56 research outputs found

    Spontaneous anonymous group cryptography and its applications.

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    Fung Kar-Yin.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 72-81).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Abstract --- p.iAcknowledgement --- p.iiiChapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Development of Cryptography --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Group Cryptography --- p.3Chapter 1.3 --- Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signature --- p.4Chapter 1.4 --- Blind Signature --- p.5Chapter 1.5 --- Blind SAG Signature --- p.6Chapter 1.6 --- Organization of This Thesis --- p.6Chapter 2 --- Background Study --- p.7Chapter 2.1 --- Six Primitives in Cryptography --- p.7Chapter 2.1.1 --- Symmetric Encryption --- p.8Chapter 2.1.2 --- Asymmetric Encryption --- p.8Chapter 2.1.3 --- Digital Signature --- p.9Chapter 2.1.4 --- Hash Function --- p.9Chapter 2.1.5 --- Digital Certificate --- p.10Chapter 2.1.6 --- Proof of Knowledge --- p.10Chapter 2.2 --- Euler Totient Function --- p.11Chapter 2.3 --- One-Way Function --- p.12Chapter 2.3.1 --- One-Way Trapdoor Function --- p.13Chapter 2.3.2 --- Discrete Logarithm Problem --- p.13Chapter 2.3.3 --- RSA Problem --- p.14Chapter 2.3.4 --- Integer Factorization Problem --- p.15Chapter 2.3.5 --- Quadratic Residuosity Problem --- p.15Chapter 2.3.6 --- Schnorr's ROS assumption --- p.16Chapter 2.4 --- Bilinear Pairing --- p.16Chapter 2.4.1 --- Weil Pairing --- p.18Chapter 2.4.2 --- Tate Pairing --- p.18Chapter 2.5 --- Gap Diffie-Hellman Group --- p.19Chapter 2.5.1 --- GDH --- p.19Chapter 2.5.2 --- Co-GDH --- p.20Chapter 2.6 --- Random Oracle Model --- p.21Chapter 2.6.1 --- Random Permutation --- p.23Chapter 2.6.2 --- Lunchtime Attack --- p.23Chapter 2.6.3 --- Back Patch --- p.23Chapter 2.6.4 --- Rewind Simulation --- p.24Chapter 2.7 --- Generic Group Model --- p.24Chapter 3 --- Digital and Threshold Signatures --- p.26Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.26Chapter 3.2 --- Notion of Attacks and Security in Signature --- p.28Chapter 3.2.1 --- Types of Signatures --- p.29Chapter 3.3 --- Threshold Signature --- p.31Chapter 3.4 --- Properties in Threshold Signatures --- p.31Chapter 4 --- Blind Signature --- p.33Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.33Chapter 4.1.1 --- Security Requirements --- p.35Chapter 4.2 --- Transferred Proof of Knowledge --- p.36Chapter 4.3 --- RSA Based Schemes --- p.37Chapter 4.3.1 --- Chaum's RSA Scheme --- p.37Chapter 4.3.2 --- Abe's RSA Scheme --- p.38Chapter 4.4 --- Discrete Logarithm Based Schemes --- p.39Chapter 4.4.1 --- Schnorr Blind Signature --- p.39Chapter 4.4.2 --- Okamoto-Schnorr Blind Signature --- p.40Chapter 4.5 --- Bilinear Mapping Based Schemes --- p.40Chapter 5 --- Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signature --- p.42Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.42Chapter 5.2 --- Cramer-Damgard-Schoemaker (CDS) SAG Signature --- p.44Chapter 5.2.1 --- (1´ةn)-CDS type SAG Signature --- p.44Chapter 5.2.2 --- "(t, n)-CDS type SAG Signature" --- p.45Chapter 5.3 --- Ring-type SAG Signature Schemes --- p.46Chapter 5.3.1 --- Rivest-Shamir-Tauman --- p.46Chapter 5.3.2 --- Abe's 1-out-of-n Ring Signature --- p.49Chapter 5.4 --- Discussions --- p.51Chapter 6 --- Blind SAG Signature --- p.53Chapter 6.1 --- Introduction --- p.53Chapter 6.2 --- Security Definitions --- p.54Chapter 6.2.1 --- Security Model --- p.55Chapter 6.3 --- "(1,n)-Ring Structured Blind SAG Signature" --- p.57Chapter 6.3.1 --- Signing Protocol --- p.58Chapter 6.3.2 --- Verification Algorithm --- p.58Chapter 6.4 --- CDS-type Blind SAG Signature --- p.59Chapter 6.4.1 --- "(l,n)-CDS-type" --- p.59Chapter 6.5 --- "(t,n)-CDS-type" --- p.60Chapter 6.5.1 --- Signing Protocol --- p.61Chapter 6.5.2 --- Verification Algorithm --- p.61Chapter 6.6 --- Security Analysis --- p.62Chapter 6.7 --- Applications to Credential System --- p.67Chapter 7 --- Conclusion --- p.69A --- p.71Bibliography --- p.8

