4,259 research outputs found

    Effect of Sensory Attenuation on Cortical Movement-Related Oscillations

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    This study examined the impact of induced sensory deficits on cortical, movement-related oscillations measured using electroencephalography (EEG). We hypothesized that EEG patterns in healthy subjects with induced sensory reduction would be comparable to EEG found after chronic loss of sensory feedback. EEG signals from 64 scalp locations were measured from 10 healthy subjects. Participants dorsiflexed their ankle after prolonged vibration of the tibialis anterior (TA). Beta band time frequency decompositions were calculated using wavelets and compared across conditions. Changes in patterns of movement-related brain activity were observed following attenuation of sensory feedback. A significant decrease in beta power of event-related synchronization was associated with simple ankle dorsiflexion after prolonged vibration of the TA. Attenuation of sensory feedback in young, healthy subjects led to a corresponding decrease in beta band synchronization. This temporary change in beta oscillations suggests that these modulations are a mechanism for sensorimotor integration. The loss of sensory feedback found in spinal cord injury patients contributes to changes in EEG signals underlying motor commands. Similar alterations in cortical signals in healthy subjects with reduced sensory feedback implies these changes reflect normal sensorimotor integration after reduced sensory input rather than brain plasticity

    EEG Signal Processing and Classification for the Novel Tactile-Force Brain-Computer Interface Paradigm

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    The presented study explores the extent to which tactile-force stimulus delivered to a hand holding a joystick can serve as a platform for a brain computer interface (BCI). The four pressure directions are used to evoke tactile brain potential responses, thus defining a tactile-force brain computer interface (tfBCI). We present brain signal processing and classification procedures leading to successful interfacing results. Experimental results with seven subjects performing online BCI experiments provide a validation of the hand location tfBCI paradigm, while the feasibility of the concept is illuminated through remarkable information-transfer rates.Comment: 6 pages (in conference proceedings original version); 6 figures, submitted to The 9th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems, December 2-5, 2013, Kyoto, Japan; to be available at IEEE Xplore; IEEE Copyright 201

    Decoding covert somatosensory attention by a BCI system calibrated with tactile sensation

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Objective: We propose a novel calibration strategy to facilitate the decoding of covert somatosensory attention by exploring the oscillatory dynamics induced by tactile sensation. Methods: It was hypothesized that the similarity of the oscillatory pattern between stimulation sensation (SS, real sensation) and somatosensory attentional orientation (SAO) provides a way to decode covert somatic attention. Subjects were instructed to sense the tactile stimulation, which was applied to the left (SS-L) or the right (SS-R) wrist. The BCI system was calibrated with the sensation data and then applied for online SAO decoding. Results: Both SS and SAO showed oscillatory activation concentrated on the contralateral somatosensory hemisphere. Offline analysis showed that the proposed calibration method led to greater accuracy than the traditional calibration method based on SAO only. This is confirmed by online experiments, where the online accuracy on 15 subjects was 78.8±13.1%, with 12 subjects >70% and 4 subject >90%. Conclusion: By integrating the stimulus-induced oscillatory dynamics from sensory cortex, covert somatosensory attention can be reliably decoded by a BCI system calibrated with tactile sensation. Significance: Indeed, real tactile sensation is more consistent during calibration than SAO. This brain-computer interfacing approach may find application for stroke and completely locked-in patients with preserved somatic sensation.University Starter Grant of the University of Waterloo (No. 203859) National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51620105002

    Altered processing of sensory stimuli in patients with migraine

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    Migraine is a cyclic disorder, in which functional and morphological brain changes fluctuate over time, culminating periodically in an attack. In the migrainous brain, temporal processing of external stimuli and sequential recruitment of neuronal networks are often dysfunctional. These changes reflect complex CNS dysfunction patterns. Assessment of multimodal evoked potentials and nociceptive reflex responses can reveal altered patterns of the brain's electrophysiological activity, thereby aiding our understanding of the pathophysiology of migraine. In this Review, we summarize the most important findings on temporal processing of evoked and reflex responses in migraine. Considering these data, we propose that thalamocortical dysrhythmia may be responsible for the altered synchronicity in migraine. To test this hypothesis in future research, electrophysiological recordings should be combined with neuroimaging studies so that the temporal patterns of sensory processing in patients with migraine can be correlated with the accompanying anatomical and functional changes

