99,506 research outputs found

    Comparative analyses of space-to-space central power stations

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    The technological and economical impact of a large central power station in Earth orbit on the performance and cost of future spacecraft and their orbital transfer systems are examined. It is shown that beaming power to remote users cannot be cost effective if the central power station uses the same power generation system that is readily available for provision of onboard power and microwave transmission and reception of power through space for use in space is not cost competitive with onboard power or propulsion systems. Laser and receivers are required to make central power stations feasible. Remote power transmission for propulsion of orbital transfer vehicles promises major cost benefits. Direct nuclear pumped or solar pumped laser power station concepts are attractive with laser thermal and laser electric propulsion systems. These power stations are also competitive, on a mass and cost basis, with a photovoltaic power station

    India-Korea Trade and Investment Relations

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    Though economic relations between India and Korea have been strengthening, the current size of trade and investment between the two countries is relatively low compared to the size and structural complementarities of the two economies. In this context, the present paper analyses trade and investment relations and explores future areas of potential co-operation between India and Korea. We find that the increase in merchandise trade between the two countries has been mainly because of the changing demand structure and comparative advantages of both the economies in complementary sectors in recent years. The Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) analysis, at both the aggregated and disaggregated levels, shows that while Korea has been specialising in a few, high value-added manufacturing products, Indias exports have been more diversified. The analysis also indicates that both the countries have comparative advantages in different products in the same industry, revealing the opportunity for intra-industry trade (IIT). Moreover, the increasing trade complementarity index (TCI) shows that Indian and Korean trade gradually has become more compatible over time, indicating that any agreement between the two countries is likely to enhance trade flows. The trade intensities between the two countries reveal that Korea is doing much better and there is scope for India to improve its export intensity with Korea. The study also suggests the areas where there is huge scope for increased investment and technological collaboration between the two countries. Further, there is huge potential for trade in services in areas such as information technology, science and technology, pharmaceutical industry, broadcasting, tourism, healthcare and human resource development. Removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers, especially sector specific barriers, will give a major boost to bilateral trade and investment relations.India, Korea, trade, Investment and Barriers

    India-Korea Trade and Investment Relations

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    Though economic relations between India and Korea have been strengthening, the current size of trade and investment between the two countries is relatively low compared to the size and structural complementarities of the two economies. In this context, the present paper analyses trade and investment relations and explores future areas of potential co-operation between India and Korea. We find that the increase in merchandise trade between the two countries has been mainly because of the changing demand structure and comparative advantages of both the economies in complementary sectors in recent years. The Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) analysis, at both the aggregated and disaggregated levels, shows that while Korea has been specialising in a few, high value-added manufacturing products, India's exports have been more diversified. The analysis also indicates that both the countries have comparative advantages in different products in the same industry, revealing the opportunity for intra-industry trade (IIT). Moreover, the increasing trade complementarity index (TCI) shows that Indian and Korean trade gradually has become more compatible over time, indicating that any agreement between the two countries is likely to enhance trade flows. The trade intensities between the two countries reveal that Korea is doing much better and there is scope for India to improve its export intensity with Korea. The study also suggests the areas where there is huge scope for increased investment and technological collaboration between the two countries. Further, there is huge potential for trade in services in areas such as information technology, science and technology, pharmaceutical industry, broadcasting, tourism, healthcare and human resource development. Removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers, especially sector specific barriers, will give a major boost to bilateral trade and investment relations.India, Korea, Trade, Investment and Barriers

    The Relationship Between Intellectual Property Rights and Foreign Direct Investment