    Logarithmic-Size (Linkable) Threshold Ring Signatures in the Plain Model

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    Ring signatures are a cryptographic primitive that allow a signer to anonymously sign messages on behalf of an ad-hoc group of NN potential signers (the so-called ring). This primitive has attracted significant research since its introduction by Rivest et al. (ASIACRYPT\u2701), but until recently, no construction was known that was both (i) compact, i.e., the signature size is sub-linear in NN, and (ii) in the plain model, i.e., secure under standard hardness assumptions without requiring heuristic or setup assumptions. The first construction in this most desirable setting, where reducing trust in external parties is the primary goal, was only recently presented by Backes et al. (EUROCRYPT\u2719). An interesting generalization of ring signatures are tt-out-of-NN ring signatures for t≥1t\geq 1, also known as threshold ring (thring) signatures (Bresson et al., CRYPTO\u2702). For threshold ring signatures, non-linkable sub-linear-size constructions are not even known under heuristic or setup assumptions. In this work, we propose the first sub-linear thring signatures and prove them secure in the plain model. While our constructions are inspired by the template underlying the Backes et al. construction, they require novel ideas and techniques. Our scheme is non-interactive, and has strong inter-signer anonymity, meaning that signers do not need to know the other signers that participate in a threshold signing. We then present a linkable counterpart to our non-linkable construction. Our thring signatures can easily be adapted to achieve the recently introduced notions of flexibility (Okamoto et al., EPRINT\u2718) as well as claimability and repudiability (Park and Sealfon, CRYPTO\u2719). (Th)Ring signatures and, in particular, their linkable versions have recently drawn significant attention in the field of privacy-friendly cryptocurrencies. We discuss applications that are enabled by our strong inter-signer anonymity, demonstrating that thring signatures are interesting from a practical perspective also

    Lin2-Xor Lemma and Log-size Linkable Threshold Ring Signature

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    In this paper we introduce a novel method of constructing a linkable threshold ring signature without a trusted setup in a group where the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem is hard and no bilinear pairings exist. Our ring signature is logarithmic in anonymity set size and linear in signer threshold, its verification complexity is quasilinear. A range of the recently proposed setup-free logarithmic size signatures is based on the commitment-to-zero proving system by Groth and Kohlweiss or on the Bulletproofs inner-product compression method by BĂĽnz et al. In contrast, we construct our signature from scratch using the Lin2-Xor and lemma-Lin2-Selector lemmas that we formulate and prove herein. The Lin2-Xor lemma itself provides a novel 2-round public coin OR-proof protocol, whereas the Lin2-Selector lemma generalizes it to an n-round public coin proof of membership. Consequently, we construct an n-round special honest verifier zero knowledge proof of membership and instantiate it in the form of a general-purpose setup-free linkable threshold ring signature in the random oracle model. Also, we show the signature is anonymous, has witness-extended emulation, is unforgeable and non-frameable

    Special Signature Schemes and Key Agreement Protocols

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    This thesis is divided into two distinct parts. The first part of the thesis explores various deniable signature schemes and their applications. Such schemes do not bind a unique public key to a message, but rather specify a set of entities that could have created the signature, so each entity involved in the signature can deny having generated it. The main deniable signature schemes we examine are ring signature schemes. Ring signatures can be used to construct designated verifier signature schemes, which are closely related to designated verifier proof systems. We provide previously lacking formal definitions and security models for designated verifier proofs and signatures and examine their relationship to undeniable signature schemes. Ring signature schemes also have applications in the context of fair exchange of signatures. We introduce the notion of concurrent signatures, which can be constructed using ring signatures, and which provide a "near solution" to the problem of fair exchange. Concurrent signatures are more efficient than traditional solutions for fair exchange at the cost of some of the security guaranteed by traditional solutions. The second part of the thesis is concerned with the security of two-party key agreement protocols. It has traditionally been difficult to prove that a key agreement protocol satisfies a formal definition of security. A modular approach to constructing provably secure key agreement protocols was proposed, but the approach generally results in less efficient protocols. We examine the relationships between various well-known models of security and introduce a modular approach to the construction of proofs of security for key agreement protocols in such security models. Our approach simplifies the proof process, enabling us to provide proofs of security for several efficient key agreement protocols in the literature that were previously unproven

