362,620 research outputs found

    When Data Fly: An Open Data Trading System in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    Communication between vehicles and their environment (i.e., vehicle-to-everything or V2X communication) in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) has become of particular importance for smart cities. However, economic challenges, such as the cost incurred by data sharing (e.g., due to power consumption), hinder the integration of data sharing in open systems into smart city applications, such as dynamic environmental zones. Moving from open data sharing to open data trading can address the economic challenges and incentivize vehicle drivers to share their data. In this context, integrating distributed ledger technology (DLT) into open systems for data trading is promising for reducing the transaction cost of payments in data trading, avoiding dependencies on third parties, and guaranteeing openness. However, because the integration of DLT conflicts with the short available communication time between fast moving objects in VANETs, it remains unclear how open data trading in VANETs using DLT should be designed to be viable. In this work, we present a system design for data trading in VANETs using DLT. We measure the required communication time for data trading between a vehicle and a roadside unit in a real scenario and estimate the associated cost. Our results show that the proposed system design is technically feasible and economically viable

    Cognitive Spectrum Management in Dynamic Cellular Environments: : A Case-Based Q-Learning Approach

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    This paper examines how novel cellular system architectures and intelligent spectrum management techniques can be used to play a key role in accommodating the exponentially increasing demand for mobile data capacity in the near future. A significant challenge faced by the artificial intelligence methods applied to such flexible wireless communication systems is their dynamic nature, e.g. network topologies that change over time. This paper proposes an intelligent case-based Q-learning method for dynamic spectrum access (DSA) which improves and stabilises the performance of cognitive cellular systems with dynamic topologies. The proposed approach is the combination of classical distributed Q-learning and a novel implementation of case-based reasoning which aims to facilitate a number of learning processes running in parallel. Large scale simulations of a stadium small cell network show that the proposed case-based Q-learning approach achieves a consistent improvement in the system quality of service (QoS) under dynamic and asymmetric network topology and traffic load conditions. Simulations of a secondary spectrum sharing scenario show that the cognitive cellular system that employs the proposed case-based Q-learning DSA scheme is able to accommodate a 28-fold increase in the total primary and secondary system throughput, but with no need for additional spectrum and with no degradation in the primary user QoS

    Tailoring Gradient Methods for Differentially-Private Distributed Optimization

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    Decentralized optimization is gaining increased traction due to its widespread applications in large-scale machine learning and multi-agent systems. The same mechanism that enables its success, i.e., information sharing among participating agents, however, also leads to the disclosure of individual agents' private information, which is unacceptable when sensitive data are involved. As differential privacy is becoming a de facto standard for privacy preservation, recently results have emerged integrating differential privacy with distributed optimization. Although such differential-privacy based privacy approaches for distributed optimization are efficient in both computation and communication, directly incorporating differential privacy design in existing distributed optimization approaches significantly compromises optimization accuracy. In this paper, we propose to redesign and tailor gradient methods for differentially-private distributed optimization, and propose two differential-privacy oriented gradient methods that can ensure both privacy and optimality. We prove that the proposed distributed algorithms can ensure almost sure convergence to an optimal solution under any persistent and variance-bounded differential-privacy noise, which, to the best of our knowledge, has not been reported before. The first algorithm is based on static-consensus based gradient methods and only shares one variable in each iteration. The second algorithm is based on dynamic-consensus (gradient-tracking) based distributed optimization methods and, hence, it is applicable to general directed interaction graph topologies. Numerical comparisons with existing counterparts confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approaches

    A Flexible Object Oriented Spacecraft Operating System (FOS)

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    Satellite Operating Software has traditionally been highly specialized custom software which operates one satellite according to deterministic rules. Software changes are usually accomplished with a complete reload from the ground, and performing patches require explicit knowledge of memory maps, variable locations, etc. and can often result in long term satellite down times. As computer, sensor and communication technology increases, more and more of the computing, routing and decision functions of small satellite systems are occurring onboard, and a need exists for adaptable flexible software. The object oriented approach to satellite operating systems provides a malleable system, resilient to failure, distributable across multiple satellites and easily adaptable to other applications. The Operating System acts as a switch for the distribution and execution of messages whether a command, code or data. Even operating system functions can only be executed by sending a message internally. These technique’s provide for a safe system and simplified software maintenance. Since software code is broken into objects, the particular application can be distributed amongst one or more processors, satellites, ground stations or remote terminals. This allows for multi-processor based communication load balancing algorithms, dynamic fail-over capability and compute bound resource sharing. Since no explicit hardware knowledge is required by the flight application code, most objects can be reused for other satellite applications. Such systems can be implemented on small satellites using current processor technology

