186 research outputs found

    Analysis of Iterative Methods for the Steady and Unsteady Stokes Problem: Application to Spectral Element Discretizations

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    A new and detailed analysis of the basic Uzawa algorithm for decoupling of the pressure and the velocity in the steady and unsteady Stokes operator is presented. The paper focuses on the following new aspects: explicit construction of the Uzawa pressure-operator spectrum for a semiperiodic model problem; general relationship of the convergence rate of the Uzawa procedure to classical inf-sup discretization analysis; and application of the method to high-order variational discretization

    On the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of nonsymmetric saddle point matrices preconditioned by block triangular matrices

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    Block lower triangular and block upper triangular matrices are popular preconditioners for nonsymmetric saddle point matrices. In this note we show that a block lower triangular preconditioner gives the same spectrum as a block upper triangular preconditioner and that the eigenvectors of the two preconditioned systems are related

    Preconditioning for active set and projected gradient methods as\ud semi-smooth Newton methods for PDE-constrained optimization\ud with control constraints

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    Optimal control problems with partial differential equations play an important role in many applications. The inclusion of bound constraints for the control poses a significant additional challenge for optimization methods. In this paper we propose preconditioners for the saddle point problems that arise when a primal-dual active set method is used. We also show for this method that the same saddle point system can be derived when the method is considered as a semi-smooth Newton method. In addition, the projected gradient method can be employed to solve optimization problems with simple bounds and we discuss the efficient solution of the linear systems in question. In the case when an acceleration technique is employed for the projected gradient method, this again yields a semi-smooth Newton method that is equivalent to the primal-dual active set method. Numerical results illustrate the competitiveness of this approach

    Fast nonlinear solvers in solid mechanics

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    La thèse a pour objectif le développement de méthodes performantes pour la résolution de problèmes non linéaires ne mécanique des solides. Il est coutume d'utiliser une méthode de type Newton qui conduit à la résolution d'une séquence de systèmes linéaires. De plus, la prise en compte des relations linéaires imposées à l'aide de multiplicateurs de Lagrange confère aux matrices une structure de point-selle. Dans un cadre plus général, nous proposons, étudions et illustrons deux classes d'enrichissement de préconditionneurs (limited memory preconditioners) pour la résolution de séquences de systèmes linéaires par une méthode de Krylov. La première est un extension au cas symétrique indéfini d'une méthode existante, développée initialement dans le cadre symétrique défini positif. La seconde est plus générale dans le sens où elle s'applique aus systèmes non symétriques. Ces deux familles peuvent être interprétées comme des variantes par blocs de formules de mise à jour utilisées dans différentes méthodes d'optimisation. Ces techniques ont été développées dans le logiciel de mécanique des solides Code_Aster (dans un environnement parallèle distribué via la bibliothèque PETSc) et sont illustrées sur plusieurs études industrielles. Les gains obtenus en terme de coût de calcul sont significatifs (jusqu'à 50%), pour un surcoût mémoire négligeable.The thesis aims at developing efficient numerical methods to solve nonlinear problems arising un solid mechanics. In this field, Newton methods are currently used, requiring the solution of a sequence of linear systems. Furthermore, the imposed linear relations are dualized with the Lagrange multipliers, leading to matrices with a saddle point structure. In a more general framework, we propose two classes of preconditioners (named limited memory preconditioners) to solve sequences of linear systems with a Krylov subspace method. The first class is based on an extension of a method initially developed for symmetric positive definite matrices to the symmetric indefinite case. Both families can be interpreted as block variants of updating formulas used in numerical optimization. They have been implemented into the Code_Aster solid mechanics software (in a parallel distributed environement using the PETSc library). These new preconditioning strategies are illustrated on several industrial applications. We obtain significant gains in computational cost (up to 50%) at a marginal overcost in memory

    On fixed-point, Krylov, and 2Ă—22\times 2 block preconditioners for nonsymmetric problems

