5 research outputs found

    Identification of a New Class of Lipid Droplet-Associated Proteins in Plants

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    Article on the identification of a new class of lipid droplet-associated proteins in plants

    Biochemical, Transcriptional, and Bioinformatic Analysis of Lipid Droplets from Seeds of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) and Their Use as Potent Sequestration Agents against the Toxic Pollutant, 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxin

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    Contamination of aquatic environments with dioxins, the most toxic group of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), is a major ecological issue. Dioxins are highly lipophilic and bioaccumulate in fatty tissues of marine organisms used for seafood where they constitute a potential risk for human health. Lipid droplets (LDs) purified from date palm, Phoenix dactylifera, seeds were characterized and their capacity to extract dioxins from aquatic systems was assessed. The bioaffinity of date palm LDs toward 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), the most toxic congener of dioxins was determined. Fractioned LDs were spheroidal with mean diameters of 2.5 µm, enclosing an oil-rich core of 392.5 mg mL(-1). Isolated LDs did not aggregate and/or coalesce unless placed in acidic media and were strongly associated with three major groups of polypeptides of relative mass 32–37, 20–24, and 16–18 kDa. These masses correspond to the LD-associated proteins, oleosins, caleosins, and steroleosins, respectively. Efficient partitioning of TCDD into LDs occurred with a coefficient of log K(LB/w,TCDD) = 7.528 ± 0.024; it was optimal at neutral pH and was dependent on the presence of the oil-rich core, but was independent of the presence of LD-associated proteins. Bioinformatic analysis of the date palm genome revealed nine oleosin-like, five caleosin-like, and five steroleosin-like sequences, with predicted structures having putative lipid-binding domains that match their LD stabilizing roles and use as bio-based encapsulation systems. Transcriptomic analysis of date palm seedlings exposed to TCDD showed strong up-regulation of several caleosin and steroleosin genes, consistent with increased LD formation. The results suggest that the plant LDs could be used in ecological remediation strategies to remove POPs from aquatic environments. Recent reports suggest that several fungal and algal species also use LDs to sequester both external and internally derived hydrophobic toxins, which indicates that our approach could be used as a broader biomimetic strategy for toxin removal

    Caleosin/Peroxygenases:multifunctional proteins in plants

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    BACKGROUND: Caleosin/peroxygenases (CLO/PXGs) are a family of multifunctional proteins that are ubiquitous in land plants and also found in some fungi and green algae. CLO/PXGs were initially described as a class of plant lipid-associated proteins with some similarities to the oleosins that stabilize lipid droplets (LDs) in storage tissues such as seeds. However, we now know that CLO/PXGs have more complex structure, distribution and functions than oleosins. Structurally, CLO/PXGs share conserved domains that confer specific biochemical features with diverse localizations and functions.SCOPE: This review surveys the structural properties of CLO/PXGs and their biochemical roles. In addition to their highly conserved structures, CLO/PXGs have peroxygenase activities and are involved in several aspects of oxylipin metabolism in plants. The enzymatic activities and the spatiotemporal expression of CLO/PXGs are described and linked with their wider involvement in plant physiology. Plant CLO/PXGs have many roles in both biotic and abiotic stress responses in plants and in their responses to environmental toxins. Finally, some intriguing developments in the biotechnological uses of CLO/PXGs are addressed.CONCLUSIONS: It is now two decades since caleosin/peroxygenases (CLO/PXGs) were first recognized as a new class of lipid-associated proteins, and only 15 years since their additional enzymatic functions as a novel class of peroxygenases was discovered. There are many interesting research questions that remain to be addressed in future physiological studies of plant CLO/PXGs and also their recently discovered roles in the sequestration and possibly detoxification of a wide variety of lipidic xenobiotics that can challenge plant welfare.</p

    Comparative Genomics of the Lipid-body-membrane Proteins Oleosin, Caleosin and Steroleosin in Magnoliophyte, Lycophyte and Bryophyte

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    AbstractLipid bodies store oils in the form of triacylglycerols. Oleosin, caleosin and steroleosin are unique proteins localized on the surface of lipid bodies in seed plants. This study has identified genes encoding lipid body proteins oleosin, caleosin and steroleosin in the genomes of five plants: Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa, Populus trichocarpa, Selaginella moellendorffii and Physcomitrella patens. The protein sequence alignment indicated that each oleosin protein contains a highly-conserved proline knot motif, and proline knob motif is well conserved in steroleosin proteins, while caleosin proteins possess the Dx[D/N]xDG-containing calcium-binding motifs. The identification of motifs (proline knot and knob) and conserved amino acids at active site was further supported by the sequence logos. The phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of magnoliophyte- and bryophyte-specific subgroups. We analyzed the public microarray data for expression of oleosin, caleosin and steroleosin in Arabidopsis and rice during the vegetative and reproductive stages, or under abiotic stresses. Our results indicated that genes encoding oleosin, caleosin and steroleosin proteins were expressed predominantly in plant seeds. This work may facilitate better understanding of the members of lipid-body-membrane proteins in diverse organisms and their gene expression in model plants Arabidopsis and rice