257 research outputs found

    Product graph-based higher order contextual similarities for inexact subgraph matching

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record Many algorithms formulate graph matching as an optimization of an objective function of pairwise quantification of nodes and edges of two graphs to be matched. Pairwise measurements usually consider local attributes but disregard contextual information involved in graph structures. We address this issue by proposing contextual similarities between pairs of nodes. This is done by considering the tensor product graph (TPG) of two graphs to be matched, where each node is an ordered pair of nodes of the operand graphs. Contextual similarities between a pair of nodes are computed by accumulating weighted walks (normalized pairwise similarities) terminating at the corresponding paired node in TPG. Once the contextual similarities are obtained, we formulate subgraph matching as a node and edge selection problem in TPG. We use contextual similarities to construct an objective function and optimize it with a linear programming approach. Since random walk formulation through TPG takes into account higher order information, it is not a surprise that we obtain more reliable similarities and better discrimination among the nodes and edges. Experimental results shown on synthetic as well as real benchmarks illustrate that higher order contextual similarities increase discriminating power and allow one to find approximate solutions to the subgraph matching problem.European Union Horizon 202

    Hierarchical stochastic graphlet embedding for graph-based pattern recognition

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer via the DOI in this recordDespite being very successful within the pattern recognition and machine learning community, graph-based methods are often unusable with many machine learning tools. This is because of the incompatibility of most of the mathematical operations in graph domain. Graph embedding has been proposed as a way to tackle these difficulties, which maps graphs to a vector space and makes the standard machine learning techniques applicable for them. However, it is well known that graph embedding techniques usually suffer from the loss of structural information. In this paper, given a graph, we consider its hierarchical structure for mapping it into a vector space. The hierarchical structure is constructed by topologically clustering the graph nodes, and considering each cluster as a node in the upper hierarchical level. Once this hierarchical structure of graph is constructed, we consider its various configurations of its parts, and use stochastic graphlet embedding (SGE) for mapping them into vector space. Broadly speaking, SGE produces a distribution of uniformly sampled low to high order graphlets as a way to embed graphs into the vector space. In what follows, the coarse-to-fine structure of a graph hierarchy and the statistics fetched through the distribution of low to high order stochastic graphlets complements each other and include important structural information with varied contexts. Altogether, these two techniques substantially cope with the usual information loss involved in graph embedding techniques, and it is not a surprise that we obtain more robust vector space embedding of graphs. This fact has been corroborated through a detailed experimental evaluation on various benchmark graph datasets, where we outperform the state-of-the-art methods.European Union Horizon 2020Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, SpainGeneralitat de Cataluny

    Multimedia Retrieval

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    Dynamical Models of Biology and Medicine

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    Mathematical and computational modeling approaches in biological and medical research are experiencing rapid growth globally. This Special Issue Book intends to scratch the surface of this exciting phenomenon. The subject areas covered involve general mathematical methods and their applications in biology and medicine, with an emphasis on work related to mathematical and computational modeling of the complex dynamics observed in biological and medical research. Fourteen rigorously reviewed papers were included in this Special Issue. These papers cover several timely topics relating to classical population biology, fundamental biology, and modern medicine. While the authors of these papers dealt with very different modeling questions, they were all motivated by specific applications in biology and medicine and employed innovative mathematical and computational methods to study the complex dynamics of their models. We hope that these papers detail case studies that will inspire many additional mathematical modeling efforts in biology and medicin

