436,680 research outputs found

    Traffic model for advanced satellite designs and experiments for ISDN services

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    The data base structure and fields for categorizing and storing Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) user characteristics is outlined. This traffic model data base will be used to exercise models of the ISDN Advanced Communication Satellite to determine design parameters and performance for the NASA Satellite Communications Applications Research (SCAR) Program

    Simulation of Mixed Critical In-vehicular Networks

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    Future automotive applications ranging from advanced driver assistance to autonomous driving will largely increase demands on in-vehicular networks. Data flows of high bandwidth or low latency requirements, but in particular many additional communication relations will introduce a new level of complexity to the in-car communication system. It is expected that future communication backbones which interconnect sensors and actuators with ECU in cars will be built on Ethernet technologies. However, signalling from different application domains demands for network services of tailored attributes, including real-time transmission protocols as defined in the TSN Ethernet extensions. These QoS constraints will increase network complexity even further. Event-based simulation is a key technology to master the challenges of an in-car network design. This chapter introduces the domain-specific aspects and simulation models for in-vehicular networks and presents an overview of the car-centric network design process. Starting from a domain specific description language, we cover the corresponding simulation models with their workflows and apply our approach to a related case study for an in-car network of a premium car

    Design and prototype of a train-to-wayside communication architecture

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    Telecommunication has become very important in modern society and seems to be almost omnipresent, making daily life easier, more pleasant and connecting people everywhere. It does not only connect people, but also machines, enhancing the efficiency of automated tasks and monitoring automated processes. In this context the IBBT (Interdisciplinary Institute for BroadBand Technology) project TRACK (TRain Applications over an advanced Communication networK), sets the definition and prototyping of an end-to-end train-to-wayside communication architecture as one of the main research goals. The architecture provides networking capabilities for train monitoring, personnel applications and passenger Internet services. In the context of the project a prototype framework was developed to give a complete functioning demonstrator. Every aspect: tunneling and mobility, performance enhancements, and priority and quality of service were taken into consideration. In contrast to other research in this area, which has given mostly high-level overviews, TRACK resulted in a detailed architecture with all different elements present

    A Cross-Layer Design Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks with Environmental Monitoring Applications

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    In the past few years, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are becoming more and more attractive because they can provide services that are not possible or not feasible before. In this paper, we address the design issues of an important type of WSNs, i.e., WSNs that enable environmental monitoring applications. We first provide an overview and analysis for our ongoing research project about a WSN for coastal-area acoustic monitoring. Based on the analysis, we then propose a cross-layer design framework for future WSNs that provide environmental monitoring services. The focus of the framework is the network layer design and the key idea of the framework is to fully understand and exploit both the physical layer characteristics and the requirements of upper layer applications and services. Particularly, for the physical layer characteristics, our framework 1) can enable advanced communication technologies such as cooperative communication and network coding; 2) can utilize the transmission characteristics for identifying/authenticating a sender; and 3) can exploit the communication pattern as a mean of sensing. For the requirements of applications and services, our framework 1) is service-oriented; 2) can enable distributed applications; 3) can utilize the fact that many applications do not have strict delay constraints. To illustrate the advantages of the framework, we also conduct a case study that may be a typical scenario in the near future. We believe that our study in this work can provide a guideline for future WSN design

    Unlocking the potential of the smart metering technology: How can regulation level the playing-field for new services in smart grids?

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    By integrating a communications system with the existing power grid, smart grids provide end-to-end connectivity. This enables all entities and components integrated in the electricity supply system to exchange information without knowing the network's structure. New services and applications such as demand response or virtual power plants that will aid to improve and optimize the use of electricity depend on the availability of a smart grid communication network. End-to-end communication networks require that the missing communications gap between consumers' premises and the remaining energy network is bridged by deploying an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). Given the current liberalized electricity markets' structure incumbent distribution system operators (DSOs) will control the AMI and the meter data. This gives rise to concerns about anti-competitiveness. We argue that leveraging the AMI in a social welfare maximizing way requires non-discriminatory access for all entitled parties to the (1) AMI and the (2) meter data through (3) interoperable standards. We discuss possible regulatory remedies to ensure a level playing-field for innovative services in smart grids and consider implications for research and regulation. --Regulation,Smart Grid,Smart Meter,Antitrust

