2,391 research outputs found

    Challenging the Computational Metaphor: Implications for How We Think

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    This paper explores the role of the traditional computational metaphor in our thinking as computer scientists, its influence on epistemological styles, and its implications for our understanding of cognition. It proposes to replace the conventional metaphor--a sequence of steps--with the notion of a community of interacting entities, and examines the ramifications of such a shift on these various ways in which we think

    Viewfinder: final activity report

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    The VIEW-FINDER project (2006-2009) is an 'Advanced Robotics' project that seeks to apply a semi-autonomous robotic system to inspect ground safety in the event of a fire. Its primary aim is to gather data (visual and chemical) in order to assist rescue personnel. A base station combines the gathered information with information retrieved from off-site sources. The project addresses key issues related to map building and reconstruction, interfacing local command information with external sources, human-robot interfaces and semi-autonomous robot navigation. The VIEW-FINDER system is a semi-autonomous; the individual robot-sensors operate autonomously within the limits of the task assigned to them, that is, they will autonomously navigate through and inspect an area. Human operators monitor their operations and send high level task requests as well as low level commands through the interface to any nodes in the entire system. The human interface has to ensure the human supervisor and human interveners are provided a reduced but good and relevant overview of the ground and the robots and human rescue workers therein

    Context-aware design and motion planning for autonomous service robots

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    Autonomous Navigation and Mapping using Monocular Low-Resolution Grayscale Vision

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    Vision has been a powerful tool for navigation of intelligent and man-made systems ever since the cybernetics revolution in the 1970s. There have been two basic approaches to the navigation of computer controlled systems: The self-contained bottom-up development of sensorimotor abilities, namely perception and mobility, and the top-down approach, namely artificial intelligence, reasoning and knowledge based methods. The three-fold goal of autonomous exploration, mapping and localization of a mobile robot however, needs to be developed within a single framework. An algorithm is proposed to answer the challenges of autonomous corridor navigation and mapping by a mobile robot equipped with a single forward-facing camera. Using a combination of corridor ceiling lights, visual homing, and entropy, the robot is able to perform straight line navigation down the center of an unknown corridor. Turning at the end of a corridor is accomplished using Jeffrey divergence and time-to-collision, while deflection from dead ends and blank walls uses a scalar entropy measure of the entire image. When combined, these metrics allow the robot to navigate in both textured and untextured environments. The robot can autonomously explore an unknown indoor environment, recovering from difficult situations like corners, blank walls, and initial heading toward a wall. While exploring, the algorithm constructs a Voronoi-based topo-geometric map with nodes representing distinctive places like doors, water fountains, and other corridors. Because the algorithm is based entirely upon low-resolution (32 x 24) grayscale images, processing occurs at over 1000 frames per second

    Low-Resolution Vision for Autonomous Mobile Robots

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    The goal of this research is to develop algorithms using low-resolution images to perceive and understand a typical indoor environment and thereby enable a mobile robot to autonomously navigate such an environment. We present techniques for three problems: autonomous exploration, corridor classification, and minimalistic geometric representation of an indoor environment for navigation. First, we present a technique for mobile robot exploration in unknown indoor environments using only a single forward-facing camera. Rather than processing all the data, the method intermittently examines only small 32X24 downsampled grayscale images. We show that for the task of indoor exploration the visual information is highly redundant, allowing successful navigation even using only a small fraction (0.02%) of the available data. The method keeps the robot centered in the corridor by estimating two state parameters: the orientation within the corridor and the distance to the end of the corridor. The orientation is determined by combining the results of five complementary measures, while the estimated distance to the end combines the results of three complementary measures. These measures, which are predominantly information-theoretic, are analyzed independently, and the combined system is tested in several unknown corridor buildings exhibiting a wide variety of appearances, showing the sufficiency of low-resolution visual information for mobile robot exploration. Because the algorithm discards such a large percentage (99.98%) of the information both spatially and temporally, processing occurs at an average of 1000 frames per second, or equivalently takes a small fraction of the CPU. Second, we present an algorithm using image entropy to detect and classify corridor junctions from low resolution images. Because entropy can be used to perceive depth, it can be used to detect an open corridor in a set of images recorded by turning a robot at a junction by 360 degrees. Our algorithm involves detecting peaks from continuously measured entropy values and determining the angular distance between the detected peaks to determine the type of junction that was recorded (either middle, L-junction, T-junction, dead-end, or cross junction). We show that the same algorithm can be used to detect open corridors from both monocular as well as omnidirectional images. Third, we propose a minimalistic corridor representation consisting of the orientation line (center) and the wall-floor boundaries (lateral limit). The representation is extracted from low-resolution images using a novel combination of information theoretic measures and gradient cues. Our study investigates the impact of image resolution upon the accuracy of extracting such a geometry, showing that centerline and wall-floor boundaries can be estimated with reasonable accuracy even in texture-poor environments with low-resolution images. In a database of 7 unique corridor sequences for orientation measurements, less than 2% additional error was observed as the resolution of the image decreased by 99.9%

    MIRO: A robot “Mammal” with a biomimetic brain-based control system

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    We describe the design of a novel commercial biomimetic brain-based robot, MIRO, developed as a prototype robot companion. The MIRO robot is animal-like in several aspects of its appearance, however, it is also biomimetic in a more significant way, in that its control architecture mimics some of the key principles underlying the design of the mammalian brain as revealed by neuroscience. Specifically, MIRO builds on decades of previous work in developing robots with brain-based control systems using a layered control architecture alongside centralized mechanisms for integration and action selection. MIRO’s control system operates across three core processors, P1-P3, that mimic aspects of spinal cord, brainstem, and forebrain functionality respectively. Whilst designed as a versatile prototype for next generation companion robots, MIRO also provides developers and researchers with a new platform for investigating the potential advantages of brain-based control

    Mobile Robots Navigation

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    Mobile robots navigation includes different interrelated activities: (i) perception, as obtaining and interpreting sensory information; (ii) exploration, as the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; (iii) mapping, involving the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; (iv) localization, as the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; (v) path planning, as the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and (vi) path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. The book addresses those activities by integrating results from the research work of several authors all over the world. Research cases are documented in 32 chapters organized within 7 categories next described

    Advances in Robot Navigation

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    Robot navigation includes different interrelated activities such as perception - obtaining and interpreting sensory information; exploration - the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; mapping - the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; localization - the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; path planning - the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. This book integrates results from the research work of authors all over the world, addressing the abovementioned activities and analyzing the critical implications of dealing with dynamic environments. Different solutions providing adaptive navigation are taken from nature inspiration, and diverse applications are described in the context of an important field of study: social robotics
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