16 research outputs found

    Design and performance analysis of quadratic-form receivers for fading channels

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    Performance analysis of wireless relay systems

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    There has been phenomenal interest in applying space-time coding techniques in wireless communications in the last two decades. In general, the benefit of applying space-time codes in multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) wireless channels is an increase in transmission reliability or system throughput (capacity). However, such a benefit cannot be obtained in some wireless systems where size or other constraints preclude the use of multiple antennas. As such, wireless relay communications has recently been proposed as a means to provide spatial diversity in the face of this limitation. In this approach, some users or relay nodes assist the transmission of other users’ information. This dissertation contributes to the advancement of wireless relay communications by investigating the performance of various relaying signal processing methods under different practical fading environments. In particular, it examines two main relaying methods, namely decode-and-forward (DF) and amplify-and-forward (AF). For DF, the focus is on the diversity analysis of relaying systems under various practical protocols when detection error at relays is taken into account. In order to effectively mitigate the phenomenon of error propagation, the smart relaying technique proposed by Wang et al. in [R1] is adopted. First, diversity analysis of a single-relay system under the scenario that only the relay is allowed to transmit in the second time slot (called Protocol II) is carried out. For Nakagami and Hoyt generalized fading channels, analytical and numerical results are provided to demonstrate that the system always obtains the maximal diversity when binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation is used. Second, a novel and low-complexity relaying system is proposed when smart relaying and equal gain combing (EGC) techniques are combined. In the proposed system, the destination requires only the phases of the channel state information in order to detect the transmitted signals. For the single-relay system with M-ary PSK modulation, it is shown that the system can achieve the maximal diversity under Nakagami and Hoyt fading channels. For the K-relay system, simulation results suggest that the maximal diversity can also be achieved. Finally, the diversity analysis for a smart relaying system under the scenario when both the source and relay are permitted to transmit in the second time slot (referred to as Protocol I) is presented. It is shown that Protocol I can achieve the same diversity order as Protocol II for the case of 1 relay. In addition, the diversity is very robust to the quality of the feedback channel as well as the accuracy of the quantization of the power scaling implemented at the relay. For AF, the dissertation considers a fixed-gain multiple-relay system with maximal ratio combining (MRC) detection at the destination under Nakagami fading channels. Different from the smart relaying for DF, all the channel state information is assumed to be available at the destination in order to perform MRC for any number of antennas. Upperbound and lowerbound on the system performance are then derived. Based on the bounds, it is shown that the system can achieve the maximal diversity. Furthermore, the tightness of the upperbound is demonstrated via simulation results. With only the statistics of all the channels available at the destination, a novel power allocation (PA) is then proposed. The proposed PA shows significant performance gain over the conventional equal PA

    Contributions to the Performance Analysis of Intervehicular Communications Systems and Schemes

