4,338 research outputs found

    Enhancing active model learning with equivalence checking using simulation relations

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    We present a new active model-learning approach to generating abstractions of a system from its execution traces. Given a system and a set of observables to collect execution traces, the abstraction produced by the algorithm is guaranteed to admit all system traces over the set of observables. To achieve this, the approach uses a pluggable model-learning component that can generate a model from a given set of traces. Conditions that encode a certain completeness hypothesis, formulated based on simulation relations, are then extracted from the abstraction under construction and used to evaluate its degree of completeness. The extracted conditions are sufficient to prove model completeness but not necessary. If all conditions are true, the algorithm terminates, returning a system overapproximation. A condition falsification may not necessarily correspond to missing system behaviour in the abstraction. This is resolved by applying model checking to determine whether it corresponds to any concrete system trace. If so, the new concrete trace is used to iteratively learn new abstractions, until all extracted completeness conditions are true. To evaluate the approach, we reverse-engineer a set of publicly available Simulink Stateflow models from their C implementations. Our algorithm generates an equivalent model for 98% of the Stateflow models

    LIFTS: Learning Featured Transition Systems

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    Residual Nominal Automata

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    Nominal automata are models for accepting languages over infinite alphabets. In this paper we refine the hierarchy of nondeterministic nominal automata, by developing the theory of residual nominal automata. In particular, we show that they admit canonical minimal representatives, and that the universality problem becomes decidable. We also study exact learning of these automata, and settle questions that were left open about their learnability via observations

    Residual Nominal Automata

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    We are motivated by the following question: which nominal languages admit an active learning algorithm? This question was left open in previous work, and is particularly challenging for languages recognised by nondeterministic automata. To answer it, we develop the theory of residual nominal automata, a subclass of nondeterministic nominal automata. We prove that this class has canonical representatives, which can always be constructed via a finite number of observations. This property enables active learning algorithms, and makes up for the fact that residuality - a semantic property - is undecidable for nominal automata. Our construction for canonical residual automata is based on a machine-independent characterisation of residual languages, for which we develop new results in nominal lattice theory. Studying residuality in the context of nominal languages is a step towards a better understanding of learnability of automata with some sort of nondeterminism

    An Immune Inspired Approach to Anomaly Detection

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    The immune system provides a rich metaphor for computer security: anomaly detection that works in nature should work for machines. However, early artificial immune system approaches for computer security had only limited success. Arguably, this was due to these artificial systems being based on too simplistic a view of the immune system. We present here a second generation artificial immune system for process anomaly detection. It improves on earlier systems by having different artificial cell types that process information. Following detailed information about how to build such second generation systems, we find that communication between cells types is key to performance. Through realistic testing and validation we show that second generation artificial immune systems are capable of anomaly detection beyond generic system policies. The paper concludes with a discussion and outline of the next steps in this exciting area of computer security.Comment: 19 pages, 4 tables, 2 figures, Handbook of Research on Information Security and Assuranc

    Model-based quality assurance of instrumented context-free systems

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    The ever-growing complexity of today’s software and hardware systems makes quality assurance (QA) a challenging task. Abstraction is a key technique for dealing with this complexity because it allows one to skip non-essential properties of a system and focus on the important ones. Crucial for the success of this approach is the availability of adequate abstraction models that strike a fine balance between simplicity and expressiveness. This thesis presents the formalisms of systems of procedural automata (SPAs), systems of behavioral automata (SBAs), and systems of procedural Mealy machines (SPMMs). The three model types describe systems which consist of multiple procedures that can mutually call each other, including recursion. While the individual procedures are described by regular automata and therefore are easy to understand, the aggregation of procedures towards systems captures the semantics of context-free systems, offering the expressiveness necessary for representing procedural systems. A central concept of the proposed model types is an instrumentation that exposes the internal structure of systems by making calls to and returns from procedures observable. This instrumentation allows for a notion of rigorous (de-) composition which enables a translation between local (procedural) views and global (holistic) views on a system. On the basis of this translation, this thesis presents algorithms for the verification, testing, and learning of (instrumented) context-free systems, covering a broad spectrum of practical QA tasks. Starting with SPAs as a “base” formalism for context-free systems, the flexibility of this concept is shown by including features such as prefix-closure (SBAs) and dialog-based transductions (SPMMs). In a comparison with related formalisms, this thesis shows that the simplicity of the proposed model types not only increases the understandability of models but can also improve the performance of QA tasks. This makes SPAs, SBAs, and SPMMs a powerful tool for tackling the practical challenges of assuring the quality of today’s software and hardware systems

    Fujaba days 2009 : proceedings of the 7th international Fujaba days, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, November 16-17, 2009

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    Fujaba is an Open Source UML CASE tool project started at the software engineering group of Paderborn University in 1997. In 2002 Fujaba has been redesigned and became the Fujaba Tool Suite with a plug-in architecture allowing developers to add functionality easily while retaining full control over their contributions. Multiple Application Domains Fujaba followed the model-driven development philosophy right from its beginning in 1997. At the early days, Fujaba had a special focus on code generation from UML diagrams resulting in a visual programming language with a special emphasis on object structure manipulating rules. Today, at least six rather independent tool versions are under development in Paderborn, Kassel, and Darmstadt for supporting (1) reengineering, (2) embedded real-time systems, (3) education, (4) specification of distributed control systems, (5) integration with the ECLIPSE platform, and (6) MOF-based integration of system (re-) engineering tools. International Community According to our knowledge, quite a number of research groups have also chosen Fujaba as a platform for UML and MDA related research activities. In addition, quite a number of Fujaba users send requests for more functionality and extensions. Therefore, the 7th International Fujaba Days aimed at bringing together Fujaba developers and Fujaba users from all over the world to present their ideas and projects and to discuss them with each other and with the Fujaba core development team

    Fujaba days 2009 : proceedings of the 7th international Fujaba days, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, November 16-17, 2009

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    Fujaba is an Open Source UML CASE tool project started at the software engineering group of Paderborn University in 1997. In 2002 Fujaba has been redesigned and became the Fujaba Tool Suite with a plug-in architecture allowing developers to add functionality easily while retaining full control over their contributions. Multiple Application Domains Fujaba followed the model-driven development philosophy right from its beginning in 1997. At the early days, Fujaba had a special focus on code generation from UML diagrams resulting in a visual programming language with a special emphasis on object structure manipulating rules. Today, at least six rather independent tool versions are under development in Paderborn, Kassel, and Darmstadt for supporting (1) reengineering, (2) embedded real-time systems, (3) education, (4) specification of distributed control systems, (5) integration with the ECLIPSE platform, and (6) MOF-based integration of system (re-) engineering tools. International Community According to our knowledge, quite a number of research groups have also chosen Fujaba as a platform for UML and MDA related research activities. In addition, quite a number of Fujaba users send requests for more functionality and extensions. Therefore, the 7th International Fujaba Days aimed at bringing together Fujaba developers and Fujaba users from all over the world to present their ideas and projects and to discuss them with each other and with the Fujaba core development team
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