    Simulator design for advanced ISDN satellite design and experiments

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    This simulation design task completion report documents the simulation techniques associated with the network models of both the Interim Service ISDN (integrated services digital network) Satellite (ISIS) and the Full Service ISDN Satellite (FSIS) architectures. The ISIS network model design represents satellite systems like the Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS) orbiting switch. The FSIS architecture, the ultimate aim of this element of the Satellite Communications Applications Research (SCAR) program, moves all control and switching functions on-board the next generation ISDN communication satellite. The technical and operational parameters for the advanced ISDN communications satellite design will be obtained from the simulation of ISIS and FSIS engineering software models for their major subsystems. Discrete events simulation experiments will be performed with these models using various traffic scenarios, design parameters and operational procedures. The data from these simulations will be used to determine the engineering parameters for the advanced ISDN communications satellite

    Enterprise network convergence: path to cost optimization

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    During the past two decades, telecommunications has evolved a great deal. In the eighties, people were using television, radio and telephone as their communication systems. Eventually, the introduction of the Internet and the WWW immensely transformed the telecommunications industry. This internet revolution brought about a huge change in the way businesses communicated and operated. Enterprise networks now had an increasing demand for more bandwidth as they started to embrace newer technologies. The requirements of the enterprise networks grew as the applications and services that were used in the network expanded. This stipulation for fast and high performance communication systems has now led to the emergence of converged network solutions. Enterprises across the globe are investigating new ways to implement voice, video, and data over a single network for various reasons – to optimize network costs, to restructure their communication system, to extend next generation networking abilities, or to bridge the gap between their corporate network and the existing technological progress. To date, organizations had multiple network services to support a range of communication needs. Investing in this type of multiple communication infrastructures limits the networks ability to provide resourceful bandwidth optimization services throughout the system. Thus, as the requirements for the corporate networks to handle dynamic traffic grow day by day, the need for a more effective and efficient network arises. A converged network is the solution for enterprises aspiring to employ advanced applications and innovative services. This thesis will emphasize the importance of converging network infrastructure and prove that it leads to cost savings. It discusses the characteristics, architecture, and relevant protocols of the voice, data and video traffic over both traditional infrastructure and converged architecture. While IP-based networks present excellent quality for non real-time data networking, the network by itself is not capable of providing reliable, quality and secure services for real-time traffic. In order for IP networks to perform reliable and timely transmission of real-time data, additional mechanisms to reduce delay, jitter and packet loss are required. Therefore, this thesis will also discuss the important mechanisms for running real-time traffic like voice and video over an IP network. Lastly, it will also provide an example of an enterprise network specifications (voice, video and data), and present an in depth cost analysis of a typical network vs. a converged network to prove that converged infrastructures provide significant savings

    Broadband PLC for Clustered Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Architecture

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    Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) subsystems monitor and control energy distribution through exchange of information between smart meters and utility networks. A key challenge is how to select a cost-effective communication system without compromising the performance of the applications. Current communication technologies were developed for conventional data networks with different requirements. It is therefore necessary to investigate how much of existing communication technologies can be retrofitted into the new energy infrastructure to cost-effectively deliver acceptable level of service. This paper investigates broadband power line communications (BPLC) as a backhaul solution in AMI. By applying the disparate traffic characteristics of selected AMI applications, the network performance is evaluated. This study also examines the communication network response to changes in application configurations in terms of packet sizes. In each case, the network is stress-tested and performance is assessed against acceptable thresholds documented in the literature. Results show that, like every other communication technology, BPLC has certain limitations; however, with some modifications in the network topology, it indeed can fulfill most AMI traffic requirements for flexible and time-bounded applications. These opportunities, if tapped, can significantly improve fiscal and operational efficiencies in AMI services. Simulation results also reveal that BPLC as a backhaul can support flat and clustered AMI structures with cluster size ranging from 1 to 150 smart meters
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