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    RÉSUMÉ Le but des systèmes de communication intervéhicule (Inter-Vehicle Communication – IVC) est d'améliorer la sécurité de conduite en utilisant des capteurs et des techniques de communication sans fil pour être en mesure de communiquer mutuellement sans aucune intervention extérieure. Avec l'utilisation de ces systèmes, les communications véhicule à véhicule (V2V) peuvent être plus efficaces dans la prévention des accidents et la décongestion de la circulation que si chaque véhicule travaillait individuellement. Une des solutions proposées pour les systèmes IVC est l’utilisation des systèmes de communication coopérative, qui en principe, augmentent l'efficacité spectrale et énergétique, la couverture du réseau, et réduit la probabilité de défaillance. La diversité d'antenne (entrées multiples sorties multiples « Multiple-Input Multiple-Output » ou MIMO) peut également être une alternative pour les systèmes IVC pour améliorer la capacité du canal et la diversité (fiabilité), mais en échange d’une complexité accrue. Toutefois, l'application de telles solutions est difficile, car les communications sans fil entre les véhicules sont soumises à d’importants effets d'évanouissements des canaux appelés (canaux sujets aux évanouissements de n*Rayleigh, « n*Rayleigh fading channels»), ce qui conduit à la dégradation des performances. Par conséquent, dans cette thèse, nous proposons une analyse de la performance globale des systèmes de transmission coopératifs et MIMO sur des canaux sujets aux évanouissements de n*Rayleigh. Cette analyse permettra d’aider les chercheurs pour la conception et la mise en œuvre de systèmes de communication V2V avec une complexité moindre. En particulier, nous étudions d'abord la performance de la sélection du relais de coopération avec les systèmes IVC, on suppose que la transmission via « Amplify-and-Forward» (AF) ou bien «Decode-and-Forward» (DF) est assurée par N relais pour transférer le message de la source à la destination. La performance du système est analysée en termes de probabilité de défaillance, la probabilité d'erreur de symbole, et la capacité moyenne du canal. Les résultats numériques démontrent que la sélection de relais réalise une diversité de l'ordre de (d≈mN/n) pour les deux types de relais, où m est un paramètre évanouissement de Rayleigh en cascade. Nous étudions ensuite la performance des systèmes IVC à sauts multiples avec et sans relais régénératifs. Dans cette étude, nous dérivons des expressions approximatives pour la probabilité de défaillance et le niveau d’évanouissement lorsque la diversité en réception basée sur le ratio maximum de combinaison (MRC) est employée. En outre, nous analysons la répartition de puissance pour le système sous-jacent afin de minimiser la probabilité globale de défaillance. Nous montrons que la performance des systèmes régénératifs est meilleure que celle des systèmes non régénératifs lorsque l’ordre de cascade n est faible, tandis qu’ils ont des performances similaires lorsque n est élevé. Ensuite, nous considérons le problème de la détection de puissance des signaux inconnus aux n* canaux de Rayleigh. Dans ce travail, de nouvelles expressions approximatives sont dérivées de la probabilité de détection moyenne avec et sans diversité en réception MRC. En outre, la performance du système est analysée lorsque la détection de spectre coopérative (CSS) est considérée sous diverses contraintes de canaux (par exemple, les canaux de communication parfaits et imparfaits). Les résultats numériques ont montré que la fiabilité de détection diminue à mesure que l'ordre n augmente et s’améliore sensiblement lorsque CSS emploie le schéma MRC. Il est démontré que CSS avec le schéma MRC maintient la probabilité de fausse alarme minimale dans les canaux d’information imparfaite plutôt que d'augmenter le nombre d'utilisateurs en coopération. Enfin, nous présentons une nouvelle approche pour l'analyse des performances des systèmes IVC sur n*canaux de Rayleigh, en utilisant n_T antennes d'émission et n_R antennes de réception pour lutter contre l'effet d’évanouissement. Dans ce contexte, nous évaluons la performance des systèmes MIMO-V2V basés sur la sélection des antennes d'émission avec un ratio maximum de combinaison (TAS/MRC) et la sélection combinant (TAS/SC). Dans cette étude, nous dérivons des expressions analytiques plus précises pour la probabilité de défaillance, la probabilité d'erreur de symbole, et l’évanouissement sur n*canaux Rayleigh. Il est montré que les deux régimes ont le même ordre de diversité maximale équivalent à (d≈mn_T n_R /n) . En outre, TAS / MRC offre un gain de performance mieux que TAS/ SC lorsque le nombre d'antennes de réception est plus que celle des antennes d’émission, mais l’amélioration de la performance est limitée lorsque n augmente.----------Abstract The purpose of intervehicular communication (IVC) systems is to enhance driving safety, in which vehicles use sensors and wireless communication techniques to talk to each other without any roadside intervention. Using these systems, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications can be more effective in avoiding accidents and traffic congestion than if each vehicle works individually. A potential solution can be implemented in this research area using cooperative communications systems which, in principle, increase spectral and power efficiency, network coverage, and reduce the outage probability. Antenna diversity (i.e., multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) systems) can also be an alternative solution for IVC systems to enhance channel capacity and diversity (reliability) but in exchange of an increased complexity. However, applying such solutions is challenging since wireless communications among vehicles is subject to harsh fading channels called ‘n*Rayleigh fading channels’, which leads to performance degradation. Therefore, in this thesis we provide a comprehensive performance analysis of cooperative transmission and MIMO systems over n*Rayleigh fading channels that help researchers for the design and implementation of V2V communication systems with lower complexity. Specifically, we first investigate the performance of cooperative IVC systems with relay selection over n*Rayleigh fading channels, assuming that both the decode-and-forward and the amplify-and-forward relaying protocols are achieved by N relays to transfer the source message to the destination. System performance is analyzed in terms of outage probability, symbol error probability, and average channel capacity. The numerical results have shown that the best relay selection approach achieves the diversity order of (d≈mN/n) where m is a cascaded Rayleigh fading parameter. Second, we investigate the performance of multihop-IVC systems with regenerative and non-regenerative relays. In this study, we derive approximate closed-form expressions for the outage probability and amount of fading when the maximum ratio combining (MRC) diversity reception is employed. Further, we analyze the power allocation for the underlying scheme in order to minimize the overall outage probability. We show that the performance of regenerative systems is better than that of non-regenerative systems when the cascading order n is low and they have similar performance when n is high. Third, we consider the problem of energy detection of unknown signals over n*Rayleigh fading channels. In this work, novel approximate expressions are derived for the average probability of detection with and without MRC diversity reception. Moreover, the system performance is analyzed when cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) is considered under various channel constraints (e.g, perfect and imperfect reporting channels). The numerical results show that the detection reliability decreases as the cascading order n increases and substantially improves when CSS employs MRC schemes. It is demonstrated that CSS with MRC scheme keeps the probability of false alarm minimal under imperfect reporting channels rather than increasing the number of cooperative users. Finally, we present a new approach for the performance analysis of IVC systems over n*Rayleigh fading channels, using n_T transmit and n_R receive antennas to combat fading influence. In this context, we evaluate the performance of MIMO-V2V systems based on the transmit antenna selection with maximum ratio combining (TAS/MRC) and selection combining (TAS/SC) schemes. In this study, we derive tight analytical expressions for the outage probability, the symbol error probability, and the amount of fading over n*Rayleigh fading channels. It is shown that both schemes have the same maximum diversity order equivalent to (d≈mn_T n_R /n). In addition, TAS/MRC offers a better performance gain than TAS/SC scheme when the number of receive antennas is more than that of transmit antennas, but the performance improvement is limited as n increases

