23 research outputs found

    Rapid Generation of Pronunciation Dictionaries for new Domains and Languages

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    This dissertation presents innovative strategies and methods for the rapid generation of pronunciation dictionaries for new domains and languages. Depending on various conditions, solutions are proposed and developed. Starting from the straightforward scenario in which the target language is present in written form on the Internet and the mapping between speech and written language is close up to the difficult scenario in which no written form for the target language exists

    Grapheme-based Automatic Speech Recognition using Probabilistic Lexical Modeling

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    Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems incorporate expert knowledge of language or the linguistic expertise through the use of phone pronunciation lexicon (or dictionary) where each word is associated with a sequence of phones. The creation of phone pronunciation lexicon for a new language or domain is costly as it requires linguistic expertise, and includes time and money. In this thesis, we focus on effective building of ASR systems in the absence of linguistic expertise for a new domain or language. Particularly, we consider graphemes as alternate subword units for speech recognition. In a grapheme lexicon, pronunciation of a word is derived from its orthography. However, modeling graphemes for speech recognition is a challenging task for two reasons. Firstly, grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) relationship can be ambiguous as languages continue to evolve after their spelling has been standardized. Secondly, as elucidated in this thesis, typically ASR systems directly model the relationship between graphemes and acoustic features; and the acoustic features depict the envelope of speech, which is related to phones. In this thesis, a grapheme-based ASR approach is proposed where the modeling of the relationship between graphemes and acoustic features is factored through a latent variable into two models, namely, acoustic model and lexical model. In the acoustic model the relationship between latent variables and acoustic features is modeled, while in the lexical model a probabilistic relationship between latent variables and graphemes is modeled. We refer to the proposed approach as probabilistic lexical modeling based ASR. In the thesis we show that the latent variables can be phones or multilingual phones or clustered context-dependent subword units; and an acoustic model can be trained on domain-independent or language-independent resources. The lexical model is trained on transcribed speech data from the target domain or language. In doing so, the parameters of the lexical model capture a probabilistic relationship between graphemes and phones. In the proposed grapheme-based ASR approach, lexicon learning is implicitly integrated as a phase in ASR system training as opposed to the conventional approach where first phone pronunciation lexicon is developed and then a phone-based ASR system is trained. The potential and the efficacy of the proposed approach is demonstrated through experiments and comparisons with other standard approaches on ASR for resource rich languages, nonnative and accented speech, under-resourced languages, and minority languages. The studies revealed that the proposed framework is particularly suitable when the task is challenged by the lack of both linguistic expertise and transcribed data. Furthermore, our investigations also showed that standard ASR approaches in which the lexical model is deterministic are more suitable for phones than graphemes, while probabilistic lexical model based ASR approach is suitable for both. Finally, we show that the captured grapheme-to-phoneme relationship can be exploited to perform acoustic data-driven G2P conversion

    Satellite Workshop On Language, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science for Natural Language Processing Applications (LAICS-NLP): Discovery of Meaning from Text

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    This paper proposes a novel method to disambiguate important words from a collection of documents. The hypothesis that underlies this approach is that there is a minimal set of senses that are significant in characterizing a context. We extend Yarowsky’s one sense per discourse [13] further to a collection of related documents rather than a single document. We perform distributed clustering on a set of features representing each of the top ten categories of documents in the Reuters-21578 dataset. Groups of terms that have a similar term distributional pattern across documents were identified. WordNet-based similarity measurement was then computed for terms within each cluster. An aggregation of the associations in WordNet that was employed to ascertain term similarity within clusters has provided a means of identifying clusters’ root senses

    Linguistically-motivated sub-word modeling with applications to speech recognition

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (p. 173-185).Despite the proliferation of speech-enabled applications and devices, speech-driven human-machine interaction still faces several challenges. One of theses issues is the new word or the out-of-vocabulary (OOV) problem, which occurs when the underlying automatic speech recognizer (ASR) encounters a word it does not "know". With ASR being deployed in constantly evolving domains such as restaurant ratings, or music querying, as well as on handheld devices, the new word problem continues to arise.This thesis is concerned with the OOV problem, and in particular with the process of modeling and learning the lexical properties of an OOV word through a linguistically-motivated sub-syllabic model. The linguistic model is designed using a context-free grammar which describes the sub-syllabic structure of English words, and encapsulates phonotactic and phonological constraints. The context-free grammar is supported by a probability model, which captures the statistics of the parses generated by the grammar and encodes spatio-temporal context. The two main outcomes of the grammar design are: (1) sub-word units, which encode pronunciation information, and can be viewed as clusters of phonemes; and (2) a high-quality alignment between graphemic and sub-word units, which results in hybrid entities denoted as spellnemes. The spellneme units are used in the design of a statistical bi-directional letter-to-sound (L2S) model, which plays a significant role in automatically learning the spelling and pronunciation of a new word.The sub-word units and the L2S model are assessed on the task of automatic lexicon generation. In a first set of experiments, knowledge of the spelling of the lexicon is assumed. It is shown that the phonemic pronunciations associated with the lexicon can be successfully learned using the L2S model as well as a sub-word recognizer.(cont.) In a second set of experiments, the assumption of perfect spelling knowledge is relaxed, and an iterative and unsupervised algorithm, denoted as Turbo-style, makes use of spoken instances of both spellings and words to learn the lexical entries in a dictionary.Sub-word speech recognition is also embedded in a parallel fashion as a backoff mechanism for a word recognizer. The resulting hybrid model is evaluated in a lexical access application, whereby a word recognizer first attempts to recognize an isolated word. Upon failure of the word recognizer, the sub-word recognizer is manually triggered. Preliminary results show that such a hybrid set-up outperforms a large-vocabulary recognizer.Finally, the sub-word units are embedded in a flat hybrid OOV model for continuous ASR. The hybrid ASR is deployed as a front-end to a song retrieval application, which is queried via spoken lyrics. Vocabulary compression and open-ended query recognition are achieved by designing a hybrid ASR. The performance of the frontend recognition system is reported in terms of sentence, word, and sub-word error rates. The hybrid ASR is shown to outperform a word-only system over a range of out-of-vocabulary rates (1%-50%). The retrieval performance is thoroughly assessed as a fmnction of ASR N-best size, language model order, and the index size. Moreover, it is shown that the sub-words outperform alternative linguistically-motivated sub-lexical units such as phonemes. Finally, it is observed that a dramatic vocabulary compression - by more than a factor of 10 - is accompanied by a minor loss in song retrieval performance.by Ghinwa F. Choueiter.Ph.D

