7 research outputs found

    An Alternative Archiving Technique for Evolutionary Polygonal Approximation

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    Proceedings of: Fifth International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications (FUTURE COMPUTING 2013), Valencia, Spain, May 27 - June 1, 2013Archiving procedures are a key parameter for Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, since they guarantee the algorithm convergence and the good spread of the obtained solutions in the final Pareto front. For many practical applications, the cost of the algorithm is clearly dominated by the computational cost of the underlying fitness functions, allowing complex processes to be incorporated into the archiving procedure. This work presents a study of the archiving technique for evolutionary polygonal approximation (the division of a given curve into a set of n segments represented by a linear model) based on the epsilon-glitch concept, highlighting the cost of the technique compared to the fitness computation, and proposing a novel alternative archiving procedure, which yields statistically significant better results compared to available approaches.This work was supported in part by Projects MINECO TEC2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485)Publicad

    Evolving levels for Super Mario Bros using grammatical evolution

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    This paper presents the use of design grammars to evolve playable 2D platform levels through grammatical evolution (GE). Representing levels using design grammars allows simple encoding of important level design constraints, and allows remarkably compact descriptions of large spaces of levels. The expressive range of the GE-based level generator is analyzed and quantitatively compared to other feature-based and the original level generators by means of aesthetic and similarity based measures. The analysis reveals strengths and shortcomings of each generator and provides a general framework for comparing content generated by different generators. The approach presented can be used as an assistive tool by game designers to compare and analyze generators' capabilities within the same game genre.peer-reviewe


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    La biomímesis tiene una gran cantidad de aplicaciones en prácticamente todos los campos científicos, académicos y profesionales. En las últimas décadas, esta “nueva” ciencia ha tomado mucha fuerza debido a que las aplicaciones que se han llevado a cabo han sido satisfactorias, lo que demuestra el potencial de su uso. En el presente documento se expone sucintamente el significado de biomímesis y se presentan algunas de las aplicaciones que puede tener en el campo de la Arquitectura y de la Ingeniería Civil. Estas aplicaciones están divididas, según el criterio y el interés de los autores en el tema, en tres grandes grupos: la forma, los procesos, y la estructura. Dentro de cada uno de estos grupos se exponen ejemplos concretos que se han implementado, o que se piensan implementar, en el diseño arquitectónico y estructural. Por medio de los ejemplos presentados se puede ver el enorme potencial que puede llegar a tener el uso generalizado de la biomímesis en todo el campo del diseño y la construcción de objetos arquitectónicos.ABSTRACTBiomimicry has a huge quantity of applications in almost all scientific, academic and professional fields. In the last decades, this “new” science has taken a lot of strength because of the successful applications that have been carried out, demonstrating the potential of its use. In the present document is exposed, in a concise way, the meaning of biomimicry and is also presented some of the applications that this science can have in the field of Architecture and Civil Engineering. According to the criteria and to the specific interest of the authors, these applications are divided in three principal groups: form, processes and structure. Inside of each one of these groups there are exposed some particular examples that have been implemented, or that are thought to be implemented, in architectonic and structural design. Through these examples it can be seen the great potential that a generalized use of biomimicry in all the field of design and construction of architectural objects can have

    Combining structural analysis and multi-objective criteria for evolutionary architectural design

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    EvoMUSART 2011, 9th European Event on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design in EvoApplications, Torino, Italy, Apr 27-29, 2011This study evolves and categorises a population of conceptual designs by their ability to handle physical constraints. The design process involves a trade-off between form and function. The aesthetic considerations of the designer are constrained by physical considerations and material cost. In previous work, we developed a design grammar capable of evolving aesthetically pleasing designs through the use of an interactive evolutionary algorithm. This work implements a fitness function capable of applying engineering objectives to automatically evaluate designs and, in turn, reduce the search space that is presented to the user.Science Foundation Irelandti, ke, ab, co, de, li - TS 23.02.1

    Typogenetic design - aesthetic decision support for architectural shape generation

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    Typogenetic Design is an interactive computational design system combining generative design, evolutionary search and architectural optimisation technology. The active tool for supporting design decisions during architectural shape generation uses an aesthetic system to guide the search process. This aesthetic system directs the search process toward preferences expressed interactively by the designer. An image input as design reference is integrated by means of shape comparison to provide direction to the exploratory search. During the shape generation process, the designer can choose solutions interactively in a graphical user interface. Those choices are then used to support the selection process as part of the fitness function by online classification. Enhancing human decision making capabilities in human-in-the-loop design systems addresses the complexity of architecture in respect to aesthetic requirements. On the strength of machine learning, the integral performance trade-off during multi-criteria optimisation was extended to address aesthetic preferences. The tacit knowledge and subjective understanding of designers can be used in the shape generation process based on interactive mechanisms. As a result, an integrated support system for performance-based design was developed and tested. Closing the loop from design to construction using design optimisation of structural nodes in a set of case studies confirmed the need for intuitive design systems, interfaces and mechanisms to make architectural optimisation more accessible and intuitive to handle. This dissertation investigated Typogenetic Design as a tool for initial morphological search. Novel instruments for human interaction with design systems were developed using mixed-method research. The present investigation consists of an in-depth technological enquiry into the use of interactive generative design for exploratory search as an integrated support system for performance-based design. Associated project-based research on the design potential of Typogenetic Design showcases the application of the design system for architecture. Generative design as an expressive tool to produce architectural geometries was investigated in regard to its ability to drive initial morphological search of complex geometries. The reinterpretation of processes and boosting of productivity by artificial intelligence was instrumental in exploring a holistic approach combining quantitative and qualitative criteria in a human-in-the-loop system. The shift in focus from an objective to a subjective understanding of computational design processes indicates a perspective change from optimisation to learning as a computational paradigm. Integrating learning capabilities in architectural optimisation enhances the capability of architects to explore large design spaces of emergent representations using evolutionary search. The shift from design automation to interactive generative design introduces the possibility for designers to evaluate shape solutions based on their knowledge and expertise to the computational system. At the same time, the aesthetic system is trained in adaptation to the choices made by the designer. Furthermore, an initial image input allows the designer to add a design reference to the Typogenetic Design process. Shape comparison using a similarity measure provides additional guidance to the architectural shape generation using grammar evolution. Finally, a software prototype was built and tested by means of user-experience evaluation. These participant experiments led to the specification of custom software requirements for the software implementation of a parametric Typogenetic tool. I explored semi-automated design in application to different design cases using the software prototype of Typogenetic Design. Interactive mass-customisation is a promising application of Typogenetic Design to interactively specify product structure and component composition. The semi-automated design paradigm is one step on the way to moderating the balance between automation and control of computational design systems