    Three Branch Diversity Systems for Multi-Hop IoT Networks

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technological paradigm connecting numerous smart objects for advanced applications ranging from home automation to industrial control to healthcare. The rapid development of wireless technologies and miniature embedded devices has enabled IoT systems for such applications, which have been deployed in a variety of environments. One of the factors limiting the performance of IoT devices is the multipath fading caused by reflectors and attenuators present in the environment where these devices are deployed. Leveraging polarization diversity is a well-known technique to mitigate the deep signal fades and depolarization effects caused by multipath. However, neither experimental validation of the performance of polarization diversity antenna with more than two branches nor the potency of existing antenna selection techniques on such antennas in practical scenarios has received much attention. The objectives of this dissertation are threefold. First, to demonstrate the efficacy of a tripolar antenna, which is specifically designed for IoT devices, in harsh environments through simulations and experimental data. Second, to develop antenna selection strategies to utilize polarized signals received at the antenna, considering the restrictions imposed due to resource limitations of the IoT devices. Finally, to conduct comparative analyses on the existing standard diversity techniques and proposed approaches, in conjunction with experimental data. Accordingly, this dissertation presents the testing results of tripolar antenna integrated with Arduino based IoT devices deployed in environments likely to be experienced by IoT devices in real life applications. Both simulation and experimental results from single point-to-point wireless links demonstrate the advantage of utilizing tripolar antennas in harsh propagation conditions over single branch antenna. Motivated by these empirical results, we deploy a small-scale IoT network with tripolar antenna based nodes to analyze the impact of tripolar antenna on neighbor nodes performance as well as to investigate end-to-end network performance. This work illustrates that the selection of antenna branches, while considering network architecture and the level of congestion on the repeater nodes, minimizes excessive antenna switching and energy consumption. Similar results are shown for IoT networks with predetermined and dynamic routing protocols, where the proposed techniques yielded lower energy consumption than the conventional diversity schemes. Furthermore, a probabilistic, low complexity antenna selection approach based on Hidden Markov model is proposed and implemented on wireless sensor nodes aiming to reduce energy consumption and improve diversity gain. Finally, we develop a dual-hop based technique where a node selects the antenna element for optimal performance based on its immediate network neighbors antenna configuration status during selection. The performance of the proposed technique, which is verified through simulation and measured data, illustrates the importance of considering network-wide evaluations of antenna selection techniques

    Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation

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    Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

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    Physical limitations on wireless communication channels impose huge challenges to reliable communication. Bandwidth limitations, propagation loss, noise and interference make the wireless channel a narrow pipe that does not readily accommodate rapid flow of data. Thus, researches aim to design systems that are suitable to operate in such channels, in order to have high performance quality of service. Also, the mobility of the communication systems requires further investigations to reduce the complexity and the power consumption of the receiver. This book aims to provide highlights of the current research in the field of wireless communications. The subjects discussed are very valuable to communication researchers rather than researchers in the wireless related areas. The book chapters cover a wide range of wireless communication topics

    Bit-interleaved coded modulation

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    On the Performance Analysis of Cooperative Vehicular Communication

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    Vehicular networking is envisioned to be a key technology area for significant growth in the coming years. Although the expectations for this emerging technology are set very high, many practical aspects remain still unsolved for a vast deployment of vehicular networks. This dissertation addresses the enabling physical layer techniques to meet the challenges in vehicular networks operating in mobile wireless environments. Considering the infrastructure-less nature of vehicular networks, we envision cooperative diversity well positioned to meet the demanding requirements of vehicular networks with their underlying distributed structure. Cooperative diversity has been proposed as a powerful means to enhance the performance of high-rate communications over wireless fading channels. It realizes spatial diversity advantages in a distributed manner where a node uses others antennas to relay its message creating a virtual antenna array. Although cooperative diversity has garnered much attention recently, it has not yet been fully explored in the context of vehicular networks considering the unique characteristics of vehicular networks, this dissertation provides an error performance analysis study of cooperative transmission schemes for various deployment and traffic scenarios. In the first part of this dissertation, we investigate the performance of a cooperative vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) system with amplify-and-forward relaying for typical traffic scenarios under city/urban settings and a highway area. We derive pairwise error probability (PEP) expressions and demonstrate the achievable diversity gains. The effect of imperfect channel state information (CSI) is also studied through an asymptotical PEP analysis. We present Monte-Carlo simulations to confirm the analytical derivations and present the error rate performance of the vehicular scheme with perfect and imperfect-CSI. In the second part, we consider road-to-vehicle (R2V) communications in which roadside access points use cooperating vehicles as relaying terminals. Under the assumption of decode-and-forward relaying, we derive PEP expressions for single-relay and multi-relay scenarios. In the third part, we consider a cooperative multi-hop V2V system in which direct transmission is not possible and investigate its performance through the PEP derivation and diversity gain analysis. Monte-Carlo simulations are further provided to con firm the analytical derivations and provide insight into the error rate performance improvement

    Advanced RFI detection, RFI excision, and spectrum sensing : algorithms and performance analyses

