908 research outputs found

    Improving Internal Controls Over Inventory With Radio Frequency Identification Technology

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    Radio frequency identification (RFID) is arapid growing technology that is transforming the way organizations trackinventory and other tangible assets. When a company adopts RFID technology, it attaches tags to inventoryitems or other assets. These tags can be used tolocate these items by using radio signals.  The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) established threeobjectives of an effective internal control system.  Under COSO, a good internal control systemshould promote reliable financial reporting, the effectiveness and efficiencyof operations, and compliance with laws and regulations. The implementation ofRFID technology to track inventory can have a significant impact on accomplishingthese objectives.  Accountants, auditors and management should be familiar with RFIDtechnology and understand the impact of RFID deployment on a company’s internalcontrol structure. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the basics of RFIDtechnology and examine how RFID technology can improve a company’s internalcontrol over inventory. The advantages and disadvantages of RFID technologywill also be summarized

    Perancangan Sistem Pengendalian Internal Berbasis COSO pada Program Studi di Politeknik Negeri Batam

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan perancangan sistem pengendalian internal yang berbasis Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) pada Program Studi Akuntansi Manajerial pada Jurusan Manajemen Bisnis di Politeknik Negeri Batam. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan inspeksi dokumen dan wawancara kepada beberapa pihak yang terkait, sedangkan metode analisisnya adalah deskriptif yakni dengan menjelaskan setiap komponen sistem pengendalian internal COSO yakni 1) Lingkungan Pengendalian, 2) Penilaian Risiko, 3) Aktivitas Pengenlaian, 4) Informasi dan Komunikasi, dan 5) Pemantauan dengan merujuk pada Visi dan Misi Program Studi Akuntansi Manajerial. Hasilnya berupa seperangkat sistem pengendalian internal berbasis COSO untuk program studi Akuntansi Manajerial yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengendalikan sistem pembelajarannya


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    Pengendalian internal merupakan hal terpenting untuk sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang manufaktur. Setiap perusahaan dituntut menjalankan kegiatan kerja untuk menyediakan barang atau jasa bagi masyarakat pada umumnya dan pada konsumen khususnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis pengendalian gudang TBBI. Pengambilan sampel di lakukan berdasarkan data yang diberikan oleh kepala gudang TBBI. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif berupa wawancara dan observasi. Hasil dari penelitian setelah menerapkan metode Reorder Point (ROP) perusahaan dapat menetapkan titik pemesanan ulang dengan baik, selanjutnya pengendalian aktivitas gudang menggunakan Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) memebuat proses pengambilan dan peneriman di gudang lebih terorganisir, dan letak bahan baku lebih tertata setelah menggunakan prinsip First In, First Out (FIFO)

    Government Internal Control System, Role and Comparison of the Committee of Sponsoring Organization (COSO) Revised Internal Control Framework

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    This study investigates the role of the Government Internal Control System and its points of difference with the revised version of the COSO internal control framework. The Government's Internal Control System is regulated in Government Regulation No. 60 of 2008 concerning the Government's Internal Control System. The Government's Internal Control System aims to provide adequate assurance for the achievement of effectiveness and efficiency in achieving the objectives of implementing State government, reliability of financial reporting, safeguarding State assets, and compliance with laws and regulations. Government Regulation No. 60 of 2008 is an adaptation of the internal control recommended by The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) in 1992. In its development, COSO has updated the integrated framework of internal control in 2013. Seventeen principles of internal control were explicitly introduced that should be considered by the government to formulate new regulations related to the Government's Internal Control System. This study highlights the important role of internal control in the management of organizations both in the private sector and in governmen

    Changing the Course: Applying Sarbanes-Oxley to the Classroom

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    This study examines the role of internal auditing practices compliance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (ISPPIA) in enhancing internal control quality in Pakistani State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). Data was collected through an online survey of Chief Audit Executives (CAEs) of SOEs from various sectors. An ordinal logistic regression model was used to test the influence of compliance with international best practice guidelines of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) related to independence of the internal audit function, competence of the internal audit function, quality assurance and improvement programmes, and audit committee characteristics over seventeen principles of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) of the Treadway Commission Internal Control Framework. The results indicate that the independence of the internal audit function (IAF) and the characteristics of the audit committee have a statistically significant positive impact on the internal control system. However, findings related to quality assurance and improvement programs, and competence of the IAF, were deemed insignificant. The study is expected to contributes to accountability theory by highlighting that how quality internal audit practices can enhance internal control and thereby strengthen the accountability mechanism in public sector. The results are also expected to have important practical implication, both locally and globally

    SISTEM PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL PENERIMAAN KAS (Studi Kasus Pada Cv Sekartika Jati Rencana)

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the internal cash control system conducted by CV Sekartika Jati Rencana. Internal control system is a procedure used by management as a monitoring tool that every policy has been carried out by all employees. The internal control system of cash receipts is used to maintain the company's wealth, especially cash. This study analyzes the internal control system of cash receipts applied by CV Sekartika Jati Rencana and compared with the theory of internal control systems proposed by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO). The results of this study are all internal cash control systems implemented by the CV Sekartika Jati Rencana have been effectively proven by the form that has been numbered printed, each sales document has been printed in duplicate and checking periodically. But there are some internal control systems for cash receipts that are still not effectiv
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