2,925 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Seifert fibred spaces with transitive cyclic automorphism group

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    In combinatorial topology we aim to triangulate manifolds such that their topological properties are reflected in the combinatorial structure of their description. Here, we give a combinatorial criterion on when exactly triangulations of 3-manifolds with transitive cyclic symmetry can be generalised to an infinite family of such triangulations with similarly strong combinatorial properties. In particular, we construct triangulations of Seifert fibred spaces with transitive cyclic symmetry where the symmetry preserves the fibres and acts non-trivially on the homology of the spaces. The triangulations include the Brieskorn homology spheres Σ(p,q,r)\Sigma (p,q,r), the lens spaces L(q,1)\operatorname{L} (q,1) and, as a limit case, (S2×S1)#(p1)(q1)(\mathbf{S}^2 \times \mathbf{S}^1)^{\# (p-1)(q-1)}.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures. Minor update. To appear in Israel Journal of Mathematic

    Special Lagrangian torus fibrations of complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds: a geometric conjecture

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    For complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds in toric varieties, Gross and Haase-Zharkov have given a conjectural combinatorial description of the special Lagrangian torus fibrations whose existence was predicted by Strominger, Yau and Zaslow. We present a geometric version of this construction, generalizing an earlier conjecture of the first author.Comment: 23 pagers, 10 figure

    Partitioning the triangles of the cross polytope into surfaces

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    We present a constructive proof that there exists a decomposition of the 2-skeleton of the k-dimensional cross polytope βk\beta^k into closed surfaces of genus g1g \leq 1, each with a transitive automorphism group given by the vertex transitive Z2k\mathbb{Z}_{2k}-action on βk\beta^k. Furthermore we show that for each k1,5(6)k \equiv 1,5(6) the 2-skeleton of the (k-1)-simplex is a union of highly symmetric tori and M\"obius strips.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure. Minor update. Journal-ref: Beitr. Algebra Geom. / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, 53(2):473-486, 201

    On cyclic branched coverings of prime knots

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    We prove that a prime knot K is not determined by its p-fold cyclic branched cover for at most two odd primes p. Moreover, we show that for a given odd prime p, the p-fold cyclic branched cover of a prime knot K is the p-fold cyclic branched cover of at most one more knot K' non equivalent to K. To prove the main theorem, a result concerning the symmetries of knots is also obtained. This latter result can be interpreted as a characterisation of the trivial knot.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    Triangulated Manifolds with Few Vertices: Centrally Symmetric Spheres and Products of Spheres

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    The aim of this paper is to give a survey of the known results concerning centrally symmetric polytopes, spheres, and manifolds. We further enumerate nearly neighborly centrally symmetric spheres and centrally symmetric products of spheres with dihedral or cyclic symmetry on few vertices, and we present an infinite series of vertex-transitive nearly neighborly centrally symmetric 3-spheres.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figure

    Diversity in the Tail of the Intersecting Brane Landscape

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    Techniques are developed for exploring the complete space of intersecting brane models on an orientifold. The classification of all solutions for the widely-studied T^6/Z_2 x Z_2 orientifold is made possible by computing all combinations of branes with negative tadpole contributions. This provides the necessary information to systematically and efficiently identify all models in this class with specific characteristics. In particular, all ways in which a desired group G can be realized by a system of intersecting branes can be enumerated in polynomial time. We identify all distinct brane realizations of the gauge groups SU(3) x SU(2) and SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) which can be embedded in any model which is compatible with the tadpole and SUSY constraints. We compute the distribution of the number of generations of "quarks" and find that 3 is neither suppressed nor particularly enhanced compared to other odd generation numbers. The overall distribution of models is found to have a long tail. Despite disproportionate suppression of models in the tail by K-theory constraints, the tail in the distribution contains much of the diversity of low-energy physics structure.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figure

    Many projectively unique polytopes

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    We construct an infinite family of 4-polytopes whose realization spaces have dimension smaller or equal to 96. This in particular settles a problem going back to Legendre and Steinitz: whether and how the dimension of the realization space of a polytope is determined/bounded by its f-vector. From this, we derive an infinite family of combinatorially distinct 69-dimensional polytopes whose realization is unique up to projective transformation. This answers a problem posed by Perles and Shephard in the sixties. Moreover, our methods naturally lead to several interesting classes of projectively unique polytopes, among them projectively unique polytopes inscribed to the sphere. The proofs rely on a novel construction technique for polytopes based on solving Cauchy problems for discrete conjugate nets in S^d, a new Alexandrov--van Heijenoort Theorem for manifolds with boundary and a generalization of Lawrence's extension technique for point configurations.Comment: 44 pages, 18 figures; to appear in Invent. mat