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    Because of intentional and unintentional man-made interference, radio frequency interference (RFI) is causing performance loss in various radio frequency operating systems such as microwave radiometry, radio astronomy, satellite communications, ultra-wideband communications, radar, and cognitive radio. To overcome the impact of RFI, a robust RFI detection coupled with an efficient RFI excision are, thus, needed. Amongst their limitations, the existing techniques tend to be computationally complex and render inefficient RFI excision. On the other hand, the state-of-the-art on cognitive radio (CR) encompasses numerous spectrum sensing techniques. However, most of the existing techniques either rely on the availability of the channel state information (CSI) or the primary signal characteristics. Motivated by the highlighted limitations, this Ph.D. dissertation presents research investigations and results grouped into three themes: advanced RFI detection, advanced RFI excision, and advanced spectrum sensing. Regarding advanced RFI detection, this dissertation presents five RFI detectors: a power detector (PD), an energy detector (ED), an eigenvalue detector (EvD), a matrix-based detector, and a tensor-based detector. First, a computationally simple PD is investigated to detect a brodband RFI. By assuming Nakagami-m fading channels, exact closed-form expressions for the probabilities of RFI detection and of false alarm are derived and validated via simulations. Simulations also demonstrate that PD outperforms kurtosis detector (KD). Second, an ED is investigated for RFI detection in wireless communication systems. Its average probability of RFI detection is studied and approximated, and asymptotic closed-form expressions are derived. Besides, an exact closed-form expression for its average probability of false alarm is derived. Monte-Carlo simulations validate the derived analytical expressions and corroborate that the investigated ED outperforms KD and a generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) detector. The performance of ED is also assessed using real-world RFI contaminated data. Third, a blind EvD is proposed for single-input multiple-output (SIMO) systems that may suffer from RFI. To characterize the performance of EvD, performance closed-form expressions valid for infinitely huge samples are derived and validated through simulations. Simulations also corroborate that EvD manifests, even under sample starved settings, a comparable detection performance with a GLRT detector fed with the knowledge of the signal of interest (SOI) channel and a matched subspace detector fed with the SOI and RFI channels. At last, for a robust detection of RFI received through a multi-path fading channel, this dissertation presents matrix-based and tensor-based multi-antenna RFI detectors while introducing a tensor-based hypothesis testing framework. To characterize the performance of these detectors, performance analyses have been pursued. Simulations assess the performance of the proposed detectors and validate the derived asymptotic characterizations. Concerning advanced RFI excision, this dissertation introduces a multi-linear algebra framework to the multi-interferer RFI (MI-RFI) excision research by proposing a multi-linear subspace estimation and projection (MLSEP) algorithm for SIMO systems. Having employed smoothed observation windows, a smoothed MLSEP (s-MLSEP) algorithm is also proposed. MLSEP and s-MLSEP require the knowledge of the number of interferers and their respective channel order. Accordingly, a novel smoothed matrix-based joint number of interferers and channel order enumerator is proposed. Performance analyses corroborate that both MLSEP and s-MLSEP can excise all interferers when the perturbations get infinitesimally small. For such perturbations, the analyses also attest that s-MLSEP exhibits a faster convergence to a zero excision error than MLSEP which, in turn, converges faster than a subspace projection algorithm. Despite its slight complexity, simulations and performance assessment on real-world data demonstrate that MLSEP outperforms projection-based RFI excision algorithms. Simulations also corroborate that s-MLSEP outperforms MLSEP as the smoothing factor gets smaller. With regard to advanced spectrum sensing, having been inspired by an F–test detector with a simple analytical false alarm threshold expression considered an alternative to the existing blind detectors, this dissertation presents and evaluates simple F–test based spectrum sensing techniques that do not require the knowledge of CSI for multi-antenna CRs. Exact and asymptotic analytical performance closed-form expressions are derived for the presented detectors. Simulations assess the performance of the presented detectors and validate the derived expressions. For an additive noise exhibiting the same variance across multiple-antenna frontends, simulations also corroborate that the presented detectors are constant false alarm rate detectors which are also robust against noise uncertainty