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    Byggbranschen befinner sig mitt i ett paradigmskifte – detta i samband med att BIM kommer att ersĂ€tta de traditionella arbetsmetoderna inom byggprocessen. BIM, Ă€ven kallat objektsbaserad informationshantering, anvĂ€nds idag till 3D-projektering, visualisering och samordning. Dock utnyttjas inte BIM till sin fulla potential. FörĂ€ndringar sker Ă€ven betrĂ€ffande miljöaspekter inom byggsektorn. Miljökrav Ă€r inte lĂ€ngre enbart lagstadgade, utan kommer Ă€ven frĂ„n fastighetsĂ€garna sjĂ€lva. En anledning Ă€r den ökade miljömedvetenheten, och att byggbranschen Ă€r en viktig aktör för en hĂ„llbar utveckling. Genom en byggnadsmiljöcertifiering styrs byggproduktioner mot att bli mer miljöanpassade. Miljöbyggnad Ă€r en av de vanligaste certifieringarna i Sverige dĂ„ den Ă€r anpassad efter svenska byggregler. Ett av bedömningskriterierna för Miljöbyggnad Ă€r att dokumentera byggprodukter som byggs in i byggnadsverket i en loggbok. Det Ă€r byggnadsentreprenören som uppför denna och bĂ€r ansvaret för Miljöbyggnadscertifieringen under produktionen. Detta examensarbete utreder hur loggbokshanteringen för miljöcertifieringen Miljöbyggnad kan effektiviseras och optimeras inom ramen för BIM. Det första skedet av examensarbetet Ă€gnades Ă„t identifikation av problem kring arbetet med loggboken genom enkĂ€tundersökningar och kompletterande muntliga samtal.  I det andra skedet intervjuades BIM-sakkunniga med syftet att söka praktiskt genomförbara tillĂ€mpningar av BIM inom loggbokshanteringsprocessen. KartlĂ€ggningen resulterade i ett flertal problematiska omrĂ„den inom den nuvarande loggbokshanteringen. Denna kan dock effektiviseras genom att byggföretag etablerar en konsekvent arbetsmetodik, definierar loggboksprocessen samt inför erfarenhetsĂ„terföring. Utförda intervjuer resulterade i förslag pĂ„ möjliga effektiviseringar av loggboken med hjĂ€lp av BIM – bĂ„de en lösning som Ă€r tillĂ€mpningsbar idag och tre framtida lösningar. Den lösning som fĂ„tt namnet ”Excellista med GUID” kan tillĂ€mpas idag, och effektiviserar loggboksprocessen genom att utnyttja den BIM-modell som tas fram under projekteringsskedet med hjĂ€lp av unika kodstrĂ€ngar. Automatiska mĂ€ngdavtagningar för byggprodukter Ă€r ett exempel pĂ„ en effektiviserad loggboksprocess. Tre lösningar Ă€r tĂ€nkbara för framtida materialdokumentation inom BIM: En applikation, integrerade systemplattformar eller företagsgemensam databas. Framtidslösningarna kan effektivisera avsevĂ€rt genom en automatiserad loggboksprocess. Loggboken inom BIM-modellen skapar möjlighet till spĂ„rbarhet och visualisering. Den eliminerar kostsamma och tidskrĂ€vande moment i jĂ€mförelse med dagens hantering. Slutsatsen Ă€r att byggföretaget ska satsa pĂ„ en företagsgemensam databas för företagets alla systemplattformar, men framtiden för materialdokumentation inom BIM ligger i en vĂ€l integrerad lösning mellan BIM-modellen och ett PLM-system.The AEC industry is in the midst of a paradigm shift - this in conjunction with BIM replacing traditional working methods within the construction process. BIM, also called object-oriented information management, is currently used for 3D modeling, visualization and coordination. However BIM is not being utilized to its full potential. There are also occurring changes regarding the environmental aspects of construction. Environmental requirements are not only legal, but are now requested by the clients themselves. One reason for these changes is increased environmental awareness and another is the fact that the construction industry has a vital role in sustainable development. Environmental certification of building projects promotes an environmentally friendly production. ‟Miljöbyggnad” is one of the most common certifications in Sweden because it is adapted to the Swedish building regulations. One of the assessment criteria for ‟Miljöbyggnad” is the logbook documentation of all the building materials used. It is the contractor who is responsible for the logbook and for the environmental building certification during the production.                   This thesis investigates how logbook management for environmental certification can be efficient and optimized in the context of BIM. The first stage of the thesis was devoted to the identification of problems related to logbook management. This was done with the use of surveys and complementary interviews. In the second phase BIM experts were interviewed in order to find practical applications for BIM in the log management process. The survey revealed several areas of concern within current logbook management. However these problems can be resolved if construction companies can establish a consistent work methodology, define the logbook procedures and implement experience feedback. Analysis of the interviews resulted in suggestions for possible streamlining of logbook procedures using BIM –one solution which is possible to implement today and three for future use. The solution which has been named "Excel list with GUID" can be applied today. Here, the BIM model generated during the design stage, is used to streamline the logbook process with the help of unique reference numbers. Automatic quantity take off for construction products is an example of a streamlined logbook process. Three solutions are possible for future material documentation in BIM: An application, integrated computing platforms or a company shared database. In the future results can be considerably improved with an automated logbook process. The logbook within the BIM model creates the opportunity for traceability and visualization. It eliminates costly and time-consuming steps in comparison with todays logbook management. The conclusion is that construction companies should invest in a company-wide database for all computing platforms, but the future of material documentation with BIM exists in an integrated solution with the BIM model and a PLM system

    Solar thermal power systems point-focusing thermal and electric applications projects. Volume 1: Executive summary

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    The activities of the Point-Focusing Thermal and Electric Applications (PETEA) project for the fiscal year 1979 are summarized. The main thrust of the PFTEA Project, the small community solar thermal power experiment, was completed. Concept definition studies included a small central receiver approach, a point-focusing distributed receiver system with central power generation, and a point-focusing distributed receiver concept with distributed power generation. The first experiment in the Isolated Application Series was initiated. Planning for the third engineering experiment series, which addresses the industrial market sector, was also initiated. In addition to the experiment-related activities, several contracts to industry were let and studies were conducted to explore the market potential for point-focusing distributed receiver (PFDR) systems. System analysis studies were completed that looked at PFDR technology relative to other small power system technology candidates for the utility market sector

    Energy storage : the route to liberation from the fossil fuel economy?

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    If a low-carbon energy strategy is to be developed up to 2050, renewable energy sources will need to be deployed on a large scale against a scenario of increasing global energy demand. Renewables will vary from large-scale regional wind and marine clusters to more localised 'micro' generation. If a low-carbon strategy is to be successful, automotive transport will also need to be linked to the renewable infrastructure. Both of these need the development of efïŹcient and viable energy storage
