23,306 research outputs found

    High dynamic range imaging for archaeological recording

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    This paper notes the adoption of digital photography as a primary recording means within archaeology, and reviews some issues and problems that this presents. Particular attention is given to the problems of recording high-contrast scenes in archaeology and High Dynamic Range imaging using multiple exposures is suggested as a means of providing an archive of high-contrast scenes that can later be tone-mapped to provide a variety of visualisations. Exposure fusion is also considered, although it is noted that this has some disadvantages. Three case studies are then presented (1) a very high contrast photograph taken from within a rock-cut tomb at Cala Morell, Menorca (2) an archaeological test pitting exercise requiring rapid acquisition of photographic records in challenging circumstances and (3) legacy material consisting of three differently exposed colour positive (slide) photographs of the same scene. In each case, HDR methods are shown to significantly aid the generation of a high quality illustrative record photograph, and it is concluded that HDR imaging could serve an effective role in archaeological photographic recording, although there remain problems of archiving and distributing HDR radiance map data

    Query generation from multiple media examples

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    This paper exploits an unified media document representation called feature terms for query generation from multiple media examples, e.g. images. A feature term refers to a value interval of a media feature. A media document is therefore represented by a frequency vector about feature term appearance. This approach (1) facilitates feature accumulation from multiple examples; (2) enables the exploration of text-based retrieval models for multimedia retrieval. Three statistical criteria, minimised chi-squared, minimised AC/DC rate and maximised entropy, are proposed to extract feature terms from a given media document collection. Two textual ranking functions, KL divergence and a BM25-like retrieval model, are adapted to estimate media document relevance. Experiments on the Corel photo collection and the TRECVid 2006 collection show the effectiveness of feature term based query in image and video retrieval

    Cross-calibration of Time-of-flight and Colour Cameras

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    Time-of-flight cameras provide depth information, which is complementary to the photometric appearance of the scene in ordinary images. It is desirable to merge the depth and colour information, in order to obtain a coherent scene representation. However, the individual cameras will have different viewpoints, resolutions and fields of view, which means that they must be mutually calibrated. This paper presents a geometric framework for this multi-view and multi-modal calibration problem. It is shown that three-dimensional projective transformations can be used to align depth and parallax-based representations of the scene, with or without Euclidean reconstruction. A new evaluation procedure is also developed; this allows the reprojection error to be decomposed into calibration and sensor-dependent components. The complete approach is demonstrated on a network of three time-of-flight and six colour cameras. The applications of such a system, to a range of automatic scene-interpretation problems, are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 3 table

    Creating Simplified 3D Models with High Quality Textures

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    This paper presents an extension to the KinectFusion algorithm which allows creating simplified 3D models with high quality RGB textures. This is achieved through (i) creating model textures using images from an HD RGB camera that is calibrated with Kinect depth camera, (ii) using a modified scheme to update model textures in an asymmetrical colour volume that contains a higher number of voxels than that of the geometry volume, (iii) simplifying dense polygon mesh model using quadric-based mesh decimation algorithm, and (iv) creating and mapping 2D textures to every polygon in the output 3D model. The proposed method is implemented in real-time by means of GPU parallel processing. Visualization via ray casting of both geometry and colour volumes provides users with a real-time feedback of the currently scanned 3D model. Experimental results show that the proposed method is capable of keeping the model texture quality even for a heavily decimated model and that, when reconstructing small objects, photorealistic RGB textures can still be reconstructed.Comment: 2015 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), Page 1 -

    A comparison of score, rank and probability-based fusion methods for video shot retrieval

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    It is now accepted that the most effective video shot retrieval is based on indexing and retrieving clips using multiple, parallel modalities such as text-matching, image-matching and feature matching and then combining or fusing these parallel retrieval streams in some way. In this paper we investigate a range of fusion methods for combining based on multiple visual features (colour, edge and texture), for combining based on multiple visual examples in the query and for combining multiple modalities (text and visual). Using three TRECVid collections and the TRECVid search task, we specifically compare fusion methods based on normalised score and rank that use either the average, weighted average or maximum of retrieval results from a discrete Jelinek-Mercer smoothed language model. We also compare these results with a simple probability-based combination of the language model results that assumes all features and visual examples are fully independent

    When Face Recognition Meets with Deep Learning: an Evaluation of Convolutional Neural Networks for Face Recognition

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    Deep learning, in particular Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), has achieved promising results in face recognition recently. However, it remains an open question: why CNNs work well and how to design a 'good' architecture. The existing works tend to focus on reporting CNN architectures that work well for face recognition rather than investigate the reason. In this work, we conduct an extensive evaluation of CNN-based face recognition systems (CNN-FRS) on a common ground to make our work easily reproducible. Specifically, we use public database LFW (Labeled Faces in the Wild) to train CNNs, unlike most existing CNNs trained on private databases. We propose three CNN architectures which are the first reported architectures trained using LFW data. This paper quantitatively compares the architectures of CNNs and evaluate the effect of different implementation choices. We identify several useful properties of CNN-FRS. For instance, the dimensionality of the learned features can be significantly reduced without adverse effect on face recognition accuracy. In addition, traditional metric learning method exploiting CNN-learned features is evaluated. Experiments show two crucial factors to good CNN-FRS performance are the fusion of multiple CNNs and metric learning. To make our work reproducible, source code and models will be made publicly available.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 7 table

    TRECVid 2007 experiments at Dublin City University

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    In this paper we describe our retrieval system and experiments performed for the automatic search task in TRECVid 2007. We submitted the following six automatic runs: • F A 1 DCU-TextOnly6: Baseline run using only ASR/MT text features. • F A 1 DCU-ImgBaseline4: Baseline visual expert only run, no ASR/MT used. Made use of query-time generation of retrieval expert coefficients for fusion. • F A 2 DCU-ImgOnlyEnt5: Automatic generation of retrieval expert coefficients for fusion at index time. • F A 2 DCU-imgOnlyEntHigh3: Combination of coefficient generation which combined the coefficients generated by the query-time approach, and the index-time approach, with greater weight given to the index-time coefficient. • F A 2 DCU-imgOnlyEntAuto2: As above, except that greater weight is given to the query-time coefficient that was generated. • F A 2 DCU-autoMixed1: Query-time expert coefficient generation that used both visual and text experts

    Review of the mathematical foundations of data fusion techniques in surface metrology

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    The recent proliferation of engineered surfaces, including freeform and structured surfaces, is challenging current metrology techniques. Measurement using multiple sensors has been proposed to achieve enhanced benefits, mainly in terms of spatial frequency bandwidth, which a single sensor cannot provide. When using data from different sensors, a process of data fusion is required and there is much active research in this area. In this paper, current data fusion methods and applications are reviewed, with a focus on the mathematical foundations of the subject. Common research questions in the fusion of surface metrology data are raised and potential fusion algorithms are discussed