2,639 research outputs found

    On Passive Emitter Tracking in Sensor Networks

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    Radio Frequency Emitter Geolocation Using Cubesats

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    The ability to locate an RF transmitter is a topic of growing interest for civilian and military users alike. Geolocation can provide critical information for the intelligence community, search and rescue operators, and the warfighter. The technology required for geolocation has steadily improved over the past several decades, allowing better performance at longer baseline distances between transmitter and receiver. The expansion of geolocation missions from aircraft to spacecraft has necessitated research into how emerging geolocation methods perform as baseline distances are increased beyond what was previously considered. The CubeSat architecture is a relatively new satellite form which could enable small-scale, low-cost solutions to USAF geolocation needs. This research proposes to use CubeSats as a vehicle to perform geolocation missions in the space domain. The CubeSat form factor considered is a 6-unit architecture that allows for 6000 cm3 of space for hardware. There are a number of methods which have been developed for geolocation applications. This research compares four methods with various sensor configurations and signal properties. The four methods\u27 performance are assessed by simulating and modeling the environment, signals, and geolocation algorithms using MATLAB. The simulations created and run in this research show that the angle of arrival method outperforms the instantaneous received frequency method, especially at higher SNR values. These two methods are possible for single and dual satellite architectures. When three or more satellites are available, the direct position determination method outperforms the three other considered methods

    MmWave V2V Localization in MU-MIMO Hybrid Beamforming

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    Recent trends for vehicular localization in millimetre-wave (mmWave) channels include employing a combination of parameters such as angle of arrival (AOA), angle of departure (AOD), and time of arrival (TOA) of the transmitted/received signals. These parameters are challenging to estimate, which along with the scattering and random nature of mmWave channels, and vehicle mobility lead to errors in localization. To circumvent these challenges, this paper proposes mmWave vehicular localization employing difference of arrival for time and frequency, with multiuser (MU) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) hybrid beamforming; rather than relying on AOD/AOA/TOA estimates. The vehicular localization can exploit the number of vehicles present, as an increase in a number of vehicles reduces the Cramr-Rao bound (CRB) of error estimation. At 10 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) both spatial multiplexing and beamforming result in comparable localization errors. At lower SNR values, spatial multiplexing leads to larger errors compared to beamforming due to formation of spurious peaks in the cross ambiguity function. Accuracy of the estimated parameters is improved by employing an extended Kalman filter leading to a root mean square (RMS) localization error of approximately 6.3 meters

    mmWave V2V Localization in MU-MIMO Hybrid Beamforming

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    Recent trends for vehicular localization in millimetre-wave (mmWave) channels include employing a combination of parameters such as angle of arrival (AOA), angle of departure (AOD), and time of arrival (TOA) of the transmitted/received signals. These parameters are challenging to estimate, which along with the scattering and random nature of mmWave channels, and vehicle mobility lead to errors in localization. To circumvent these challenges, this paper proposes mmWave vehicular localization employing difference of arrival for time and frequency, with multiuser (MU) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) hybrid beamforming; rather than relying on AOD/AOA/TOA estimates. The vehicular localization can exploit the number of vehicles present, as an increase in a number of vehicles reduces the Cramr-Rao bound (CRB) of error estimation. At 10 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) both spatial multiplexing and beamforming result in comparable localization errors. At lower SNR values, spatial multiplexing leads to larger errors compared to beamforming due to formation of spurious peaks in the cross ambiguity function. Accuracy of the estimated parameters is improved by employing an extended Kalman filter leading to a root mean square (RMS) localization error of approximately 6.3 meters