    Processing resources and interplay among sensory modalities: an EEG investigation

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    The primary aim of the present thesis was to investigate how the human brain handles and distributes limited processing resources among different sensory modalities. Two main hypothesis have been conventionally proposed: (1) common processing resources shared among sensory modalities (supra-modal attentional system) or (2) independent processing resources for each sensory modality. By means of four EEG experiments, we tested whether putative competitive interactions between sensory modalities – regardless of attentional influences – are present in early sensory areas. We observed no competitive interactions between sensory modalities, supporting independent processing resources in early sensory areas. Consequently, we tested the influence of top-down attention on a cross-modal dual task. We found evidence for shared attentional resources between visual and tactile modalities. Taken together, our results point toward a hybrid model of inter-modal attention. Attentional processing resources seem to be controlled by a supra-modal attentional system, however, in early sensory areas, the absence of competitive interactions strongly reduces interferences between sensory modalities, thus providing a strong processing resource independence

    Electrophysiological findings in migraine may reflect abnormal synaptic plasticity mechanisms. A narrative review

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    Background: The cyclical brain disorder of sensory processing accompanying migraine phases lacks an explanatory unified theory. Methods: We searched Pubmed for non-invasive neurophysiological studies on migraine and related conditions using transcranial magnetic stimulation, electroencephalography, visual and somatosensory evoked potentials.We summarized the literature, reviewed methods, and proposed a unified theory for the pathophysiology of electrophysiological abnormalities underlying migraine recurrence. Results: All electrophysiological modalities have determined specific changes in brain dynamics across the different phases of the migraine cycle. Transcranial magnetic stimulation studies show unbalanced recruitment of inhibitory and excitatory circuits, more consistently in aura, which ultimately results in a substantially distorted response to neuromodulation protocols. Electroencephalography investigations highlight a steady pattern of reduced alpha and increased slow rhythms, largely located in posterior brain regions, which tends to normalize closer to the attacks. Finally, nonpainful evoked potentials suggest dysfunctions in habituation mechanisms of sensory cortices that revert during ictal phases. Conclusion: Electrophysiology shows dynamic and recurrent functional alterations within the brainstem-thalamuscortex loop varies continuously and recurrently in migraineurs. Given the central role of these structures in the selection, elaboration, and learning of sensory information, these functional alterations suggest chronic, probably genetically determined dysfunctions of the synaptic short- and long-term learning mechanisms

    IFCN-endorsed practical guidelines for clinical magnetoencephalography (MEG)

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    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) records weak magnetic fields outside the human head and thereby provides millisecond-accurate information about neuronal currents supporting human brain function. MEG and electroencephalography (EEG) are closely related complementary methods and should be interpreted together whenever possible. This manuscript covers the basic physical and physiological principles of MEG and discusses the main aspects of state-of-the-art MEG data analysis. We provide guidelines for best practices of patient preparation, stimulus presentation, MEG data collection and analysis, as well as for MEG interpretation in routine clinical examinations. In 2017, about 200 whole-scalp MEG devices were in operation worldwide, many of them located in clinical environments. Yet, the established clinical indications for MEG examinations remain few, mainly restricted to the diagnostics of epilepsy and to preoperative functional evaluation of neurosurgical patients. We are confident that the extensive ongoing basic MEG research indicates potential for the evaluation of neurological and psychiatric syndromes, developmental disorders, and the integrity of cortical brain networks after stroke. Basic and clinical research is, thus, paving way for new clinical applications to be identified by an increasing number of practitioners of MEG. (C) 2018 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe
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