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    The management of a business in the digital economy is based on a management process called digital management. Business in the digital economy integrates information technologies and communications within its activities and may be partially or totally electronic. Management of the business is carried out using information systems that support for the substantiation and decisions. Business electronic involve a complete change in how the customer is viewed in relation to the organization; requirements "e-customer" are larger and increasingly sophisticated, and the organization must be able to offer services of a quality that in the largest communities of a multinational partners and customers.management, business, IT & C, Internet, electronic

    Investment in Rural Broadband Technologies

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    Internet use has grown rapidly over the last two decades and so has the digital economy’s integration into the rural economy. Connecting to the Internet via high-speed technology such as DSL lines, cable, satellite, and wireless networks increases bandwidth and makes the Internet much more useful to businesses, households, and governments. Rural communities have not been left out of the ever changing Information economy, though there has been an issue of equal access across the rural-urban milieu, but what is driving the investment of broadband Internet technologies in rural areas. We use recently collected data on broadband availability and historical economic and demographic data in our exploration of causal relationships. We use logistic regressions and the geographic levels of measurement are county and sub-county areas. Our analysis, consistent with profit-maximizing firm behavior, clearly shows the effect of population density and per capita income levels have on industry investment and indicate the challenges rural communities have in obtaining and maintaining modern Internet access.

    E-learning in a pandemic era: Exploring the digital gaps and needs of rural secondary schools and remote communities across 6 Nigerian states.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic contributed to a digital economy transition by emphasizing the importance of digital infrastructure while exposing the digital gaps between countries and communities. Inequalities in digital access has impeded educational gains made towards achieving the sustainable development goals. While major studies have been carried out on digital learning there is currently a dearth of knowledge on the digital gaps and needs of students in remote communities in Nigeria. To this end, this study explored the digital gaps and needs of rural secondary schools in remote communities and its implications on e-learning across 6 Nigerian states during the COVID-19 era. The study adopted a concurrent embedded mixed method design approach to collect data from rural secondary schools from 6 Nigerian states. Findings from the study identified lack of ICT strategies and policies in Nigeria, socio-economic status, poor internet connectivity, electricity, and a high poverty level as the major drivers of digital gaps in remote communities

    Government Policies in Economic Empowerment of Muslim Communities in the Digital Economy Era

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    ABSTRACTThis article highlighted the role and policies of the government and its staff in carrying out the tasks or functions of community empowerment, including identifying the supporting and hindering factors in the community empowerment process. Community empowerment also has several principles in its implementation, namely awareness of the community, providing education and training, organizing, developing strengths, and developing dynamics (decisions in the hands of the community itself). Community empowerment is focused on various aspects related to people's lives as a nation's society, namely empowerment in the fields of education, economy, socio-culture, psychology, and politics in the era of the digital economy. Through literature studies and qualitative approaches aimed to examine and interpret the events related to policies and the role of government, then compare to Islamic governments in the past. In the era of Amirul Mukminin bin Al-Khattab as the second caliph, he ran the government firmly but was very sensitive to his people. The policies, that he issued, were for the benefit of the people, not only Muslims but also all citizens who live in the authority of Umar's caliphate. These policies in community empowerment during Umar's time should be interpreted in the current context. The era is known as the digital age, of course, it needs to modify the policies of the previous era so that they can be relevant and able to be implemented in real terms.Keywords: Government Policy, Community Empowerment, Digital Economy Era.ABSTRAKArtikel ini menyoroti peran dan kebijakan pemerintah dan jajarannya dalam menjalankan tugas atau fungsi pemberdayaan masyarakat, termasuk mengidentifikasi faktor pendukung dan penghambat proses pemberdayaan masyarakat. Pemberdayaan masyarakat juga memiliki beberapa prinsip dalam pelaksanaannya, yaitu penyadaran terhadap masyarakat, memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan, pengorganisasian, pengembangan kekuatan, dan pengembangan dinamika (keputusan di tangan masyarakat itu sendiri). Pemberdayaan masyarakat difokuskan pada berbagai aspek yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan masyarakat sebagai masyarakat bangsa, yaitu pemberdayaan di bidang pendidikan, ekonomi, sosial budaya, psikologi, dan politik di era ekonomi digital. Dengan melakukan studi pustaka dan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menelaah dan menginterpretasikaan kejadian-kejadian yang terkait dengan kebijakan serta peran pemerintah dan membandingkannnya dengan pemerintahan Islam di masa lalu. Di era Amirul Mukminin bin Al-Khattab sebagai khalifah ke dua, ia menjalankan pemerintahan dengan tegas namun sangat peka terhadap rakyatnya. Kebijakan-kebijakan yang dikeluarkannya adalah untuk kemaslahatan umat, tidak hanya umat muslim tetapi juga seluruh warga yang berada dalam naungan kekhalifahan Umar. Kebijakan-kebijakan dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat di masa Umar tersebut patut diintepretasikan pada konteks sekarang. Zaman yang dikenal dengan zaman digital tentu perlu modifikasi kebijakan era dulu, sehingga dapat relevan dan mampu diterapkan secara nyata.Kata Kunci: Kebijakan Pemerintah, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Era Ekonomi Digital

