recent news events for which manually curated timelines are available. Assessments based on ROUGE metrics indicate that an adaptive approaches are best suited for tracking evolving stories on Twitter.Comment: 8 Pag

    Event Detection from Social Media Stream: Methods, Datasets and Opportunities

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    Social media streams contain large and diverse amount of information, ranging from daily-life stories to the latest global and local events and news. Twitter, especially, allows a fast spread of events happening real time, and enables individuals and organizations to stay informed of the events happening now. Event detection from social media data poses different challenges from traditional text and is a research area that has attracted much attention in recent years. In this paper, we survey a wide range of event detection methods for Twitter data stream, helping readers understand the recent development in this area. We present the datasets available to the public. Furthermore, a few research opportunitiesComment: 8 page

    Analyzing User Comments On YouTube Coding Tutorial Videos

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    Video coding tutorials enable expert and novice programmers to visually observe real developers write, debug, and execute code. Previous research in this domain has focused on helping programmers find relevant content in coding tutorial videos as well as understanding the motivation and needs of content creators. In this thesis, we focus on the link connecting programmers creating coding videos with their audience. More specifically, we analyze user comments on YouTube coding tutorial videos. Our main objective is to help content creators to effectively understand the needs and concerns of their viewers, thus respond faster to these concerns and deliver higher-quality content. A dataset of 6000 comments sampled from 12 YouTube coding videos is used to conduct our analysis. Important user questions and concerns are then automatically classified and summarized. The results show that Support Vector Machines can detect useful viewers\u27 comments on coding videos with an average accuracy of 77%. The results also show that SumBasic, an extractive frequency-based summarization technique with redundancy control, can sufficiently capture the main concerns present in viewers\u27 comments

    Exploiting Language Models to Classify Events from Twitter

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    Classifying events is challenging in Twitter because tweets texts have a large amount of temporal data with a lot of noise and various kinds of topics. In this paper, we propose a method to classify events from Twitter. We firstly find the distinguishing terms between tweets in events and measure their similarities with learning language models such as ConceptNet and a latent Dirichlet allocation method for selectional preferences (LDA-SP), which have been widely studied based on large text corpora within computational linguistic relations. The relationship of term words in tweets will be discovered by checking them under each model. We then proposed a method to compute the similarity between tweets based on tweets' features including common term words and relationships among their distinguishing term words. It will be explicit and convenient for applying to k-nearest neighbor techniques for classification. We carefully applied experiments on the Edinburgh Twitter Corpus to show that our method achieves competitive results for classifying events

    TweetNorm: a benchmark for lexical normalization of spanish tweets

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    The language used in social media is often characterized by the abundance of informal and non-standard writing. The normalization of this non-standard language can be crucial to facilitate the subsequent textual processing and to consequently help boost the performance of natural language processing tools applied to social media text. In this paper we present a benchmark for lexical normalization of social media posts, specifically for tweets in Spanish language. We describe the tweet normalization challenge we organized recently, analyze the performance achieved by the different systems submitted to the challenge, and delve into the characteristics of systems to identify the features that were useful. The organization of this challenge has led to the production of a benchmark for lexical normalization of social media, including an evaluation framework, as well as an annotated corpus of Spanish tweets-TweetNorm_es-, which we make publicly available. The creation of this benchmark and the evaluation has brought to light the types of words that submitted systems did best with, and posits the main shortcomings to be addressed in future work.Postprint (published version

    Semantic Annotation of Mobility Data using Social Media

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    Real-time tweet summarization systems (RTS) require mechanisms for capturing relevant tweets, identifying novel tweets, and capturing timely tweets. In this thesis, we tackle the RTS problem with a main focus on the relevance filtering. We experimented with different traditional retrieval models. Additionally, we propose two extensions to alleviate the sparsity and topic drift challenges that affect the relevance filtering. For the sparsity, we propose leveraging word embeddings in Vector Space model (VSM) term weighting to empower the system to use semantic similarity alongside the lexical matching. To mitigate the effect of topic drift, we exploit explicit relevance feedback to enhance profile representation to cope with its development in the stream over time. We conducted extensive experiments over three standard English TREC test collections that were built specifically for RTS. Although the extensions do not generally exhibit better performance, they are comparable to the baselines used. Moreover, we extended an event detection Arabic tweets test collection, called EveTAR, to support tasks that require novelty in the system's output. We collected novelty judgments using in-house annotators and used the collection to test our RTS system. We report preliminary results on EveTAR using different models of the RTS system.This work was made possible by NPRP grants # NPRP 7-1313-1-245 and # NPRP 7-1330-2-483 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation)

    Multi Domain Semantic Information Retrieval Based on Topic Model

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    Over the last decades, there have been remarkable shifts in the area of Information Retrieval (IR) as huge amount of information is increasingly accumulated on the Web. The gigantic information explosion increases the need for discovering new tools that retrieve meaningful knowledge from various complex information sources. Thus, techniques primarily used to search and extract important information from numerous database sources have been a key challenge in current IR systems. Topic modeling is one of the most recent techniquesthat discover hidden thematic structures from large data collections without human supervision. Several topic models have been proposed in various fields of study and have been utilized extensively for many applications. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is the most well-known topic model that generates topics from large corpus of resources, such as text, images, and audio.It has been widely used in many areas in information retrieval and data mining, providing efficient way of identifying latent topics among document collections. However, LDA has a drawback that topic cohesion within a concept is attenuated when estimating infrequently occurring words. Moreover, LDAseems not to consider the meaning of words, but rather to infer hidden topics based on a statisticalapproach. However, LDA can cause either reduction in the quality of topic words or increase in loose relations between topics. In order to solve the previous problems, we propose a domain specific topic model that combines domain concepts with LDA. Two domain specific algorithms are suggested for solving the difficulties associated with LDA. The main strength of our proposed model comes from the fact that it narrows semantic concepts from broad domain knowledge to a specific one which solves the unknown domain problem. Our proposed model is extensively tested on various applications, query expansion, classification, and summarization, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model. Experimental results show that the proposed model significantly increasesthe performance of applications