4 research outputs found

    Automatically Produced Algorithms for the Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

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    The generalized minimum spanning tree problem consists of finding a minimum cost spanning tree in an undirected graph for which the vertices are divided into clusters. Such spanning tree includes only one vertex from each cluster. Despite the diverse practical applications for this problem, the NP-hardness continues to be a computational challenge. Good quality solutions for some instances of the problem have been found by combining specific heuristics or by including them within a metaheuristic. However studied combinations correspond to a subset of all possible combinations. In this study a technique based on a genotype-phenotype genetic algorithm to automatically construct new algorithms for the problem, which contain combinations of heuristics, is presented. The produced algorithms are competitive in terms of the quality of the solution obtained. This emerges from the comparison of the performance with problem-specific heuristics and with metaheuristic approaches

    Combining Variable Neighborhood Search with Integer Linear Programming for the Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

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    We consider the generalized version of the classical Minimum Spanning Tree problem where the nodes of a graph are partitioned into clusters and exactly one node from each cluster must be connected. We present a Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) approach which uses three different neighborhood types. Two of them work in complementary ways in order to maximize search effectivity. Both are large in the sense that they contain exponentially many candidate solutions, but efficient polynomial-time algorithms are used to identify best neighbors. For the third neighborhood type we apply Mixed Integer Programming to optimize local parts within candidate solution trees. Tests on Euclidean and random instances with up to 1280 nodes indicate especially on instances with many nodes per cluster significant advantages over previously published metaheuristic approaches

    Controle de topologia em redes de robôs móveis cooperativos utilizando consenso

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2015.Em grupos de robôs móveis cooperativos, os chamados sistemas multi-robôs, a comunicação é um fator de extrema importância para a correta alocação e realização das tarefas. Essa comunicação é determinada diretamente pela disposição geográfica dos robôs uns em relação aos outros, a chamada topologia de comunicação. O controle da topologia de comunicação em um grupo de robôs permite que certas características da rede de comunicação sejam enfatizadas ou anuladas de acordo com a movimentação dos robôs que a compõem. Neste trabalho são apresentadas duas abordagens para controle de topologia em redes de robôs móveis, em função de quais propriedades dessas redes se deseja exaltar: o controle de topologia para a minimização da comunicação, que possibilita a redução do consumo de energia e da interferência causada pelos processos de comunicação; e o controle de topologia para a manutenção da conectividade, que garante condições para a não desconexão da rede, mesmo que esta esteja sob a influência de instabilidades. Através de um controle de conectividade baseado em consenso, a ação dos algoritmos de controle da topologia é aplicada aos robôs de maneira descentralizada, garantindo que as propriedades desejadas ocorram. São realizados simulações e testes com robôs reais, comprovando a eficiência dos algoritmos propostos em garantir as propriedades topológicas a eles associadas.Abstract : In cooperative robot systems, also known as multi-robot systems, the communication is an extremely important factor for the correct allocation and execution of the robot tasks. This communication is directly determined by the geographic position of the robots in relation each other, which is called communication topology. The topology control can be used to change aspects of the communication topology, allowing that some network characteristics are canceled or exalted, according with the robot's movement in the network. This work presents two approaches for topology control in mobile robot networks that ensure certain properties: the topology control for minimization of the communication, reducing the consumption of energy and the interference caused by radio communication; and the topology control for the connectivity maintenance, ensuring conditions for do not disconnection, even under unstable environments. Through of a connectivity control based on consensus, the action of topology control algorithms is applied to the robots in a decentralized way, ensuring the existence of the desired properties. Finally, are made simulations and tests with real robots, proving the efficiency of the proposed algorithms to ensure the functions assigned to them

    Algorithms for Geometric Covering and Piercing Problems

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    This thesis involves the study of a range of geometric covering and piercing problems, where the unifying thread is approximation using disks. While some of the problems addressed in this work are solved exactly with polynomial time algorithms, many problems are shown to be at least NP-hard. For the latter, approximation algorithms are the best that we can do in polynomial time assuming that P is not equal to NP. One of the best known problems involving unit disks is the Discrete Unit Disk Cover (DUDC) problem, in which the input consists of a set of points P and a set of unit disks in the plane D, and the objective is to compute a subset of the disks of minimum cardinality which covers all of the points. Another perspective on the problem is to consider the centre points (denoted Q) of the disks D as an approximating set of points for P. An optimal solution to DUDC provides a minimal cardinality subset Q*, a subset of Q, so that each point in P is within unit distance of a point in Q*. In order to approximate the general DUDC problem, we also examine several restricted variants. In the Line-Separable Discrete Unit Disk Cover (LSDUDC) problem, P and Q are separated by a line in the plane. We write that l^- is the half-plane defined by l containing P, and l^+ is the half-plane containing Q. LSDUDC may be solved exactly in O(m^2n) time using a greedy algorithm. We augment this result by describing a 2-approximate solution for the Assisted LSDUDC problem, where the union of all disks centred in l^+ covers all points in P, but we consider using disks centred in l^- as well to try to improve the solution. Next, we describe the Within-Strip Discrete Unit Disk Cover (WSDUDC) problem, where P and Q are confined to a strip of the plane of height h. We show that this problem is NP-complete, and we provide a range of approximation algorithms for the problem with trade-offs between the approximation factor and running time. We outline approximation algorithms for the general DUDC problem which make use of the algorithms for LSDUDC and WSDUDC. These results provide the fastest known approximation algorithms for DUDC. As with the WSDUDC results, we present a set of algorithms in which better approximation factors may be had at the expense of greater running time, ranging from a 15-approximate algorithm which runs in O(mn + m log m + n log n) time to a 18-approximate algorithm which runs in O(m^6n+n log n) time. The next problems that we study are Hausdorff Core problems. These problems accept an input polygon P, and we seek a convex polygon Q which is fully contained in P and minimizes the Hausdorff distance between P and Q. Interestingly, we show that this problem may be reduced to that of computing the minimum radius of disk, call it k_opt, so that a convex polygon Q contained in P intersects all disks of radius k_opt centred on the vertices of P. We begin by describing a polynomial time algorithm for the simple case where P has only a single reflex vertex. On general polygons, we provide a parameterized algorithm which performs a parametric search on the possible values of k_opt. The solution to the decision version of the problem, i.e. determining whether there exists a Hausdorff Core for P given k_opt, requires some novel insights. We also describe an FPTAS for the decision version of the Hausdorff Core problem. Finally, we study Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree (GMST) problems, where the input consists of imprecise vertices, and the objective is to select a single point from each imprecise vertex in order to optimize the weight of the MST over the points. In keeping with one of the themes of the thesis, we begin by using disks as the imprecise vertices. We show that the minimization and maximization versions of this problem are NP-hard, and we describe some parameterized and approximation algorithms. Finally, we look at the case where the imprecise vertices consist of just two vertices each, and we show that the minimization version of the problem (which we call 2-GMST) remains NP-hard, even in the plane. We also provide an algorithm to solve the 2-GMST problem exactly if the combinatorial structure of the optimal solution is known. We identify a number of open problems in this thesis that are worthy of further study. Among them: Is the Assisted LSDUDC problem NP-complete? Can the WSDUDC results be used to obtain an improved PTAS for DUDC? Are there classes of polygons for which the determination of the Hausdorff Core is easy? Is there a PTAS for the maximum weight GMST problem on (unit) disks? Is there a combinatorial approximation algorithm for the 2-GMST problem (particularly with an approximation factor under 4)