    Digital Literacy and Knowledge-Based Economics: An Analysis of Factors and Contributions for Community Empowerment in the Age of Society 5.0

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    This study focuses on the importance of digital literacy and a knowledge-based economy in the context of community empowerment in age of Society 5.0. A comprehensive approach includes literature reviews and analysis of specific communities or organizations. Qualitative research is a more suitable method involving non-numerical data collection and analysis. This research uses the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) framework to analyze the factors influencing and contributing to the younger generation. CBAM helps understand individual motivation and ability to adopt innovations, such as digital literacy and the knowledge-based economy. The findings reveal that government factors such as technology and internet access, digital education and training, socio-economic conditions, infrastructure, and motivation influence the importance of digital literacy and a knowledge-based economy in the Society 5.0 era

    The Influence of the Digital Economy and Women's Empowerment on the Family Economy

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    This study aims to ascertain the effect of the digital economy and women's empowerment on the family economy. SMEs communities in Tangerang City, Banten Province, were included in this study. The sampling technique utilized is a combination of probability sampling and random sampling. They are compiling data through the use of a questionnaire. The maximum number of people whose data can be analyzed is 97. This study used Partial Least Squares to analyze the data (PLS). The findings indicated that (1) the construct of the digital economy had a positive and significant effect on women's empowerment, with a statistical T value of 2.990; (2) the construct of women's empowerment had a positive and significant effect on the family economy, with a statistical T value of 7.141; and (3) both the digital economy and women's empowerment had a positive and significant effect on the family economy, with a statistical F value of 242.61

    The Influence of the Digital Economy and Women's Empowerment on the Family Economy

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    This study aims to ascertain the effect of the digital economy and women's empowerment on the family economy. SMEs communities in Tangerang City, Banten Province, were included in this study. The sampling technique utilized is a combination of probability sampling and random sampling. They are compiling data through the use of a questionnaire. The maximum number of people whose data can be analyzed is 97. This study used Partial Least Squares to analyze the data (PLS). The findings indicated that (1) the construct of the digital economy had a positive and significant effect on women's empowerment, with a statistical T value of 2.990; (2) the construct of women's empowerment had a positive and significant effect on the family economy, with a statistical T value of 7.141; and (3) both the digital economy and women's empowerment had a positive and significant effect on the family economy, with a statistical F value of 242.61

    A Study of Rural-Urban Migration Trends In Manitoba

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    Report: iii, 37 pp., Digital file.This paper focuses on the nature of the population shifts in Manitoba in the last few decades and the changes in the structure of the economy. It also deals with the repercussions which rural-urban migration have for the rural communities and the Metropolitan Area of Winnipeg

    Digital competence rating and economic development in the EU

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    Diffusion of information and communication technologies (ICT) in different areas has accelerated the growth of the global economy. It has large impact to the business by transforming processes, creating new services, industries. ICT development requires new technologies and new approaches to innovate and integrate. The European Commission stated: "The Internet and digital technologies are transforming the lives we lead, the way we work – as individuals, in business, and in our communities as they become more integrated across all sectors of our economy and society". The access to high-speed digital infrastructures, skills of the effective usage of highly developed digital technologies represents the prerequisite productivity and the social inclusion in the digital economy. Development of new technologies and applications demands respective skills and competences of the citizens. That also leads to problems related to measurement of the level of digitization of the economy. There are several institutions that evaluate digital competences. The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), developed by the European Commission, is a composite index that summarises relevant indicators on Europe’s digital performance and tracks the evolution of EU member states in digital competitiveness. The aim of the paper is an empirical verification of the assumption that ICT factors (measured by DESI components) affect national economic development. This study uses statistical and econometrical methods to examine the relationship between ICT factors, digital competence indicators and economic development in the EU through statistical evidence. A panel data analysis confirmed significant linkage between ICT factors (infrastructure, competence, investment and trade size) and economic growth in the EU countries. Taking into consideration the digitalization trends, could be stated that there is still a huge potential for progress and growth