    Essential Speech and Language Technology for Dutch: Results by the STEVIN-programme

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    Computational Linguistics; Germanic Languages; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Computing Methodologie

    Improving Searchability of Automatically Transcribed Lectures Through Dynamic Language Modelling

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    Recording university lectures through lecture capture systems is increasingly common. However, a single continuous audio recording is often unhelpful for users, who may wish to navigate quickly to a particular part of a lecture, or locate a specific lecture within a set of recordings. A transcript of the recording can enable faster navigation and searching. Automatic speech recognition (ASR) technologies may be used to create automated transcripts, to avoid the significant time and cost involved in manual transcription. Low accuracy of ASR-generated transcripts may however limit their usefulness. In particular, ASR systems optimized for general speech recognition may not recognize the many technical or discipline-specific words occurring in university lectures. To improve the usefulness of ASR transcripts for the purposes of information retrieval (search) and navigating within recordings, the lexicon and language model used by the ASR engine may be dynamically adapted for the topic of each lecture. A prototype is presented which uses the English Wikipedia as a semantically dense, large language corpus to generate a custom lexicon and language model for each lecture from a small set of keywords. Two strategies for extracting a topic-specific subset of Wikipedia articles are investigated: a naïve crawler which follows all article links from a set of seed articles produced by a Wikipedia search from the initial keywords, and a refinement which follows only links to articles sufficiently similar to the parent article. Pair-wise article similarity is computed from a pre-computed vector space model of Wikipedia article term scores generated using latent semantic indexing. The CMU Sphinx4 ASR engine is used to generate transcripts from thirteen recorded lectures from Open Yale Courses, using the English HUB4 language model as a reference and the two topic-specific language models generated for each lecture from Wikipedia

    Searching Spontaneous Conversational Speech:Proceedings of ACM SIGIR Workshop (SSCS2008)

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    24th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa)

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    Improving searchability of automatically transcribed lectures through dynamic language modelling

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    Recording university lectures through lecture capture systems is increasingly common. However, a single continuous audio recording is often unhelpful for users, who may wish to navigate quickly to a particular part of a lecture, or locate a specific lecture within a set of recordings. A transcript of the recording can enable faster navigation and searching. Automatic speech recognition (ASR) technologies may be used to create automated transcripts, to avoid the significant time and cost involved in manual transcription. Low accuracy of ASR-generated transcripts may however limit their usefulness. In particular, ASR systems optimized for general speech recognition may not recognize the many technical or discipline-specific words occurring in university lectures. To improve the usefulness of ASR transcripts for the purposes of information retrieval (search) and navigating within recordings, the lexicon and language model used by the ASR engine may be dynamically adapted for the topic of each lecture. A prototype is presented which uses the English Wikipedia as a semantically dense, large language corpus to generate a custom lexicon and language model for each lecture from a small set of keywords. Two strategies for extracting a topic-specific subset of Wikipedia articles are investigated: a naïve crawler which follows all article links from a set of seed articles produced by a Wikipedia search from the initial keywords, and a refinement which follows only links to articles sufficiently similar to the parent article. Pair-wise article similarity is computed from a pre-computed vector space model of Wikipedia article term scores generated using latent semantic indexing. The CMU Sphinx4 ASR engine is used to generate transcripts from thirteen recorded lectures from Open Yale Courses, using the English HUB4 language model as a reference and the two topic-specific language models generated for each lecture from Wikipedia. Three standard metrics – Perplexity, Word Error Rate and Word Correct Rate – are used to evaluate the extent to which the adapted language models improve the searchability of the resulting transcripts, and in particular improve the recognition of specialist words. Ranked Word Correct Rate is proposed as a new metric better aligned with the goals of improving transcript searchability and specialist word recognition. Analysis of recognition performance shows that the language models derived using the similarity-based Wikipedia crawler outperform models created using the naïve crawler, and that transcripts using similarity-based language models have better perplexity and Ranked Word Correct Rate scores than those created using the HUB4 language model, but worse Word Error Rates. It is concluded that English Wikipedia may successfully be used as a language resource for unsupervised topic adaptation of language models to improve recognition performance for better searchability of lecture recording transcripts, although possibly at the expense of other attributes such as readability