30,859 research outputs found

    Analyzing Input and Output Representations for Speech-Driven Gesture Generation

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    This paper presents a novel framework for automatic speech-driven gesture generation, applicable to human-agent interaction including both virtual agents and robots. Specifically, we extend recent deep-learning-based, data-driven methods for speech-driven gesture generation by incorporating representation learning. Our model takes speech as input and produces gestures as output, in the form of a sequence of 3D coordinates. Our approach consists of two steps. First, we learn a lower-dimensional representation of human motion using a denoising autoencoder neural network, consisting of a motion encoder MotionE and a motion decoder MotionD. The learned representation preserves the most important aspects of the human pose variation while removing less relevant variation. Second, we train a novel encoder network SpeechE to map from speech to a corresponding motion representation with reduced dimensionality. At test time, the speech encoder and the motion decoder networks are combined: SpeechE predicts motion representations based on a given speech signal and MotionD then decodes these representations to produce motion sequences. We evaluate different representation sizes in order to find the most effective dimensionality for the representation. We also evaluate the effects of using different speech features as input to the model. We find that mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), alone or combined with prosodic features, perform the best. The results of a subsequent user study confirm the benefits of the representation learning.Comment: Accepted at IVA '19. Shorter version published at AAMAS '19. The code is available at https://github.com/GestureGeneration/Speech_driven_gesture_generation_with_autoencode

    Speech-driven Animation with Meaningful Behaviors

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    Conversational agents (CAs) play an important role in human computer interaction. Creating believable movements for CAs is challenging, since the movements have to be meaningful and natural, reflecting the coupling between gestures and speech. Studies in the past have mainly relied on rule-based or data-driven approaches. Rule-based methods focus on creating meaningful behaviors conveying the underlying message, but the gestures cannot be easily synchronized with speech. Data-driven approaches, especially speech-driven models, can capture the relationship between speech and gestures. However, they create behaviors disregarding the meaning of the message. This study proposes to bridge the gap between these two approaches overcoming their limitations. The approach builds a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN), where a discrete variable is added to constrain the behaviors on the underlying constraint. The study implements and evaluates the approach with two constraints: discourse functions and prototypical behaviors. By constraining on the discourse functions (e.g., questions), the model learns the characteristic behaviors associated with a given discourse class learning the rules from the data. By constraining on prototypical behaviors (e.g., head nods), the approach can be embedded in a rule-based system as a behavior realizer creating trajectories that are timely synchronized with speech. The study proposes a DBN structure and a training approach that (1) models the cause-effect relationship between the constraint and the gestures, (2) initializes the state configuration models increasing the range of the generated behaviors, and (3) captures the differences in the behaviors across constraints by enforcing sparse transitions between shared and exclusive states per constraint. Objective and subjective evaluations demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach over an unconstrained model.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, 5 table

    Articulatory features for speech-driven head motion synthesis

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    This study investigates the use of articulatory features for speech-driven head motion synthesis as opposed to prosody features such as F0 and energy that have been mainly used in the literature. In the proposed approach, multi-stream HMMs are trained jointly on the synchronous streams of speech and head motion data. Articulatory features can be regarded as an intermediate parametrisation of speech that are expected to have a close link with head movement. Measured head and articulatory movements acquired by EMA were synchronously recorded with speech. Measured articulatory data was compared to those predicted from speech using an HMM-based inversion mapping system trained in a semi-supervised fashion. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) on a data set of free speech of 12 people shows that the articulatory features are more correlated with head rotation than prosodic and/or cepstral speech features. It is also shown that the synthesised head motion using articulatory features gave higher correlations with the original head motion than when only prosodic features are used. Index Terms: head motion synthesis, articulatory features, canonical correlation analysis, acoustic-to-articulatory mappin

    Relating Objective and Subjective Performance Measures for AAM-based Visual Speech Synthesizers

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    We compare two approaches for synthesizing visual speech using Active Appearance Models (AAMs): one that utilizes acoustic features as input, and one that utilizes a phonetic transcription as input. Both synthesizers are trained using the same data and the performance is measured using both objective and subjective testing. We investigate the impact of likely sources of error in the synthesized visual speech by introducing typical errors into real visual speech sequences and subjectively measuring the perceived degradation. When only a small region (e.g. a single syllable) of ground-truth visual speech is incorrect we find that the subjective score for the entire sequence is subjectively lower than sequences generated by our synthesizers. This observation motivates further consideration of an often ignored issue, which is to what extent are subjective measures correlated with objective measures of performance? Significantly, we find that the most commonly used objective measures of performance are not necessarily the best indicator of viewer perception of quality. We empirically evaluate alternatives and show that the cost of a dynamic time warp of synthesized visual speech parameters to the respective ground-truth parameters is a better indicator of subjective quality

    A Review of Evaluation Practices of Gesture Generation in Embodied Conversational Agents

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    Embodied Conversational Agents (ECA) take on different forms, including virtual avatars or physical agents, such as a humanoid robot. ECAs are often designed to produce nonverbal behaviour to complement or enhance its verbal communication. One form of nonverbal behaviour is co-speech gesturing, which involves movements that the agent makes with its arms and hands that is paired with verbal communication. Co-speech gestures for ECAs can be created using different generation methods, such as rule-based and data-driven processes. However, reports on gesture generation methods use a variety of evaluation measures, which hinders comparison. To address this, we conducted a systematic review on co-speech gesture generation methods for iconic, metaphoric, deictic or beat gestures, including their evaluation methods. We reviewed 22 studies that had an ECA with a human-like upper body that used co-speech gesturing in a social human-agent interaction, including a user study to evaluate its performance. We found most studies used a within-subject design and relied on a form of subjective evaluation, but lacked a systematic approach. Overall, methodological quality was low-to-moderate and few systematic conclusions could be drawn. We argue that the field requires rigorous and uniform tools for the evaluation of co-speech gesture systems. We have proposed recommendations for future empirical evaluation, including standardised phrases and test scenarios to test generative models. We have proposed a research checklist that can be used to report relevant information for the evaluation of generative models as well as to evaluate co-speech gesture use.Comment: 9 page

    Learning Speech-driven 3D Conversational Gestures from Video

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    We propose the first approach to automatically and jointly synthesize both the synchronous 3D conversational body and hand gestures, as well as 3D face and head animations, of a virtual character from speech input. Our algorithm uses a CNN architecture that leverages the inherent correlation between facial expression and hand gestures. Synthesis of conversational body gestures is a multi-modal problem since many similar gestures can plausibly accompany the same input speech. To synthesize plausible body gestures in this setting, we train a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based model that measures the plausibility of the generated sequences of 3D body motion when paired with the input audio features. We also contribute a new way to create a large corpus of more than 33 hours of annotated body, hand, and face data from in-the-wild videos of talking people. To this end, we apply state-of-the-art monocular approaches for 3D body and hand pose estimation as well as dense 3D face performance capture to the video corpus. In this way, we can train on orders of magnitude more data than previous algorithms that resort to complex in-studio motion capture solutions, and thereby train more expressive synthesis algorithms. Our experiments and user study show the state-of-the-art quality of our speech-synthesized full 3D character animations