    Feature based dynamic intra-video indexing

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyWith the advent of digital imagery and its wide spread application in all vistas of life, it has become an important component in the world of communication. Video content ranging from broadcast news, sports, personal videos, surveillance, movies and entertainment and similar domains is increasing exponentially in quantity and it is becoming a challenge to retrieve content of interest from the corpora. This has led to an increased interest amongst the researchers to investigate concepts of video structure analysis, feature extraction, content annotation, tagging, video indexing, querying and retrieval to fulfil the requirements. However, most of the previous work is confined within specific domain and constrained by the quality, processing and storage capabilities. This thesis presents a novel framework agglomerating the established approaches from feature extraction to browsing in one system of content based video retrieval. The proposed framework significantly fills the gap identified while satisfying the imposed constraints of processing, storage, quality and retrieval times. The output entails a framework, methodology and prototype application to allow the user to efficiently and effectively retrieved content of interest such as age, gender and activity by specifying the relevant query. Experiments have shown plausible results with an average precision and recall of 0.91 and 0.92 respectively for face detection using Haar wavelets based approach. Precision of age ranges from 0.82 to 0.91 and recall from 0.78 to 0.84. The recognition of gender gives better precision with males (0.89) compared to females while recall gives a higher value with females (0.92). Activity of the subject has been detected using Hough transform and classified using Hiddell Markov Model. A comprehensive dataset to support similar studies has also been developed as part of the research process. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) providing a friendly and intuitive interface has been integrated into the developed system to facilitate the retrieval process. The comparison results of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) shows that the performance of the system closely resembles with that of the human annotator. The performance has been optimised for time and error rate

    Entity-Oriented Search

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    This open access book covers all facets of entity-oriented search—where “search” can be interpreted in the broadest sense of information access—from a unified point of view, and provides a coherent and comprehensive overview of the state of the art. It represents the first synthesis of research in this broad and rapidly developing area. Selected topics are discussed in-depth, the goal being to establish fundamental techniques and methods as a basis for future research and development. Additional topics are treated at a survey level only, containing numerous pointers to the relevant literature. A roadmap for future research, based on open issues and challenges identified along the way, rounds out the book. The book is divided into three main parts, sandwiched between introductory and concluding chapters. The first two chapters introduce readers to the basic concepts, provide an overview of entity-oriented search tasks, and present the various types and sources of data that will be used throughout the book. Part I deals with the core task of entity ranking: given a textual query, possibly enriched with additional elements or structural hints, return a ranked list of entities. This core task is examined in a number of different variants, using both structured and unstructured data collections, and numerous query formulations. In turn, Part II is devoted to the role of entities in bridging unstructured and structured data. Part III explores how entities can enable search engines to understand the concepts, meaning, and intent behind the query that the user enters into the search box, and how they can provide rich and focused responses (as opposed to merely a list of documents)—a process known as semantic search. The final chapter concludes the book by discussing the limitations of current approaches, and suggesting directions for future research. Researchers and graduate students are the primary target audience of this book. A general background in information retrieval is sufficient to follow the material, including an understanding of basic probability and statistics concepts as well as a basic knowledge of machine learning concepts and supervised learning algorithms

