7,484 research outputs found

    The difficulty of folding self-folding origami

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    Why is it difficult to refold a previously folded sheet of paper? We show that even crease patterns with only one designed folding motion inevitably contain an exponential number of `distractor' folding branches accessible from a bifurcation at the flat state. Consequently, refolding a sheet requires finding the ground state in a glassy energy landscape with an exponential number of other attractors of higher energy, much like in models of protein folding (Levinthal's paradox) and other NP-hard satisfiability (SAT) problems. As in these problems, we find that refolding a sheet requires actuation at multiple carefully chosen creases. We show that seeding successful folding in this way can be understood in terms of sub-patterns that fold when cut out (`folding islands'). Besides providing guidelines for the placement of active hinges in origami applications, our results point to fundamental limits on the programmability of energy landscapes in sheets.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Field theory for a reaction-diffusion model of quasispecies dynamics

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    RNA viruses are known to replicate with extremely high mutation rates. These rates are actually close to the so-called error threshold. This threshold is in fact a critical point beyond which genetic information is lost through a second-order phase transition, which has been dubbed the ``error catastrophe.'' Here we explore this phenomenon using a field theory approximation to the spatially extended Swetina-Schuster quasispecies model [J. Swetina and P. Schuster, Biophys. Chem. {\bf 16}, 329 (1982)], a single-sharp-peak landscape. In analogy with standard absorbing-state phase transitions, we develop a reaction-diffusion model whose discrete rules mimic the Swetina-Schuster model. The field theory representation of the reaction-diffusion system is constructed. The proposed field theory belongs to the same universality class than a conserved reaction-diffusion model previously proposed [F. van Wijland {\em et al.}, Physica A {\bf 251}, 179 (1998)]. From the field theory, we obtain the full set of exponents that characterize the critical behavior at the error threshold. Our results present the error catastrophe from a new point of view and suggest that spatial degrees of freedom can modify several mean field predictions previously considered, leading to the definition of characteristic exponents that could be experimentally measurable.Comment: 13 page

    Micrographia of the twenty-first century: from camera obscura to 4D microscopy

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    In this paper, the evolutionary and revolutionary developments of microscopic imaging are overviewed with a perspective on origins. From Alhazen’s camera obscura, to Hooke and van Leeuwenhoek’s two-dimensional optical micrography, and on to three- and four-dimensional (4D) electron microscopy, these developments over a millennium have transformed humans’ scope of visualization. The changes in the length and time scales involved are unimaginable, beginning with the visible shadows of candles at the centimetre and second scales, and ending with invisible atoms with space and time dimensions of sub-nanometre and femtosecond. With these advances it has become possible to determine the structures of matter and to observe their elementary dynamics as they unfold in real time. Such observations provide the means for visualizing materials behaviour and biological function, with the aim of understanding emergent phenomena in complex systems

    4D ultrafast electron diffraction, crystallography, and microscopy

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    In this review, we highlight the progress made in the development of 4D ultrafast electron diffraction (UED), crystallography (UEC), and microscopy (UEM) with a focus on concepts, methodologies, and prototypical applications. The joint atomic-scale resolutions in space and time, and sensitivity reached, make it possible to determine complex transient structures and assemblies in different phases. These applications include studies of isolated chemical reactions (molecular beams), interfaces, surfaces and nanocrystals, self-assembly, and 2D crystalline fatty-acid bilayers. In 4D UEM, we are now able, using timed, single-electron packets, to image nano-to-micro scale structures of materials and biological cells. Future applications of these methods are foreseen across areas of physics, chemistry, and biology

    Self-assembly scenarios of patchy colloidal particles

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    The rapid progress in precisely designing the surface decoration of patchy colloidal particles offers a new, yet unexperienced freedom to create building entities for larger, more complex structures in soft matter systems. However, it is extremely difficult to predict the large variety of ordered equilibrium structures that these particles are able to undergo under the variation of external parameters, such as temperature or pressure. Here we show that, by a novel combination of two theoretical tools, it is indeed possible to predict the self-assembly scenario of patchy colloidal particles: on one hand, a reliable and efficient optimization tool based on ideas of evolutionary algorithms helps to identify the ordered equilibrium structures to be expected at T = 0; on the other hand, suitable simulation techniques allow to estimate via free energy calculations the phase diagram at finite temperature. With these powerful approaches we are able to identify the broad variety of emerging self-assembly scenarios for spherical colloids decorated by four patches and we investigate and discuss the stability of the crystal structures on modifying in a controlled way the tetrahedral arrangement of the patches.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, Soft Matter Communication (accepted

    Spatial multi-level interacting particle simulations and information theory-based error quantification

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    We propose a hierarchy of multi-level kinetic Monte Carlo methods for sampling high-dimensional, stochastic lattice particle dynamics with complex interactions. The method is based on the efficient coupling of different spatial resolution levels, taking advantage of the low sampling cost in a coarse space and by developing local reconstruction strategies from coarse-grained dynamics. Microscopic reconstruction corrects possibly significant errors introduced through coarse-graining, leading to the controlled-error approximation of the sampled stochastic process. In this manner, the proposed multi-level algorithm overcomes known shortcomings of coarse-graining of particle systems with complex interactions such as combined long and short-range particle interactions and/or complex lattice geometries. Specifically, we provide error analysis for the approximation of long-time stationary dynamics in terms of relative entropy and prove that information loss in the multi-level methods is growing linearly in time, which in turn implies that an appropriate observable in the stationary regime is the information loss of the path measures per unit time. We show that this observable can be either estimated a priori, or it can be tracked computationally a posteriori in the course of a simulation. The stationary regime is of critical importance to molecular simulations as it is relevant to long-time sampling, obtaining phase diagrams and in studying metastability properties of high-dimensional complex systems. Finally, the multi-level nature of the method provides flexibility in combining rejection-free and null-event implementations, generating a hierarchy of algorithms with an adjustable number of rejections that includes well-known rejection-free and null-event algorithms.Comment: 34 page