    A patient agent controlled customized blockchain based framework for internet of things

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    Although Blockchain implementations have emerged as revolutionary technologies for various industrial applications including cryptocurrencies, they have not been widely deployed to store data streaming from sensors to remote servers in architectures known as Internet of Things. New Blockchain for the Internet of Things models promise secure solutions for eHealth, smart cities, and other applications. These models pave the way for continuous monitoring of patient’s physiological signs with wearable sensors to augment traditional medical practice without recourse to storing data with a trusted authority. However, existing Blockchain algorithms cannot accommodate the huge volumes, security, and privacy requirements of health data. In this thesis, our first contribution is an End-to-End secure eHealth architecture that introduces an intelligent Patient Centric Agent. The Patient Centric Agent executing on dedicated hardware manages the storage and access of streams of sensors generated health data, into a customized Blockchain and other less secure repositories. As IoT devices cannot host Blockchain technology due to their limited memory, power, and computational resources, the Patient Centric Agent coordinates and communicates with a private customized Blockchain on behalf of the wearable devices. While the adoption of a Patient Centric Agent offers solutions for addressing continuous monitoring of patients’ health, dealing with storage, data privacy and network security issues, the architecture is vulnerable to Denial of Services(DoS) and single point of failure attacks. To address this issue, we advance a second contribution; a decentralised eHealth system in which the Patient Centric Agent is replicated at three levels: Sensing Layer, NEAR Processing Layer and FAR Processing Layer. The functionalities of the Patient Centric Agent are customized to manage the tasks of the three levels. Simulations confirm protection of the architecture against DoS attacks. Few patients require all their health data to be stored in Blockchain repositories but instead need to select an appropriate storage medium for each chunk of data by matching their personal needs and preferences with features of candidate storage mediums. Motivated by this context, we advance third contribution; a recommendation model for health data storage that can accommodate patient preferences and make storage decisions rapidly, in real-time, even with streamed data. The mapping between health data features and characteristics of each repository is learned using machine learning. The Blockchain’s capacity to make transactions and store records without central oversight enables its application for IoT networks outside health such as underwater IoT networks where the unattended nature of the nodes threatens their security and privacy. However, underwater IoT differs from ground IoT as acoustics signals are the communication media leading to high propagation delays, high error rates exacerbated by turbulent water currents. Our fourth contribution is a customized Blockchain leveraged framework with the model of Patient-Centric Agent renamed as Smart Agent for securely monitoring underwater IoT. Finally, the smart Agent has been investigated in developing an IoT smart home or cities monitoring framework. The key algorithms underpinning to each contribution have been implemented and analysed using simulators.Doctor of Philosoph

    Information security and assurance : Proceedings international conference, ISA 2012, Shanghai China, April 2012

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    Democracy Enhancing Technologies: Toward deployable and incoercible E2E elections

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    End-to-end verifiable election systems (E2E systems) provide a provably correct tally while maintaining the secrecy of each voter's ballot, even if the voter is complicit in demonstrating how they voted. Providing voter incoercibility is one of the main challenges of designing E2E systems, particularly in the case of internet voting. A second challenge is building deployable, human-voteable E2E systems that conform to election laws and conventions. This dissertation examines deployability, coercion-resistance, and their intersection in election systems. In the course of this study, we introduce three new election systems, (Scantegrity, Eperio, and Selections), report on two real-world elections using E2E systems (Punchscan and Scantegrity), and study incoercibility issues in one deployed system (Punchscan). In addition, we propose and study new practical primitives for random beacons, secret printing, and panic passwords. These are tools that can be used in an election to, respectively, generate publicly verifiable random numbers, distribute the printing of secrets between non-colluding printers, and to covertly signal duress during authentication. While developed to solve specific problems in deployable and incoercible E2E systems, these techniques may be of independent interest

    Les Houches 2015: Physics at TeV colliders - new physics working group report

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    We present the activities of the 'New Physics' working group for the 'Physics at TeV Colliders' workshop (Les Houches, France, 1-19 June, 2015). Our report includes new physics studies connected with the Higgs boson and its properties, direct search strategies, reinterpretation of the LHC results in the building of viable models and new computational tool developments. Important signatures for searches for natural new physics at the LHC and new assessments of the interplay between direct dark matter searches and the LHC are also considered.Comment: Proceedings of the New Physics Working Group of the 2015 Les Houches Workshop, Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches 1-19 June 2015. 197 page

    Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the SMC2010 - 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 21st - July 24th 2010
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