3,536 research outputs found

    Homomorphisms between diffeomorphism groups

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    For r at least 3, p at least 2, we classify all actions of the groups Diff^r_c(R) and Diff^r_+(S1) by C^p -diffeomorphisms on the line and on the circle. This is the same as describing all nontrivial group homomorphisms between groups of compactly supported diffeomorphisms on 1- manifolds. We show that all such actions have an elementary form, which we call topologically diagonal. As an application, we answer a question of Ghys in the 1-manifold case: if M is any closed manifold, and Diff(M)_0 injects into the diffeomorphism group of a 1-manifold, must M be 1 dimensional? We show that the answer is yes, even under more general conditions. Several lemmas on subgroups of diffeomorphism groups are of independent interest, including results on commuting subgroups and flows.Comment: Contains corrections and additional references. A revised version will appear in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical System

    A characterization of 3D steady Euler flows using commuting zero-flux homologies

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    We characterize, using commuting zero-flux homologies, those volume-preserving vector fields on a 33-manifold that are steady solutions of the Euler equations for some Riemannian metric. This result extends Sullivan's homological characterization of geodesible flows in the volume-preserving case. As an application, we show that the steady Euler flows cannot be constructed using plugs (as in Wilson's or Kuperberg's constructions). Analogous results in higher dimensions are also proved.Comment: 16 pages, we added proofs of analogous results in higher dimensions, and a characterization of 3-dimensional Reeb field

    Existence of common zeros for commuting vector fields on 33-manifolds

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    In 6464 E. Lima proved that commuting vector fields on surfaces with non-zero Euler characteristic have common zeros. Such statement is empty in dimension 33, since all the Euler characteristics vanish. Nevertheless, \cite{Bonatti_analiticos} proposed a local version, replacing the Euler characteristic by the Poincar\'e-Hopf index of a vector field XX in a region UU, denoted by Ind(X,U)\operatorname{Ind}(X,U); he asked: \emph{Given commuting vector fields X,YX,Y and a region UU where Ind(X,U)0\operatorname{Ind}(X,U)\neq 0, does UU contain a common zero of XX and YY?} \cite{Bonatti_analiticos} gave a positive answer in the case where XX and YY are real analytic. In this paper, we prove the existence of common zeros for commuting C1C^1 vector fields XX, YY on a 33-manifold, in any region UU such that Ind(X,U)0\operatorname{Ind}(X,U)\neq 0, assuming that the set of collinearity of XX and YY is contained in a smooth surface. This is a strong indication that the results in \cite{Bonatti_analiticos} should hold for C1C^1-vector fields.Comment: Final version, to appear in Annales de L'Institut Fourie

    Differential Rigidity of Anosov Actions of Higher Rank Abelian Groups and Algebraic Lattice Actions

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    We show that most homogeneous Anosov actions of higher rank Abelian groups are locally smoothly rigid (up to an automorphism). This result is the main part in the proof of local smooth rigidity for two very different types of algebraic actions of irreducible lattices in higher rank semisimple Lie groups: (i) the Anosov actions by automorphisms of tori and nil-manifolds, and (ii) the actions of cocompact lattices on Furstenberg boundaries, in particular, projective spaces. The main new technical ingredient in the proofs is the use of a proper "non-stationary" generalization of the classical theory of normal forms for local contractions.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe

    Strictly non-proportional geodesically equivalent metrics have htop(g)=0h_\text{top}(g)=0

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    Suppose the Riemannian metrics gg and gˉ\bar g on a closed connected manifold MnM^n are geodesically equivalent and strictly non-proportional at least at one point. Then the topological entropy of the geodesic flow of gg vanishes.Comment: This is a slightly extended version of the paper submitted to ETDS. 16 pages, one .eps figur

    Weak KAM for commuting Hamiltonians

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    For two commuting Tonelli Hamiltonians, we recover the commutation of the Lax-Oleinik semi-groups, a result of Barles and Tourin ([BT01]), using a direct geometrical method (Stoke's theorem). We also obtain a "generalization" of a theorem of Maderna ([Mad02]). More precisely, we prove that if the phase space is the cotangent of a compact manifold then the weak KAM solutions (or viscosity solutions of the critical stationary Hamilton-Jacobi equation) for G and for H are the same. As a corrolary we obtain the equality of the Aubry sets, of the Peierls barrier and of flat parts of Mather's α\alpha functions. This is also related to works of Sorrentino ([Sor09]) and Bernard ([Ber07b]).Comment: 23 pages, accepted for publication in NonLinearity (january 29th 2010). Minor corrections, fifth part added on Mather's α\alpha function (or effective Hamiltonian