1,661 research outputs found

    Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Closure Models For Turbulent Flows: A Numerical Comparison

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    This paper puts forth two new closure models for the proper orthogonal decomposition reduced-order modeling of structurally dominated turbulent flows: the dynamic subgrid-scale model and the variational multiscale model. These models, which are considered state-of-the-art in large eddy simulation, together with the mixing length and the Smagorinsky closure models, are tested in the numerical simulation of a 3D turbulent flow around a circular cylinder at Re = 1,000. Two criteria are used in judging the performance of the proper orthogonal decomposition reduced-order models: the kinetic energy spectrum and the time evolution of the POD coefficients. All the numerical results are benchmarked against a direct numerical simulation. Based on these numerical results, we conclude that the dynamic subgrid-scale and the variational multiscale models perform best.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    Numerical studies towards practical large-eddy simulation

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    Large-eddy simulation developments and validations are presented for an improved simulation of turbulent internal flows. Numerical methods are proposed according to two competing criteria: numerical qualities (precision and spectral characteristics), and adaptability to complex configurations. First, methods are tested on academic test-cases, in order to abridge with fundamental studies. Consistent results are obtained using adaptable finite volume method, with higher order advection fluxes, implicit grid filtering and "low-cost" shear-improved Smagorinsky model. This analysis particularly focuses on mean flow, fluctuations, two-point correlations and spectra. Moreover, it is shown that exponential averaging is a promising tool for LES implementation in complex geometry with deterministic unsteadiness. Finally, adaptability of the method is demonstrated by application to a configuration representative of blade-tip clearance flow in a turbomachine

    Large Eddy Simulations of complex turbulent flows

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    In this dissertation a solution methodology for complex turbulent flows of industrial interests is developed using a combination of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) concepts. LES is an intermediate approach to turbulence simulation in which the onus of modeling of “universal” small scales is appropriately transferred to the resolution of “problem-dependent” large scales or eddies. IBM combines the efficiency inherent in using a fixed Cartesian grid to compute the fluid motion, along with the ease of tracking the immersed boundary at a set of moving Lagrangian points. Numerical code developed for this dissertation solves unsteady, filtered Navier-Stokes equations using high-order accurate (fourth order in space) finite difference schemes on a staggered grid with a fractional step approach. Pressure Poisson equation is solved using a direct solver based on a matrix diagonalization technique. Second order accurate Adams-Bashforth scheme is used for temporal integration of equations. Dynamic mixed model (DMM) is used to model subgrid scale (SGS) terms. It can represent large scale anisotropy and back-scatter of energy from small-to-large scale through scale-similar term and maintain the energy drain through eddy viscosity term whose coefficient is allowed to change with in the computational domain. This code is validated for several bench-mark problems and is demonstrated to solve complex moving geometry problem such as stator-rotor interaction. A number of parametric studies on jets-in-crossflow are performed to understand complex fluid dynamics issues pertaining to film-cooling. These studies included effects of variation of hole-aspect ratio, jet injection angle, free-stream turbulence intensity and free-stream turbulence length scales on the coherent structure dynamics for jets-in-crossflow. Fundamental flow physics and heat transfer issues are addressed by extracting coherent structures from time-dependent three dimensional flow fields of film-cooling by inclined jet and studying their influence on the film-cooled surface heat transfer. A direct method to perform heat transfer calculations in periodic geometries is proposed and applied to internal cooling in rotating ribbed duct. Immersed boundary method is used to render complex geometry of trapped vortex combustor on Cartesian grid and fluid mixing inside trapped vortex cavity is studied in detail

    Essentially Analytical Theory Closure for Space Filtered Thermal-Incompressible Navier-Stokes Partial Differential Equation System on Bounded Domains

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    Numerical simulation of turbulent flows is identified as one of the grand challenges in high-performance computing. The straight forward approach of solving the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations is termed Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). In DNS the majority of computational effort is spent on resolving the smallest scales of turbulence, which makes this approach impractical for most industrial applications even on present-day supercomputers. A more feasible approach termed Large Eddy Simulation (LES) has evolved over the last five decades to facilitate turbulent flow predictions for reasonable Reynolds (Re) numbers and domain sizes. LES theory uses the concept of convolution with a spatial filter, which allows it to compute only the major scales of turbulence as determined by the diameter of the filter. The rest of the length scales are not resolved posing the so-called closure problem of LES. For bounded domains, besides the closure problem, an equally challenging issue of LES is that of prescribing the suitable boundary conditions for the resolved-scale state variables. Additional problems arise because the convolution operation does not generally commute with differentiation in the presence of boundaries. This dissertation details derivation of an essentially analytical closure theory for the unsteady three-dimensional space filtered thermal-incompressible NS partial differential equation (PDE) system on bounded domains. This is accomplished by the union of rational LES theory, Galdi and Layton, with modified continuous Galerkin theory of Kolesnikov with specific focus on correct adaptation of a constant measure filter near the Dirichlet type boundary. The analytical closure theory state variable organization is guided by classic fluid mechanics perturbation theory. Derivation and implementation of suitable boundary conditions (BCs) as well as the boundary commutation error (BCE) integral is accomplished using the ideas of approximate deconvolution (AD) theory. Non-homogeneous BCs for the auxiliary problem of arLES theory are derived
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