    Distributed Operation of Uncertain Dynamical Cyberphysical Systems

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    In this thesis we address challenging issues that are faced in the operation of important cyber-physical systems of great current interest. The two particular systems that we address are communication networks and the smart grid. Both systems feature distributed agents making decisions in dynamic uncertain environments. In communication networks, nodes need to decide which packets to transmit, while in the power grid individual generators and loads need to decide how much to pro-duce or consume in a dynamic uncertain environment. The goal in both systems, which also holds for other cyber-physical systems, is to develop distributed policies that perform efficiently in uncertain dynamically changing environments. This thesis proposes an approach of employing duality theory on dynamic stochastic systems in such a way as to develop such distributed operating policies for cyber-physical systems. In the first half of the thesis we examine communication networks. Many cyber-physical systems, e.g., sensor networks, mobile ad-hoc networks, or networked control systems, involve transmitting data over multiple-hops of a communication network. These networks can be unreliable, for example due to the unreliability of the wireless medium. However, real-time applications in cyber-physical systems often require that requisite amounts of data be delivered in a timely manner so that it can be utilized for safely controlling physical processes. Data packets may need to be delivered within their deadlines or at regular intervals without large gaps in packet deliveries when carrying sensor readings. How such packets with deadlines can be scheduled over networks is a major challenge for cyber-physical systems. We develop a framework for routing and scheduling such data packets in a multi-hop network. This framework employs duality theory in such a way that actions of nodes get decoupled, and results in efficient decentralized policies for routing and scheduling such multi-hop communication networks. A key feature of the scheduling policy derived in this work is that the scheduling decisions regarding packets can be made in a fully distributed fashion. A decision regarding the scheduling of an individual packet depend only on the age and location of the packet, and does not require sharing of the queue lengths at various nodes. We examine in more detail a network in which multiple clients stream video packets over shared wireless networks. We are able to derive simple policies of threshold type which maximize the combined QoE of the users. We turn to another important cyber-physical system of great current interest – the emerging smarter grid for electrical power. We address some fundamental problems that arise when attempting to increase the utilization of renewable energy sources. A major challenge is that renewable energy sources are unpredictable in their availability. Utilizing them requires adaptation of demand to their uncertain availability. We address the problem faced by the system operator of coordinating sources of power and loads to balance stochastically time varying supply and demand while maximizing the total utilities of all agents in the system. We develop policies for the system operator that is charged with coordinating such distributed entities through a notion of price. We analyze some models for such systems and employ a combination of duality theory and analysis of stochastic dynamic systems to develop policies that maximize the total utility function of all the agents. We also address the issue of how the size of energy storage facilities should scale with respect to the stochastic behavior of renewables in order to mitigate the unreliability of renewable energy sources

    Exploring Environmental and Geographical Factors Influencing the Spread of Infectious Diseases with Interactive Maps

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Environmental problems due to human activities such as deforestation, urbanisation, and large scale intensive farming are some of the major factors behind the rapid spread of many infectious diseases. This in turn poses significant challenges not only in as regards providing adequate healthcare, but also in supporting healthcare workers, medical researchers, policy makers, and others involved in managing infectious diseases. These challenges include surveillance, tracking of infections, communication of public health knowledge and promotion of behavioural change. Behind these challenges lies a complex set of factors which include not only biomedical and population health determinants but also environmental, climatic, geographic, and socioeconomic variables. While there is broad agreement that these factors are best understood when considered in conjunction, aggregating and presenting diverse information sources requires effective information systems, software tools, and data visualisation. In this article, weargue that interactive maps, which couple geographical information systems and advanced information visualisation techniques, provide a suitable unifying framework for coordinating these tasks. Therefore, we examine how interactive maps can support spatial epidemiological visualisation and modelling involving distributed and dynamic data sources and incorporating temporal aspects of disease spread. Combining spatial and temporal aspects can be crucial in such applications. We discuss these issues in the context of support for disease surveillance in remote regions, utilising tools that facilitate distributed data collection and enable multidisciplinary collaboration, while also providing support for simulation and data analysis. We show that interactive maps deployed on a combination of mobile devices and large screens can provide effective means for collection, sharing, and analysis of health data.Peer reviewe