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    The solution of matrices with 2Ă—22\times 2 block structure arises in numerous areas of computational mathematics, such as PDE discretizations based on mixed-finite element methods, constrained optimization problems, or the implicit or steady state treatment of any system of PDEs with multiple dependent variables. Often, these systems are solved iteratively using Krylov methods and some form of block preconditioner. Under the assumption that one diagonal block is inverted exactly, this paper proves a direct equivalence between convergence of 2Ă—22\times2 block preconditioned Krylov or fixed-point iterations to a given tolerance, with convergence of the underlying preconditioned Schur-complement problem. In particular, results indicate that an effective Schur-complement preconditioner is a necessary and sufficient condition for rapid convergence of 2Ă—22\times 2 block-preconditioned GMRES, for arbitrary relative-residual stopping tolerances. A number of corollaries and related results give new insight into block preconditioning, such as the fact that approximate block-LDU or symmetric block-triangular preconditioners offer minimal reduction in iteration over block-triangular preconditioners, despite the additional computational cost. Theoretical results are verified numerically on a nonsymmetric steady linearized Navier-Stokes discretization, which also demonstrate that theory based on the assumption of an exact inverse of one diagonal block extends well to the more practical setting of inexact inverses.Comment: Accepted to SIMA

    Preconditioning of Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations of the Navier-Stokes Equations

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    The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are of major interest due to their importance in modelling fluid flow problems. However, solving the Navier-Stokes equations is a difficult task. To address this problem, in this thesis, we consider fast and efficient solvers. We are particularly interested in solving a new class of hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) discretizations of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, as these discretizations result in exact mass conservation, are locally conservative, and have fewer degrees of freedom than discontinuous Galerkin methods (which is typically used for advection dominated flows). To achieve this goal, we have made various contributions to related problems, as I discuss next. Firstly, we consider the solution of matrices with 2x2 block structure. We are interested in this problem as many discretizations of the Navier-Stokes equations result in block linear systems of equations, especially discretizations based on mixed-finite element methods like HDG. These systems also arise in other areas of computational mathematics, such as constrained optimization problems, or the implicit or steady state treatment of any system of PDEs with multiple dependent variables. Often, these systems are solved iteratively using Krylov methods and some form of block preconditioner. Under the assumption that one diagonal block is inverted exactly, we prove a direct equivalence between convergence of 2x2 block preconditioned Krylov or fixed-point iterations to a given tolerance, with convergence of the underlying preconditioned Schur-complement problem. In particular, results indicate that an effective Schur-complement preconditioner is a necessary and sufficient condition for rapid convergence of 2x2 block-preconditioned GMRES, for arbitrary relative-residual stopping tolerances. A number of corollaries and related results give new insight into block preconditioning, such as the fact that approximate block-LDU or symmetric block-triangular preconditioners offer minimal reduction in iteration over block-triangular preconditioners, despite the additional computational cost. We verify the theoretical results numerically on an HDG discretization of the steady linearized Navier--Stokes equations. The findings also demonstrate that theory based on the assumption of an exact inverse of one diagonal block extends well to the more practical setting of inexact inverses. Secondly, as an initial step towards solving the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations, we investigate the efficiency, robustness, and scalability of approximate ideal restriction (AIR) algebraic multigrid as a preconditioner in the all-at-once solution of a space-time HDG discretization of the scalar advection-diffusion equation. The motivation for this study is two-fold. First, the HDG discretization of the velocity part of the momentum block of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations is the HDG discretization of the vector advection-diffusion equation. Hence, efficient and fast solution of the advection-diffusion problem is a prerequisite for developing fast solvers for the Navier-Stokes equations. The second reason to study this all-at-once space-time problem is that the time-dependent advection-diffusion equation can be seen as a ``steady'' advection-diffusion problem in (d+1)-dimensions and AIR has been shown to be a robust solver for steady advection-dominated problems. We present numerical examples which demonstrate the effectiveness of AIR as a preconditioner for time-dependent advection-diffusion problems on fixed and time-dependent domains, using both slab-by-slab and all-at-once space-time discretizations, and in the context of uniform and space-time adaptive mesh refinement. A closer look at the geometric coarsening structure that arises in AIR also explains why AIR can provide robust, scalable space-time convergence on advective and hyperbolic problems, while most multilevel parallel-in-time schemes struggle with such problems. As the final topic of this thesis, we extend two state-of-the-art preconditioners for the Navier-Stokes equations, namely, the pressure convection-diffusion and the grad-div/augmented Lagrangian preconditioners to HDG discretizations. Our preconditioners are simple to implement, and our numerical results show that these preconditioners are robust in h and only mildly dependent on the Reynolds numbers
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