51 research outputs found

    Proto-Flight Model of SAR for 100kg Class Small Satellite

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    This paper presents the proto-flight model results of X band synthetic aperture radar for small satellites including the RF power amplifier, high speed data storage/transmission system, and the ground SAR response test results. The specifications of SAR performance are single polarization SAR with 3m ground resolution for strip map mode. 1 m ground resolution can be achieved with sliding spot light mode under condition of limited value of NESZ at 600km altitude orbit. The data down link is high speed X band down link with 2-3 Gbps. In May, 2019, 2.5Gbps down link with 64APSK modulation in dual polarization channels was demonstrated by RAPIS-1 Satellite. We will launch the first demonstration SAR satellite in 2020 as collaboration with a private company

    Engineering-Model Results of X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar for Small Satellite and its Application to Constellation Mission

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    This paper presents the engineering model results of this X band synthetic aperture radar for small satellites and its application to constellation missions.The specifications of SAR performance are single polarization SAR with 1m ground resolution at 350 km altitude and with 3m ground resolution at 600km altitude orbit. A satellite is supposed to be 130kg in mass and the size is 0.7m x 0.8m x 0.9m on a rocket. A size of the deployed antenna is 4.9m x 0.7m. A chirped transmitting signal is amplified in a six GaN HEMT 200W amplifier modules to be combined in a waveguide resonator. The type of antenna system is deployable plane antenna due to its compact stow volume. Novel parallel plate slotted array antennas have been developed. We have performed compact range test, near-field measurement of an antenna wing with 2.8m x 0.7m size. The peak aperture efficiency is measured to be higher than 50%. We will launch the first demonstration satellite in late 2019. We finally will build a constellation of several tens SAR satellites with 1-3m resolution to realize from every day to every few hours revisit

    The Development Status of the First Demonstration Satellite of Our Commercial Small Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Constellation

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    Expectations for SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) satellites that can observe a target area through clouds and during nighttime are emerging, especially in Asia where high cloud cover rate prevent from the satellite monitoring with optical sensors. We are now developing a small SAR satellite based on technologies of ImPACT (Impulsing PAradigm Change through disruptive Technologies) program. This program aims to develop a responsive earth observation system with the small SAR satellite, originally target for disaster monitoring. We will build a constellation of the small SAR satellites to realize short term revisits, shorter than one day to take advantage of SAR sensor that can acquire data regardless of weather and time in a day. We expect the constellation expands needs of the SAR data to business and private decision making, and develop a market for commercial use. We have almost completed the development of mission FM components of the first demo satellite. The bus system is under EM testing and FM procurements. We will launch the first demo satellite in Q1 of 2020. We are already preparing to build the second satellite and will make six satellite constellation until 2021. Our final goal is to build a constellation of 25 satellites

    TechSat 21 and Revolutionizing Space Missions using Microsatellites

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    The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) TechSat 21 flight experiment demonstrates a formation of three microsatellites flying in formation to operate as a “virtual satellite.” X-band transmit and receive payloads on each of the satellites form a large sparse aperture system. The satellite formation can be configured to optimize such varied missions as radio frequency (RF) sparse aperture imaging, precision geolocation, ground moving target indication (GMTI), single-pass digital terrain elevation data (DTED), electronic protection, single-pass interferometric synthetic aperture radar (IF-SAR), and high data-rate, secure communications. Benefits of such a microsatellite formation over single large satellites include unlimited aperture size and geometry, greater launch flexibility, higher system reliability, easier system upgrade, and low cost mass production. Key research has focused on the areas of formation flying and sparse aperture signal processing and been sponsored and guided by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). The TechSat 21 Program Preliminary Design Review (PDR) was held in April 2001 and incorporated the results of extensive system trades to achieve a light-weight, high performance satellite design. An overview of experiment objectives, research advances, and satellite design is presented

    Development Status of Compact X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar Compatible with a100kg-class SAR Satellite and Its Future Plan

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    We have proposed a novel SAR system compatible with a 100kg-class small satellite. This SAR development is funded for four years (2016-2019) by Japanese government. At present we are developing engineering model (EM). This paper describes the EM test preliminary results and the future plan. The specifications of SAR observation are single polarization SAR with 1m ground resolution at minimum. A size of the satellite is 0.7m x 0.7m x 0.7m on a rocket. A size of the deployed antenna is 4.9m x 0.7m. Novel parallel-plate slotted array antennas made of honeycomb panel have been developed. Six outputs from GaN HEMT power amplifiers are combined in a waveguide resonator and 1 kW RF transmitting power is fed to the antenna trough non-contact choke flanges at deployable hinges (patented)