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    Tato dizertace je zaměřena na medicínskou zobrazovací modalitu – ultrazvukovou počítačovou tomografii – a algoritmy zlepšující kvalitu zobrazení, zejména kalibraci USCT přístroje. USCT je novou modalitou kombinující ultrazvukový přenos signálů a principy tomografické rekonstrukce obrazů vyvíjených pro jiné tomografické systémy. V principu lze vytvořit kvantitativní 3D obrazové objemy s vysokým rozlišením a kontrastem. USCT je primárně určeno pro diagnózu rakoviny prsu. Autor spolupracoval na projektu Institutu Zpracování dat a Elektroniky, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, kde je USCT systém vyvíjen. Jeden ze zásadních problémů prototypu USCT v Karlsruhe byla absence kalibrace. Tisíce ultrazvukových měničů se liší v citlivosti, směrovosti a frekvenční odezvě. Tyto parametry jsou navíc proměnné v čase. Další a mnohem závažnější problém byl v pozičních odchylkách jednotlivých měničů. Všechny tyto aspekty mají vliv na konečnou kvalitu rekonstruovaných obrazů. Problém kalibrace si autor zvolil jako hlavní téma dizertace. Tato dizertace popisuje nové metody v oblastech rekonstrukce útlumových obrazů, kalibrace citlivosti měničů a zejména geometrická kalibrace pozic měničů. Tyto metody byly implementovány a otestovány na reálných datech pocházejících z prototypu USCT z Karlsruhe.This dissertation is centered on a medical imaging modality – the ultrasonic computed tomography (USCT) – and algorithms which improve the resulting image quality, namely the calibration of a USCT device. The USCT is a novel imaging modality which combines the phenomenon of ultrasound and image reconstruction principles developed for other tomographic systems. It is capable of producing quantitative 3D image volumes with high resolution and tissue contrast and is primarily aimed at breast cancer diagnosis. The author was involved in a joint research project at the Institute of Data Processing and Electronics, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (German National Research Center), where a USCT system is being developed. One of the main problems in the Karlsruhe USCT prototype was the absence of any calibration. The thousands of transducers used in the system have deviations in sensitivity, directivity, and frequency response. These parameters change over time as the transducers age. Also the mechanical positioning of the transducer elements is not precise. All these aspects greatly affect the overall quality of the reconstructed images. The problem of calibration of a USCT system was chosen as the main topic for this dissertation. The dissertation thesis presents novel methods in the area of reconstruction of attenuation images, sensitivity calibration, and mainly geometrical calibration. The methods were implemented and tested on real data generated by the Karlsruhe USCT device.

    Accuracy and precision of agents orientation in an indoor positioning system using multiple infrastructure lighting spotlights and a PSD sensor

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    In indoor localization there are applications in which the orientation of the agent to be located is as important as knowing the position. In this paper we present the results of the orientation estimation from a local positioning system based on position-sensitive device (PSD) sensors and the visible light emitted from the illumination of the room in which it is located. The orientation estimation will require that the PSD sensor receives signal from either 2 or 4 light sources simultaneously. As will be shown in the article, the error determining the rotation angle of the agent with the on-board sensor is less than 0.2 degrees for two emitters. On the other hand, by using 4 light sources the three Euler rotation angles are determined, with mean errors in the measurements smaller than 0.35◦ for the x- and y-axis and 0.16◦ for the z-axis. The accuracy of the measurement has been evaluated experimentally in a 2.5 m-high ceiling room over an area of 2.2 m2 using geodetic measurement tools to establish the reference ground truth values.Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Manch

    FDOA-based passive source localization: a geometric perspective

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    2018 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.We consider the problem of passively locating the source of a radio-frequency signal using observations by several sensors. Received signals can be compared to obtain time difference of arrival (TDOA) and frequency difference of arrival (FDOA) measurements. The geometric relationship satisfied by these measurements allow us to make inferences about the emitter's location. In this research, we choose to focus on the FDOA-based source localization problem. This problem has been less widely studied and is more difficult than solving for an emitter's location using TDOA measurements. When the FDOA-based source localization problem is formulated as a system of polynomials, the source's position is contained in the corresponding algebraic variety. This provides motivation for the use of methods from algebraic geometry, specifically numerical algebraic geometry (NAG), to solve for the emitter's location and gain insight into this system's interesting structure