    Transfer learning for multi-channel time-series Human Activity Recognition

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    Abstract for the PHD Thesis Transfer Learning for Multi-Channel Time-Series Human Activity Recognition Methods of human activity recognition (HAR) have been developed for the purpose of automatically classifying recordings of human movements into a set of activities. Capturing, evaluating, and analysing sequential data to recognise human activities accurately is critical for many applications in pervasive and ubiquitous computing applications, e.g., in applications such as mobile- or ambient-assisted living, smart-homes, activities of daily living, health support and rehabilitation, sports, automotive surveillance, and industry 4.0. For example, HAR is particularly interesting for optimisation in those industries where manual work remains dominant. HAR takes as inputs signals from videos or from multi-channel time-series, e.g., human joint measurements from marker-based motion capturing systems and inertial measurements measured by wearables or on-body devices. Wearables have become relevant as they extend the potential of HAR beyond constrained or laboratory settings. This thesis focuses on HAR using multi-channel time-series. Multi-channel Time-Series HAR is, in general, a challenging classification task. This is because human activities and movements show a large variation. Humans carry out in similar manner activities that are semantically very distinctive; conversely, they carry out similar activities in many different ways. Furthermore, multi-channel Time-Series HAR datasets suffer from the class unbalance problem, with more samples of certain activities than others. This problem strongly depends on the annotation. Moreover, there are non-standard definitions of human activities for annotation. Methods based on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are prevalent for Multi-channel Time-Series HAR. Nevertheless, the performance of DNNs has not significantly increased compared to as other fields such as image classification or segmentation. DNNs present a low sample efficiency as they learn the temporal structure from activities completely from data. Considering supervised DNNs, the scarcity of annotated data is the primary concern. Annotated data from human behaviour is scarce and costly to obtain. The annotation process demands enormous resources. Additionally, annotation reliability varies because they can be subject to human errors or unclear and non-elaborated annotation protocols. Transfer learning has been used to cope with a limited amount of annotated data, overfitting, zero-shot learning or classification of unseen human activities, and the class-unbalance problem. Transfer learning can alleviate the problem of scarcity of annotated data. Learnt parameters and feature representations from a specific source domain are transferred to a target domain. Transfer learning extends the usability of large annotated data from source domains to related problems. This thesis proposes a general transfer learning approach to improve automatic multi-channel Time-Series HAR. The proposed transfer learning method combines a semantic attribute representation of activities and a specific deep neural network. It handles situations where the source and target domains differ, i.e., the sensor space and the set of activities change, without needing a large amount of annotated data from the target domain. The method considers different levels of transferability. First, an architecture handles a variate of dataset configurations in regard to the number of devices and their type; it creates fixed-size representations of sensor recordings that are representative of the human limbs. These networks will process sequences of movements from the human limbs, either from poses or inertial measurements. Second, it introduces a search of semantic attribute representations that favourably represent signal segments for recognising human activities in unknown scenarios, as they only consider annotations of activities, and they lack human-annotated semantic attributes. And third, it covers transferability from data of a variety of source datasets. The method takes advantage of a large human-pose dataset as a source domain, which is created during the develop of this thesis. Furthermore, synthetic-inertial measurements will be derived from sequences of human poses either from a marker-based motion capturing system or video-based HAR and pose-based HAR datasets. The latter will specifically use the annotations of pixel-coordinate of human poses as multi-channel time-series data. Real inertial measurements and these synthetic measurements will then be deployed as a source domain for parameter transfer learning. Experimentation on different target datasets demonstrates that the proposed transfer learning method improves performance, most evidently when deploying a proportion of their training material. This outcome suggests that the temporal convolutional filters are rather general as they learn local temporal relations of human movements related to the semantic attributes, independent of the number of devices and their type. A human-limb-oriented deep architecture and an evolutionary algorithm provide an out-of-the-shelf predictor of semantic attributes that can be deployed directly on a new target scenario. Very related problems can directly be addressed by manually giving the attribute-to-activity relations without the need for a search throughout an evolutionary algorithm. Besides, the learnt convolutional filters are activity class dependent. Hence, the classification performance on the activities shared among the datasets improves

    Promotional Campaigns in the Era of Social Platforms

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    The rise of social media has facilitated the diffusion of information to more easily reach millions of users. While some users connect with friends and organically share information and opinions on social media, others have exploited these platforms to gain influence and profit through promotional campaigns and advertising. The existence of promotional campaigns contributes to the spread of misleading information, spam, and fake news. Thus, these campaigns affect the trustworthiness and reliability of social media and render it as a crowd advertising platform. This dissertation studies the existence of promotional campaigns in social media and explores different ways users and bots (i.e. automated accounts) engage in such campaigns. In this dissertation, we design a suite of detection, ranking, and mining techniques. We study user-generated reviews in online e-commerce sites, such as Google Play, to extract campaigns. We identify cooperating sets of bots and classify their interactions in social networks such as Twitter, and rank the bots based on the degree of their malevolence. Our study shows that modern online social interactions are largely modulated by promotional campaigns such as political campaigns, advertisement campaigns, and incentive-driven campaigns. We measure how these campaigns can potentially impact information consumption of millions of social media users