    DARIS, a fleet of passive formation flying small satellites for low frequency radio astronomy

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    DARIS (Distributed Aperture Array for Radio Astronomy In Space) is a mission to conduct radio astronomy in the low frequency region from 1-10MHz. This region has not yet been explored, as the Earth's ionosphere is opaque to those frequencies, and so a space based observatory is the only solution. DARIS will undertake an extragalactic survey of the low frequency sky, and can also detect some transient radio events such as solar or planetary bursts. To achieve these scientific objectives, DARIS comprises a space-based array, forming a very large effective aperture, as required for such a long wavelength survey. Each station in the array (each required to be a small satellite to ensure several nodes can be flown) carries three orthogonal dipole antennas, each 5m in length. The more station nodes in the array, the more sensitive the antenna. The entire fleet remains within a 100km diameter cloud. \ud A very large data volume is generated by each node, as the antennas have to capture all radio signals, after which the data can be correlated to find the astronomical signal in the noise. As the astronomical signals also have a noise-like nature, no compression is possible on the data captured by the nodes. The data volume is too high to transfer directly to Earth, and will need to be correlated in space. Distributed correlation between the nodes is technically challenging, and therefore a mothership acts as the central correlator and then downlinks the correlated data (lower volume) to Earth. \u

    Demonstration of 2.65 / 3.3 Gbit per sec X Band Radiowave Down Link Communications from LEO Small Satellite

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    This paper reports our new communication system and downlink demonstrations with a small satellite of 2.65 Gbps data rate with 64 APSK modulation and 3.3Gbps data rate with 256 APSK modulation by utilizing two circular polarization channels of X band. We have developed an on-board X-band transmitter, an on-board dual circularly polarized-wave antenna with 17dBi gain and \u3e37dB Cross Polarization Discrimination (XPD) and a 10m ground station with 39dB/K of G/T and \u3e37dB XPD for low-crosstalk polarization multiplexing. Since there are not real- time demodulator systems in such high communication speed, the downlinked signals are stored in a data recorder at an antenna site. Afterwards, we decode downlinked signals by using our non-real-time software demodulator. The system was demonstrated in orbit the RAPid Innovative payload demonstration Satellite (RAPIS-1) of JAXA in 2019. We have achieved 2.65 Gbps and 3.3Gbps communication speed in the X-band for LEO satellite at 300 M symbols per second (Msps) and polarization multiplexing of 64APSK (coding rate 4/5) and 256APSK (coding rate 3/4) following DVB-S2X protocol with roll-off factor α=0.05. The communication speeds correspond to of frequency efficiency 8.4 bit/s/Hz and 10.8 bit/s/Hz of frequency utilization efficiency. As far as authors know, these direct downlink communication speeds and frequency utilization efficiencies are the highest ones at present in LEO satellites, excluding bent-pipe communication systems


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 齋藤 宏文, 東京大学教授 橋本 樹明, 東京大学教授 保立 和夫, 東京電機大学教授 小林 岳彦, 東京工業大学教授 廣川 二郎University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Project MEDSAT: The design of a remote sensing platform for malaria research and control

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    Project MEDSAT was proposed with the specific goal of designing a satellite to remotely sense pertinent information useful in establishing strategies to control malaria. The 340 kg MEDSAT satellite is to be inserted into circular earth orbit aboard the Pegasus Air-Launched Space Booster at an inclination of 21 degrees and an altitude of 473 km. It is equipped with a synthetic aperture radar and a visible thermal/infrared sensor to remotely sense conditions at the target area of Chiapas, Mexico. The orbit is designed so that MEDSAT will pass over the target site twice each day. The data from each scan will be downlinked to Hawaii for processing, resulting in maps indicating areas of high malaria risk. These will be distributed to health officials at the target site. A relatively inexpensive launch by Pegasus and a design using mainly proven, off-the-shelf technology permit a low mission cost, while innovations in the satellite controls and the scientific instruments allow a fairly complex mission

    Remote Sensing in Agriculture: State-of-the-Art

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    The Special Issue on “Remote Sensing in Agriculture: State-of-the-Art” gives an exhaustive overview of the ongoing remote sensing technology transfer into the agricultural sector. It consists of 10 high-quality papers focusing on a wide range of remote sensing models and techniques to forecast crop production and yield, to map agricultural landscape and to evaluate plant and soil biophysical features. Satellite, RPAS, and SAR data were involved. This preface describes shortly each contribution published in such Special Issue