174 research outputs found

    Computing Runs on a Trie

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    A maximal repetition, or run, in a string, is a maximal periodic substring whose smallest period is at most half the length of the substring. In this paper, we consider runs that correspond to a path on a trie, or in other words, on a rooted edge-labeled tree where the endpoints of the path must be a descendant/ancestor of the other. For a trie with n edges, we show that the number of runs is less than n. We also show an O(n sqrt{log n}log log n) time and O(n) space algorithm for counting and finding the shallower endpoint of all runs. We further show an O(n log n) time and O(n) space algorithm for finding both endpoints of all runs. We also discuss how to improve the running time even more

    Text indexing for long patterns: Anchors are all you need

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    In many real-world database systems, a large fraction of the data is represented by strings: Sequences of letters over some alphabet. This is because strings can easily encode data arising from different sources. It is often crucial to represent such string datasets in a compact form but also to simultaneously enable fast pattern matching queries. This is the classic text indexing problem. The four absolute measures anyone should pay attention to when designing or implementing a text index are: (ⅰ) index space; (ⅱ) query time;(ⅲ) construction space; and (iv) construction time. Unfortunately, however, most (if not all) widely-used indexes (e.g., suffix tree, suffix array, or their compressed counterparts) are not optimized for all four measures simultaneously, as it is difficult to have the best of all four worlds. Here, we take an important step in this direction by showing that text indexing with locally consistent anchors (lc-anchors) offers remarkably good performance in all four measures, when we have at hand a lower bound ℓ on the length of the queried patterns — which is arguably a quite reasonable assumption in practical applications. Specifically, we improve on the construction of the index proposed by Loukides and Pissis, which is based on bidirectional string anchors (bd-anchors), a new type of lc-anchors,by: (i) designing an average-case linear-time algorithm to compute bd-anchors; and (ii) developing a semi-external-memory implementation to construct the index in small space using near-optimal work. We then present an extensive experimental evaluation, based on the four measures, using real benchmark datasets. The results show that, for long patterns, the index constructed using our improved algorithms compares favorably to all classic indexes: (compressed) suffix tree; (compressed) suffix array; and the FM-index

    Lyndon Arrays in Sublinear Time

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    ?} with ? ? n. In this case, the string can be stored in O(n log ?) bits (or O(n / log_? n) words) of memory, and reading it takes only O(n / log_? n) time. We show that O(n / log_? n) time and words of space suffice to compute the succinct 2n-bit version of the Lyndon array. The time is optimal for w = O(log n). The algorithm uses precomputed lookup tables to perform significant parts of the computation in constant time. This is possible due to properties of periodic substrings, which we carefully analyze to achieve the desired result. We envision that the algorithm has applications in the computation of runs (maximal periodic substrings), where the Lyndon array plays a central role in both theoretically and practically fast algorithms

    Longest Common Subsequence on Weighted Sequences

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    We consider the general problem of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) on weighted sequences. Weighted sequences are an extension of classical strings, where in each position every letter of the alphabet may occur with some probability. Previous results presented a PTAS and noticed that no FPTAS is possible unless P=NP. In this paper we essentially close the gap between upper and lower bounds by improving both. First of all, we provide an EPTAS for bounded alphabets (which is the most natural case), and prove that there does not exist any EPTAS for unbounded alphabets unless FPT=W[1]. Furthermore, under the Exponential Time Hypothesis, we provide a lower bound which shows that no significantly better PTAS can exist for unbounded alphabets. As a side note, we prove that it is sufficient to work with only one threshold in the general variant of the problem

    Forbidden Extension Queries

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    Document retrieval is one of the most fundamental problem in information retrieval. The objective is to retrieve all documents from a document collection that are relevant to an input pattern. Several variations of this problem such as ranked document retrieval, document listing with two patterns and forbidden patterns have been studied. We introduce the problem of document retrieval with forbidden extensions. Let D={T_1,T_2,...,T_D} be a collection of D string documents of n characters in total, and P^+ and P^- be two query patterns, where P^+ is a proper prefix of P^-. We call P^- as the forbidden extension of the included pattern P^+. A forbidden extension query asks to report all occ documents in D that contains P^+ as a substring, but does not contain P^- as one. A top-k forbidden extension query asks to report those k documents among the occ documents that are most relevant to P^+. We present a linear index (in words) with an O(|P^-| + occ) query time for the document listing problem. For the top-k version of the problem, we achieve the following results, when the relevance of a document is based on PageRank: - an O(n) space (in words) index with O(|P^-|log sigma+ k) query time, where sigma is the size of the alphabet from which characters in D are chosen. For constant alphabets, this yields an optimal query time of O(|P^-|+ k). - for any constant epsilon > 0, a |CSA| + |CSA^*| + Dlog frac{n}{D} + O(n) bits index with O(search(P)+ k cdot tsa cdot log ^{2+epsilon} n) query time, where search(P) is the time to find the suffix range of a pattern P, tsa is the time to find suffix (or inverse suffix) array value, and |CSA^*| denotes the maximum of the space needed to store the compressed suffix array CSA of the concatenated text of all documents, or the total space needed to store the individual CSA of each document

    Almost Linear Time Computation of Maximal Repetitions in Run Length Encoded Strings

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    We consider the problem of computing all maximal repetitions contained in a string that is given in run-length encoding. Given a run-length encoding of a string, we show that the maximum number of maximal repetitions contained in the string is at most m+k-1, where m is the size of the run-length encoding, and k is the number of run-length factors whose exponent is at least 2. We also show an algorithm for computing all maximal repetitions in O(m alpha(m)) time and O(m) space, where alpha denotes the inverse Ackermann function
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