11 research outputs found

    Indexando bases de datos de texto

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    Uno de los principales problemas al que nos enfrentamos al indexar una base de datos de texto es que el índice ocupa mas espacio que el texto a indexar, pudiendo alcanzar de 4 a 20 veces el tamaño del mismo. Una alternativa para reducir el espacio ocupado por el índice es buscar una representación compacta del mismo. Pero en grandes colecciones de texto, el índice aun comprimido suele ser demasiado grande como para residir en memoria principal. En estos casos, la cantidad de accesos a discos realizados durante el procesamiento de una consulta resulta crítica para la performance del índice. Nuestro ámbito de investigación es el estudio de índices comprimidos y en memoria secundaria para búsquedas en texto.Eje: Base de Datos y Minería de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Indexando bases de datos de texto

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    Uno de los principales problemas al que nos enfrentamos al indexar una base de datos de texto es que el índice ocupa mas espacio que el texto a indexar, pudiendo alcanzar de 4 a 20 veces el tamaño del mismo. Una alternativa para reducir el espacio ocupado por el índice es buscar una representación compacta del mismo. Pero en grandes colecciones de texto, el índice aun comprimido suele ser demasiado grande como para residir en memoria principal. En estos casos, la cantidad de accesos a discos realizados durante el procesamiento de una consulta resulta crítica para la performance del índice. Nuestro ámbito de investigación es el estudio de índices comprimidos y en memoria secundaria para búsquedas en texto.Eje: Base de Datos y Minería de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Indexando bases de datos de texto

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    Uno de los principales problemas al que nos enfrentamos al indexar una base de datos de texto es que el índice ocupa mas espacio que el texto a indexar, pudiendo alcanzar de 4 a 20 veces el tamaño del mismo. Una alternativa para reducir el espacio ocupado por el índice es buscar una representación compacta del mismo. Pero en grandes colecciones de texto, el índice aun comprimido suele ser demasiado grande como para residir en memoria principal. En estos casos, la cantidad de accesos a discos realizados durante el procesamiento de una consulta resulta crítica para la performance del índice. Nuestro ámbito de investigación es el estudio de índices comprimidos y en memoria secundaria para búsquedas en texto.Eje: Base de Datos y Minería de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Indexando texto en memoria secundaria

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    La próxima generación de administradores de bases de datos deberá ser capaz de indexar datos no estructurados (datos multimedia) y responder consultas sobre estos datos con tanta eficiencia como actualmente responden consultas de búsqueda exacta sobre bases de datos relacionales. Si bien existen numerosas técnicas de indexación diseñadas para esta problemática, mejorar la eficiencia de las mismas es de vital importancia. Nuestro ámbito de investigación es el estudio de índices eficientes para datos no estructurados.Eje: Bases de Datos y Minería de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Faster External Memory LCP Array Construction

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    The suffix array, perhaps the most important data structure in modern string processing, needs to be augmented with the longest-common-prefix (LCP) array in many applications. Their construction is often a major bottleneck especially when the data is too big for internal memory. We describe two new algorithms for computing the LCP array from the suffix array in external memory. Experiments demonstrate that the new algorithms are about a factor of two faster than the fastest previous algorithm

    Top Tree Compression of Tries

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    We present a compressed representation of tries based on top tree compression [ICALP 2013] that works on a standard, comparison-based, pointer machine model of computation and supports efficient prefix search queries. Namely, we show how to preprocess a set of strings of total length n over an alphabet of size sigma into a compressed data structure of worst-case optimal size O(n/log_sigma n) that given a pattern string P of length m determines if P is a prefix of one of the strings in time O(min(m log sigma,m + log n)). We show that this query time is in fact optimal regardless of the size of the data structure. Existing solutions either use Omega(n) space or rely on word RAM techniques, such as tabulation, hashing, address arithmetic, or word-level parallelism, and hence do not work on a pointer machine. Our result is the first solution on a pointer machine that achieves worst-case o(n) space. Along the way, we develop several interesting data structures that work on a pointer machine and are of independent interest. These include an optimal data structures for random access to a grammar-compressed string and an optimal data structure for a variant of the level ancestor problem

    Data Structures for Efficient String Algorithms

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    This thesis deals with data structures that are mostly useful in the area of string matching and string mining. Our main result is an O(n)-time preprocessing scheme for an array of n numbers such that subsequent queries asking for the position of a minimum element in a specified interval can be answered in constant time (so-called RMQs for Range Minimum Queries). The space for this data structure is 2n+o(n) bits, which is shown to be asymptotically optimal in a general setting. This improves all previous results on this problem. The main techniques for deriving this result rely on combinatorial properties of arrays and so-called Cartesian Trees. For compressible input arrays we show that further space can be saved, while not affecting the time bounds. For the two-dimensional variant of the RMQ-problem we give a preprocessing scheme with quasi-optimal time bounds, but with an asymptotic increase in space consumption of a factor of log(n). It is well known that algorithms for answering RMQs in constant time are useful for many different algorithmic tasks (e.g., the computation of lowest common ancestors in trees); in the second part of this thesis we give several new applications of the RMQ-problem. We show that our preprocessing scheme for RMQ (and a variant thereof) leads to improvements in the space- and time-consumption of the Enhanced Suffix Array, a collection of arrays that can be used for many tasks in pattern matching. In particular, we will see that in conjunction with the suffix- and LCP-array 2n+o(n) bits of additional space (coming from our RMQ-scheme) are sufficient to find all occ occurrences of a (usually short) pattern of length m in a (usually long) text of length n in O(m*s+occ) time, where s denotes the size of the alphabet. This is certainly optimal if the size of the alphabet is constant; for non-constant alphabets we can improve this to O(m*log(s)+occ) locating time, replacing our original scheme with a data structure of size approximately 2.54n bits. Again by using RMQs, we then show how to solve frequency-related string mining tasks in optimal time. In a final chapter we propose a space- and time-optimal algorithm for computing suffix arrays on texts that are logically divided into words, if one is just interested in finding all word-aligned occurrences of a pattern. Apart from the theoretical improvements made in this thesis, most of our algorithms are also of practical value; we underline this fact by empirical tests and comparisons on real-word problem instances. In most cases our algorithms outperform previous approaches by all means

    Suffix Structures and Circular Pattern Problems

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    The suffix tree is a data structure used to represent all the suffixes in a string. However, a major problem with the suffix tree is its practical space requirement. In this dissertation, we propose an efficient data structure -- the virtual suffix tree (VST) -- which requires less space than other recently proposed data structures for suffix trees and suffix arrays. On average, the space requirement (including that for suffix arrays and suffix links) is 13.8n bytes for the regular VST, and 12.05n bytes in its compact form, where n is the length of the sequence.;Markov models are very popular for modeling complex sequences. In this dissertation, we present the probabilistic suffix array (PSA), a space-efficient alternative to the probabilistic suffix tree (PST) used to represent Markov models. The PSA provides all the capabilities of the PST, such as learning and prediction, and maintains the same linear time construction (linearity with respect to sequence length). The PSA, however, has a significantly smaller memory requirement than the PST, for both the construction stage, and at the time of usage.;Using the proposed suffix data structures, we study the circular pattern matching (CPM) problem. We provide a linear time, linear space algorithm to solve the exact circular pattern matching problem. We then present four algorithms to address the approximate circular pattern matching (ACPM) problem. Our bidirectional ACPM algorithm provides the best time complexity when compared with other algorithms proposed in the literature. Further, we define the circular pattern discovery (CPD) problem and present algorithms to solve this problem. Using the proposed circular pattern matching algorithms, we perform experiments on computational analysis and function prediction for multidomain proteins